Tree of Savior Forum

Details on the Founder's Server and Regional Servers

This is a task for several people. For a community! :wink:

BTW the steam community hub isnā€™t used that much (in case of tos), but there are already some people who are quite upset and refunding the game after finding out, that thereā€™s no european server at all.

One thing about opening new server hosts that has been overlooked, oddly enough, during this announcement and that has been a big and one of the main concerns during the 3 month EA initial idea and that has nothing to do with money : the fractioning of the player database. Some weā€™re going crazy over it and using it as their main ammunition during the initial 3 month EA, but this hasnā€™t come up much in this topic. Sure 30% seems like quite a big number, but wonā€™t that limit the amount of players and empty out the servers overall ? People say that empty servers kill an MMORPG, but it seems that a lower ping would be a worthy sacrifice for most. This would take it even more in that direction if you start taking on multiple hosts for different regions, giving each a small fraction of the community.

Empty servers wonā€™t kill a mmo. It is natural to merge servers after the initial rush of players. They just donā€™t want to separate the playerbase in this state of the game. Letā€™s be realistic. Most players will be pure F2P players. Right now they just have numbers based on the paying customers (and only of those, who are willing to pay even without any regional servers).

With F2P we will get more accurate numbers and an overall bigger playerbase. If they are releasing regional servers at this point, they will also see a rising number of the paying playerbase. The circle of life or something blablaā€¦


Thatā€™s what will happen anyway if they open more than two serversā€¦
So better to have them opening servers across the world (according to players location) than only in Muricaā€¦

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Anyone can tell me exactly EDT time now? TY
Time is on the right

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Dont know if this question have been asked before, but now that there will be a free team transfer, if there will be any eu server. if we transfer our character, will we than get all our items, gold, etc with us when we transfer :wink: ? i know it might be a weird question but its seen before with a transfer theres a limit to what you can transfer with you. i would just like to have it clear that when we transfer we transfer everything like founders hat, pet, gold/silver etcā€¦ :slight_smile:

Hope someone is able to answer. have a great night/day :slight_smile:

@Staff_Julie Please answer me. If I bought the Founderā€™s Access, can I play on Latinamerican server/world? or am I forced to play onan International server?

Level Up from Brazil is a piece of cakeā€¦ i from Brazil and i donā€™t wanna play on it. i think the most of the Brazilians here in the forum should agree.

This is why we deserve a server in Latin america, in addition to being the second largest buyers.

I prefer to play with high ping than playing on the Level Up server


Good Day IMC and fellow gamers, just want to express my opinion about the sales and servers

Looking at the graph, it would be natural for the 26% and 30% because the server is based on the US, but you should consider the support of the other countries (for sure it would be awesomely high ping for us) iā€™m from SEA by the way, and saying you based it on the sales and conclude that you cannot create or sustain regional servers while the only server available on its OBT is only on the US? how can you convince other gamer alike with that? but as you have said youā€™ll consider creating it LATER, i hope that would be true and the transfer thing

Keep it up IMC!! we will support you because we like TOS

Domo arigato IMC! gambatte! :sunglasses:

Make it happen! \o


iā€™m glad character transfer has been announced. was kind of worried about not being able to use the pack but now thatā€™s been announced I can at least use the founder pack. if a EU server is released later on il transfer but until then seeya all Tuesday :slight_smile:

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Hmm if your going to transfer buy all the things you can buy in the founder server because its cheaper then sell it to the new world in a higher price lol xD. That is called monopoly of the economy in the new server if that happens xD.

Donā€™t say that. The next thing we know they will restrict item transfers.

The real graph/chart will start at april 28 where you can see how many SEA player is going to playā€¦

refund, no server no money.

is simple had my pack purchased , but no server in Europe want my money back

2 dayā€™s remaining and nothing about regional server.

Already refunded.

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They said. No regional servers ^^. Yet~

Probably in a bunch of months or on realese.
With a big IF.

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If they did not want regional server why on earth did they give people a one time team transfer if you cant use it? come on people read the damn information they have provided stop coming to the conclusion they are never going to make regional serversā€¦

They said that they will work on it. As they go the no risk option they will pay some bills now and deliver numbers. Then according to F2P release new servers will be opened. Depending on the number of user in the founders time there might already be new servers added.