Tree of Savior Forum

Details on the Founder's Server and Regional Servers

Thank you for this piece of news, Julie.

Hopefully there won’t be a shred of lag or server issues all of us will have to worry about, but I don’t mind putting up with it to enjoy this game (just like in CBT2). :two_hearts:

I’m still going to stay in Laima despite the possiblity of new servers being added. :gift_heart:

I feel as though Steam purchase data should not be the only piece of data being calculated to determine rather another regional server should be added.

There are plenty of players on the forums (and plenty of people who participated in CBT1 and CBT2) from the SEA and EU regions that want a server and—as many have mentioned in the forums—are withholding their money until they have received an announce regarding a regional server.

However, it has been mentioned that it may be considered if more support shown from the regions in which I assume in the forum of purchasing the Founder’s Packs. I just wanted to share that other forms of data should be considered rather than just the Steam purchase data.

I do hope the EU and SEA players won’t have to suffer with very high ping until the final decision of the regional servers have been shared with us.

(EDIT: If the reason why a regional server cannot be supported is due to issues related to funding then I completely understand why more support is needed.)

Thanks again—as always—for your detailed announcements, Julie! :smile:


I hope you do not restrict us to play on specific servers only… All my friends are from NA and I am from SEA. I am also after the community and from past experience…I feel NA community is less toxic that SEA…Please consider that. I don’t mind a little lag as long as I can play on NA server.

Well you’re assuming they are broke, I don’t know if you are more private to their finance than me but IMO they should have got quite a bit of cash with the early access sales.

But do you think a wait and see strategy is better than to try to snowball the game at launch?

Ads were just an exemple btw, I think what they have here is more a low risk + high reward opportunity, just frustrated they don’t seem to care.

I don’t mind having a 200+ ping(assuming what EU players get) but I’m from SEA and i get 400+ ping… come on. Stop complaining and the worst ping is from Australian players lol. (RIP)

actually SEA can play both NA and Indo server. but Indo can only play Indo server. so SEA server kinda useless?

you stated the “1-time team transfer” here and in your other announcement, my question is will the “1-time team transfer” that is for founder’s pack purchaser be counted towards this “1-time team transfer” to regional servers?


The sales aren’t within the budget meant for investments yet.
To know about the status of IMC you only need to read into their decisions, to read between the lines. Right now, they are obviously on a keep-the-costs-low trip with low-low budget. Every decision up to now is based on that basic idea (cooperating with steam, canceling of the obt plan, paid early access, rushed start with nexon with an unfinished game, etc)

Try to reason their decisions not from the pov of the user, rather from the pov of a company dealing with liquidity issues, now being forced to make some money quick. They would never throw the money they just got away when investors demand results and the necessity of new investments being avoidable by making compromising decisions.

They seemed to care a lot though. Their basic plan was to never allow server-transfers. Now they promised them. They actually never thought about regional servers. Now they consider it in the future.
They care about it.


I see, that sounds about right…
I think you have much more insight than me lol

But yet, this opportunity of server cost, vs sales boost seems really a pity

IMO they should have promised a future EU/SEA server with those transfer, that would have pleased everyone and made their sales better at no cost. (instead of slowing their EU/SEA sales)
Although maybe they didn’t want to promise something they may not be able to give.

When you keep your mind unclouded by hate or frustration and try to grasp the intentions of the opposition, you will be able to relate why they did what they did.

Even if I’m able to reason IMC’s decisions, I’m setting them into an ironic and satiric subtext lol
Most of their decisions are lazy, pretty cheap and not well thought out, apparently dealing with the low budget somehow, totally underestimating the western economy and community xD

Dodging responsibilities whenever possible and passing them to the user is also part of that. Thats all the stuff you notice by reading between the lines. Its hilarious to see how the higher ups are trying to deal with us xD

Exactly. They weren’t sure of whether they can do that or not. Seems like the higher ups came to the conclusion thats cheaper than promising new servers. On top, they keep the option open to not open regional servers in the end by saying, “not enough players for eu, look at these stats!!”, even if the raw numbers seem to barely fit. A bluff to raise the sales in the present in the worst case.


then… 3 founder server for the first day??
North america
latin america
and SEA??
or just north america foudner for all players?

just NA.
BR will be through partner.

No Latin/SEA/EU/etc servers for now.


So, with that numbers, a LA founder’s server can be real?
Well, I’ll keep playing in any of the servers available in the founders then later I transfer for a LA when it happens.

well thanks.
other question. they say
we will be offering a 1-time Team transfer to regional servers if and when they are created. Only 1 Team transfer will be offered to each Steam account.

whats to they mean with team?

all the characters you have in a server. Remember when you start the game, you create ur team’s name?

Keep in mind server means one world. Like Gabija and Laima, although may be localized in the same physical servers, have different teams.

ah my lodging… ok thanks so much!

I don’t know indo server is ip blocked or not (I’m not from indo btw) and I don’t want to play MMO via “any publisher”

many of us here in thailand wanted to play on official server and prey that ToS won’t get published in thailand because publisher here is f_cking sucks

as I said before , If “money” is an issue about hosting EU or SEA server. IMC should start a project in kickstarter , ask community for money and give them server and something else in return

Really? NotLikeThis again.

You are happy that we have a team transfer to nowhere because there is only 1 server? Seems legit…

Please, keep in mind that Europe has “only” 12% because many players just wait for an EU server or for an announcement like this (like me and my friends for example). Europe + Russia are 25% strong.

Now I can buy the Founder’s Pack and wait for an EU server.
I don’t know why but I’m pretty sure we will get one sooner or later.


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