Tree of Savior Forum

Deikan Hook 64 user. The great hooker

  • Server : Klaipeda

  • Team Name : Deikan

  • Evidence: Here is a quick look at Deikan’s equipment when he is hiding it.

Here are some of the screenshots of what he is actually using. I would also call him the great QS hooker.

I noticed this because I have a habit of checking the items of whoever I am trading with to avoid possible bug abusers/exploiters as well as hackers.

I hope IMC does something about this as hook64 users are gaining an unfair advantage over players who play without exploiting or hacking.

I will later upload a video as well so it can be used as evidence. Kindly post here and like it in order to improve visibility as IMC normally won’t act on something unless it blows up to the public.



bump for faster action

IMc needs to do something!!!

IMC don’t care about this

I think we should start reporting all bots and cheaters to steam so they will threaten IMC to take care of this problem or will be dropped from steam. It is not a secret that iToS has no live GM’s. May be reporting that kind of problems directly to Valve will force IMC to do something about it.

One more hook 64 using hidden stuff.

9/26/2016 - 6:09 pm (server time) He got upset at me when i posted it on reddit.

this may be true, however sh1tjin youre just as bad as him. did kirito’s teet run dry today? kys

HUE HUE dumb boy admits being dumb, dumb dumb but imc doesn’t ban dumbs, does that mean imc is dumber :rolling_eyes:

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didn’t even know this was a thing, though it doesn’t surprise me


based on your whiteknight theory, this exploit/hack doesnt destroy the game.
hook64 is nothing if you dont participate in pvp/gvg.

hook64 is not harmful if you just doing pve content, guild bosshunt, EarthTower etc…


if pvp/gvg is broken, just find a workaround and enjoy the other pve content… right?

this situation with hook64 doesnt demotivate newbie to try TOS, right?

You mean rmtlord? I actually left since he is extremely rude. I was helping him out and he instead raged at me about his RMT practices even if I never mentioned anything about RMT.

Deikan on Reddit claimed that he is from fedimian and not the same guy in Klaipeda. He was getting upset that he is getting hate mails due to mistaken identity … until this came out

I admit, you’re only mildly better than that stalker that posted Melon’s picture everywhere trying to call her a cow.

As someone who has hacked AND been a script-kiddie himself, why would I not know how malignant a third party injection program could be on a game?

Now you’re just getting pedantic, trying to hang onto my pearly white greaves.

you can think of me in any way you like…

fact is fact

ban me if i violate rules with my hard cold fact

cant handle the truth, then resort to silent the people

so much for being non-toxic and contribute for greater good.

still doesnt change the fact you were his right-hand man for 4 months straight and did nothing but start drama with others over nothing. i hope you quit this game and rot on my ignore list prick

Right hand man? I never even hung around with him. I spent most of my time either solo or hanging out with the other members and the only time I was actively in the same map as him was during our guild pictorial. If you consider me being upset at you queuing on TBL on your squire 3 with 0 dps to troll a drama then I guess that counts.

P.S. Majority of klaipedans hate you for queuing TBL on your merchant to troll yet you still do it in order to induce anger and annoyance upon the rest of the community on purpose.

hes just a troll, you’re feeding into it.

True. I mean majority of the players in our server already knows he is a troll yet I let myself get baited. IMC just responded to my ticket and they said that they are already investigating Deikan’s account.

I think I missed that juicy drama, who was that? huehue.

But it was IMC who allowed merchant classes to queue TBL in the first place