Tree of Savior Forum

Deikan Hook 64 user. The great hooker

oh im sorry do i not fit in your elitist friend clique? i didnt see TBL had protocols and laws. so sorry your highness

clearly your toxicity towards others isnt related to your sincere reports. just because he owned you in TBL doesnt excuse the fact you were funded by RMT and continue to be ignorant by choice.

i deserve my 50 TBL points a day just as much as you. this is a casual minigame, and youre a tryhard prick who should learn to shut his mouth when causing “drama” with no instigation

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so merchant class queuing TBL is a new trend now?

thats cool~

Edit it to merchant class queuing in TBL while going semi-afk (Talking but not moving) the whole match just to troll others while intentionally losing.

same logic as AFK pet farm, merchant class going tbl isnt against any rules.

i might just do this with my squire3 merchant no hook skill.

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Arena afk bots are coming to TOS, be prepared

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I’ll choose this over hook64 users.

nice accusations. just because when im last one alive against melee so i press C doesnt >imply im afking in arena. continue que’ing and getting 1 hit. not my fault you insta-die

keep >implying and spreading lies. i dont afk in arena and 100% of anyone whose seen me in arena knows this

keep b1tching about a casual minigame scrub

lets keep this on topic folks need the ban hammer GM’s . As for Swaaz just cause he full con squire doesnt mean he doesnt have the right to pvp. ive run into plenty of scrubs who id trade swaaz for on my team. atleast he trys and doesnt die the first second match starts. untill “Team” battle leauge is an actualy team it pretty much is just a fkin mingame


I didn’t know there were levels to being a Hook64 user.
I thought they all fell under the same category as %%%**# (proceed to fill in with whatever profanity or insult you’d like)

For Deikan to be called out as “Great” should be an honour. Lower scrub users should follow his ways and learn to abuse it as well as he can.

Tree of Hook64 Slaviours FTW


TBL is just a minigame designed to keep users hooked on for year more of grinding for a lesser panda companion…only to have it bug out and disappear when it gets hit by enemy mob. Or it’s food consumption is SALTY TALT!

Now we just have to see how he will try to recover from this. He will most likely name change but that won’t work as efficiently as he’d think due to the staff actually having my report and an investigation already started against him.

monkey: imc sir, Deikan… He spent 150 tp to change his name, what should we do?

imc: are you nuts!? of course we are letting him go, we can’t ban a donor who gave us free 15 dollars!


hook64 is best money spent on a hooker

That ownage under the comment threshold.

hmm legalhook64 ? Much player use this no way to do something about it.

Can’t expect too much. He claimed he is from fedimian and that Deikan from Klaipedia isnt him yet he has a PM saying he is in Klai as Deikan. People don’t need to be geniuses to see right through his lies. I bet he didn’t expect that PM to be posted. He probably deeply regrets trying to cover up.

R.I.P TOS, @Sorien wins.


report invalid due to RMT user reporting another. you got butthurt for being owned in TBL like u do everyday now you think imc is going to do something LOL maybe they should ban you for RMT and causing drama

Who is the RMT user reporting?

hacks wins =/


Anyways,welcome to the 14 new hook users since this thread was posted :)! Thanks @Synjin for being such a helpful promoter for Hook64!