Tree of Savior Forum

Dear IMC, please quite the angry mob

Please give us something. The people are all bickering over what KOBT has done with their version of the game and afraid of what will be done here. If you can tell us nothing but that it won’t be the same. That i think would be enough to quite this angry mob. You don’t owe us a response. You don’t owe us anything. With the way we’re all are arguing with one another about it, we don’t even deserve an early “Shh its all gonna be ok, it won’t be the same” but it would be appreciated and cool. That is all.

p.s. i don’t even know if a few words from you would help. It would however be cool tho.


@WatchGintama That wont stop any complaining its basically says pending so it both still could and couldnt happen.

@thebloodyaugust Thats all I needed to hear from IMC. You can wait around and lurk these forums waiting for a solid answer or enjoy the holidays. To each their own.


Don’t worry i can do both :smiley:

Too bad some don’t think like you, that’s why we have so much useless spam threads lately.

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People like the OP would find reasons to complain simply for the sake of complaining, there’s no reason to appease them, it’s a waste of time to even try.

happy holidays!! hope everyone is enjoying theirs

@nando20xx The game is great and still evolving, that’s why I’m not worried at all.

I just don’t understand why everyone is panicking. It possible the international version will be different from the Korean version.

Heres an example. Mabinogi Heroes has a fatigue system on their version of the game with decent drop rates. Vindictus on the other hand has no fatigue system and abysmal drop rates.

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Its because its easier to prevent events before they happen then it is to fix them afterwords. And to be fair the people complaining care about they game, they just don’t want to see it ruined from their perspective.

well look at you mr super hero here to save the day. i wonder what sort of mental gymnastics you do to convince yourself they will read all the complaints you have about what one publisher did that isn’t even affiliated with ours does. my advice loose the cape and get help soon.

People are impatient and always want to know or be heard, that i can understand, but spamming the forums wont help.

Now i ask you, what will be prevented? If IMC decide to go as P2W no one will have a say on it, if they decide to ignore the community and do as they want no one here will block them.
So why spam the forums?
I know lots of people don’t have a good place to expend time when they have some like we had last month on the test, but go occupy your head with something else instead of venting useless and baseless stuff in the forums. As far as i know, and as i already said in a lot of posts, unless IMC come here and announce that it will be P2W i will just wait like @sykwitit540 said.

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IMC could do that but if they saw they would lose the majority or a large percentage of their players, they may consider the potential loss to high.

I am aware of that, but even so, they can pretty much implement P2W elements, not full, but partially to cover costs, its their right if they want to keep the game rolling.

It doesn’t have to be pay 2 win to make money and the system we are complaining about is closer to pay gating than p2w. And once again if that change kills their population then they aren’t making any money are they.Can’t sell things if their is no one to buy them.

My point in here, its not about it will be P2W or not, the point is, its useless to spam the forums with threads about the same thing over and over about something that didn’t happened, as i said on other post, no one here is an Oracle to know how it will be, neither IMC right now have an idea on how it will be, so what is the point on spam the forums? Just to annoy? Well, the only thing i can do is ignore and put those threads on mute, since we don’t have mods or the staff barely come here except to announce something or to say that they will send the report to the devs.

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there’s no reasoning with him as well as few others.we waste our time trying to common sense him. while he wastes his defending quite literally nothing but his bitching. endless loop.

Spamming? Are you including speculation on the current korean model and the old P2P/P2W/B2P/F2P discussions from months ago the same topics?

For current ones i see one complaining about market changes in specific which relates to this.

My topic trying to gauge how much of the population likes /dislikes the potential change.

And this guys thread made to complain about complaining.

so 3 topics 1 of which has little to nothing to do with the model its self.

I know lots of people have been discussing this change in various topics, but those topics were not made for that discussion and is off topic discussion there.

You know the definition of spam right? I don’t think i need to link it, anyway, yeah i know about all the speculations about what KR version is having and people are afraid they might be implemented on our version, but that said, why not condense all in one post instead of starting the same discussion over and over on multiple posts? I don’t see a reason for that.

“irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.”

It is neither inappropriate nor irrelevant.

I made one topic for this discussion when i saw it was spreading through unrelated topics. So im not making multiple topics and when i made it there wasn’t a bunch of them around. And the newest one regarding it was created by ry7737 direct your complaints to him?

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