Tree of Savior Forum

DEX-Doppel builds Brainstorming

use DOV>use lapasape

instant charges

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poisons you, so you could stack DoV without getting hit, but the tick is very slow tho (1 tick per second?). would be better to have bloodletting (if bloodletting works too since it deals 1 damage per second) friend too so you could stack faster.

My cartar level 5 on those statues on 130 dg hits roughly about 12-14k crit per hit. Invested level 50 attributes on it. Its really good.

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Tokens stack. Use them all and youā€™ll have premium privileges until imc shuts down :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, so the Highlander3>Barbarian1 variant remains my favourite.
Specially because at lv330 youā€™ll find Bosses with more than 330 DEF easily, and reducing Bosses DEF is more important to me than using something similar to mobbing.

@hienng1991 made quite a good point, and his build seems to be exactly what Is needed, but there is a math error that 2 green gems wonā€™t provide 256 points of evasion. in fact, 2 green gems on boots will provide 64 points:

But still, even though a 1000 point would be ideal, itā€™s possible to reach a pretty big number with leather and no guardian, using:

Ibre Boots +10+ 2 Green gems lvl 7+ leather mastery+210 DEX+ elaganos card, For a total of:

That would allow 77% dodge rate even on the world bosses with highest accuracy in the game, and is possible to achieve on plate if you can squeeze about 95 extra points of evasion from gems and enchantments.

(Using Superior Royal guard greaves and more or less the same setup)

The question is, is that a good value?

If it is acceptable, I think we can move on to how that build would maximize itā€™s damage dealing capabilities :smiley:

So, senpais, what do you think?

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Itā€™s pretty good, i used to tank Marnox with 850 evasion, and i could heal up just with potions. Rexipher is not a problem.
That leaves Helgasercle and Mirtis, which if you want to tank their nasty/deadly AoEā€™s youā€™d need around 950-1100 evasion. All of this, considering you have a shtty Cleric ā€œhealingā€ you.
Personally, i would not use Ellaganos cards if youā€™re already DEX type. You need to balance evasion with damage output. At this point, weā€™re close to get rank 8, (Late September) so save your blessed shards for the new weapons and work getting 10
stars cards for your desired combo.

Marnox and helga are a joke as a tank, the only problem with marnox is positioning, i donā€™t know how to be able to lock him in a place without lifting me and changing his position and stomping my warlocks with his massives tackle, ā€¦ rexipher is soo damn boring and annoyingā€¦ just grab a venier and leave a coin in the Zā€¦ thatā€™s all ā€¦ with just a random cleric throwing cure for the death sentenceā€¦ nothing moreā€¦ evasion ditch almost all of what he can do (helga balls will rip anything if youā€™re surrounded by them but are kiteable) and mirtisā€¦ even a high dex char need to jump, move, kite.
for once her stats donā€™t match the ones in the page (she hit with such accuracy that even dex archer end deads if they donā€™t evade those lightning). being with less than 25k will be problematic ā€¦ with 30k or more you will not stress the healer as much as another variant with less con, some kind of block is mandatory (c block over 2k helped more than my lunge and his mighty 4 seconds of evasion boost),ā€¦ when i tanked that damn obnoxius Demon_L almost all dps swordies where dead in a matter of secondsā€¦ fletchers just throwed magic and retreatā€¦ then rinse and repeat and when you got pissed off because your party is the one getting the worst side you can move her where all the others supports are and get them killed.

Sorry I looked at the wrong column. My bad

If you still plan on going pelt just keep in mind although guardian gives you +18% evasion it also reduces your p.atk by 14% at lvl 1.

Just for added info:

  1. Warcry can be used on some traps / icewalls to maximize the damage boost. best utilize on TBL when icewalls/caltrops are there. instant Power.

  2. Warcry range is just so so meh. but you can extend it by Jumping after casting it. range from where you stand and where youā€™ll land will be considered as full range of warcry. try it yourself

Well, itā€™s just a convenience. Outside the Elaganos Cards, shade set can be used to fill up for the evasion. But I decided to use the cards because it means i will need a smaller base DEX.

So, now it seems we know the gears necessary for the evasion to work:

About 210 dex
Either a leather set with smaller Green Gems or a Plate set with better green gems
Max Pentamion
Shade Set or Elaganos cards

Now, there are about 100 stat points to be used. How would you guys spend then? And which gear would you use to maximize the damage? Red gems on gloves for critical attack, plus sissel and Magi?
What do you guys think?

Though I donā€™t crit nearly as often, I could reach 8.6k cyclone crits on a high str build on that same mob with mine being enhanced to 40% and lvl 5, versus that guyā€™s cyclone 10, 50% enhance and better equips overall.

Iā€™ve had a dex doppel before and I can really feel this new str one outdamaging it hard.

when dop vs PD ā€¦

Well, you should, DEX builds trade highr output for more survivability for now

Then I donā€™t see why go high dex. Magic mobs are the worst thing you can encounter in the game and you canā€™t evade those, physical mobs are bearable with Aspersion, which softens the physical blows enough until you reach high Deeds levels. That becomes even less of an issue if you have a healer around or are fighting 1v1.

Evasion is even counterproductive for Deeds stacking if you donā€™t waste time or some money stockpiling Lapasape Mushrooms. Iā€™m not seeing one being offered on Klaipedaā€™s server market at the moment, but I donā€™t think theyā€™re really cheap


  • Physical Mobs still hit hard.
  • Even though it may seem you hit harder on each blow, on the average run, your damage is more or less the same
  • Because you can in fact spend more time DPSing than running around world bosses. DPS ainā€™t hit damage, itā€™s damage over time
  • The higher your damage, the better DEX scales
  • There are several ways to stack deeds: Lapasape, magic hits, and so on
  • Less time running around means more time making use of your deeds.
  • Being alive always means more DPS, and it offsets deeds no DEF problem

In ktos the penalty has been changed to 2% at level 1 then +0.9% per level after

So the penalty is a non-issue now

Lmao str doppel is the same as dex doppel, they wasting even more money to buy mana pot and heal pot =]