Tree of Savior Forum

Details on the Founder's Server and Regional Servers

I am a SEA player. Personally, from my past experience with other mmorpgs, I will never play on any EU server because of high ping(300ms±). However since we are comparing with US East servers, their ping should more or less be equally bad. I would however, jump on a US West server in a heartbeat if they ever have plans for that in the future.

Discussed this, i take your word on it.
That being said, the question remains floating in the air: What percentage is needed to open an eu server? 30% support is still 1/3 of the community, and i doubt anybody would be willing to support the game when its unplayable due to ping issues.

Its literally shooting yourself in the leg.
If the game will turn out to be unplayable for any region, that region will simply leave. This is a good way to get even less support.

It’s still need standalone server marked fo future transfer.

  1. after transfer people left will not feel themselves lonely
  2. all players will have near same ping and no matter its high
    Like if consider this wise!:mortar_board:

If the servers for Brazil will be separated from the Steam servers, will we still be able to transfer the team?

@STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John


Almost 230 posts with people crying about EU servers.
Many people says will refund but the truth they will play the game in secret.

Iam somewhat dissapointed tbh.

would there be an eu server i would gladly buy the big founder pack. but since i have no guarantee for a really good gameplay, ill just barely try it with the small one or even suguest to wait for some real time feedback.

would be a shame to waste money for a terrible gameplay expirience :frowning:

Let’s recreate the brazillian incident in iCBT 2 again :baby_chick:
Join the game when it’s free and wage war again the NA players :smiley: with enough peoples and crack they’ll make an EU server for us lol


I hope so !!!

International my ass. @Staff_Julie So there’s 50% in America and Brazil. So what? 30%+ still comes from Europe and you think that ONE THIRD of your playerbase isn’t enough to cater for, wtf? Also most Europeans aren’t purchasing because they are WAITING for you guys to WAKE UP and accommodate us with an EU server… You’ve accommodated to NA players, but expect us to put down money when you show that you aren’t interested in making us feel welcome?

You won’t open even a SINGLE cheap cloud server for EU players, not even as a token of good will for those in the future?

Looks like it’s time to refund 100%. Ain’t no way I am playing with almost 300 ping. Man when the game goes free to play in a month ain’t no one going to be able to MOVE let alone use any attacks with the amount of people who are going to play then. By then it’s going to be too late and people will be leaving left and right. The game gets ONE chance for a release, and this is definitive proof that they have no idea what they are doing.

This ‘sales’ information is bullcrap and doesn’t remotely represent how many people are going to play this when the game goes live for free. If there’s 100k people now already willing to PAY to play this a month early, there’s at least another 100 THOUSAND who are going to play it for free. Still you think that it’s not worth opening up an EU server…? Are you crazy?

Perfect example of a publishing company that has no idea how to scale and doesn’t think far enough down the line in order to make an educated decision.


Ask for a refund will break any chance of a EU server.

i supported a lot of private server like wow(Nostalrius, Kronos, Dalaran) and conqueronline(playconquer, eternity). well still support them (i reached 2k dollar donation in one server) here’s why:-

1-Gm in PS they really know how to deal with players issues. may take times to help you if they got high player base but they never forget you.take playconquer for example they have 400 players in brazil/eu they right away opened a server for each of them.

2-they make sure the contents free(to p2w shop),balanced and not bad to way makes you quit. problem is the bug takes time to be fixed.

3- no botters. Gms play the game just to find those who breaks it. i know one of PS there was a GM who is a hacker and made a blog about how he destroyed a goldseller and made him lose 100k dollar by exposing his network.this is why i love private servers they protect their contents no matter who is against even if u managed to buy gold and bought from market/vendor…they will track you down.

4-ping low way lower than the retails.

5-they know what makes the gameplay awesome so they usually put challenges for you if they think the game 2 easy to beat. like if lvling to 200 is easy they will make 200-300 harder.but that depend on the players votes there.
6- they usually funded by donation. good private servers they put cosmatic rewords for your donation.some take out items in shop and gives you ViP privileges like tokens in the game for high exp rate when farming.but these things doesnt affects the game to be p2w.

so if there is a private server for this any time soon expect to throw my money since retail ignored us and cared only for US players.and am hardcore crazy grinder with a lot of cash.(i bought 6 DLC for me and my friends now i want to refund them)

We realize, but we also have to keep in mind that with our current funding, we cannot start a server without proper support. Not to mention that we need continuous support to be able to maintain that service.

There’s no need for further debate since this is a rather subjective matter, so I’ll stop here. Thank you for supporting the game, nonetheless. :slight_smile:


So these servers are very good for the players. That doesn´t change the fact that they are stealing the games code from the developer and thats a crime. They don´t have to pay for development and many many other things a real company has to consider. They also have almost zero risk. If the players go away or they are bored the server just shuts down who cares? They don´t loose anything. Therefore they can easily make a profit.

So guys please stop coming up with stupid excuses to defend criminal activitys.
Thank you


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You know what’s funny you can spot the bad ones in the community they don’t expect change they expect miracles you know its very rare for a company to publish sales data on a public forum yet people are still not satisfied if you want a refund by all means but don’t justify that its unfair they have given there reasons addressed by your questions they have listen to your requests to what people have asked for and they have responded with a response to it… for crying out loud stop demanding more its not bad customer service its just what it is they cant change the world you know. Things possibly will change for the future but first we need to get off the day one rush to the server expect a server to burst into flames at some point due to the huge influx.


when developers are ok to see people time/money/hardwork go waste because of the stupid management, they need a better people that know how to manage. you call it stealing we call it saving the game.
so stop giving excuses too.


While I find the post unnecessarily aggressive. I can’t help but agree and realize that yea, they DID announce ToS under IMC is “INTERNATIONAL”. International yet obviously just trying to cater America and Brazil. Coincidence that the CBT and OBT servers are located ONLY on east coast? I THINK NOT.


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is this your definition of international ?

Did you understand my post in the first place?