Tree of Savior Forum

Dear IMC, please quite the angry mob

“And this guys thread made to complain about complaining.”<— i lol’d at that. we call this selective reading. my post was to bring attention to the devs about people argueing with each other and make a plea to the devs to come in and end it all with one single post. which i agreed we totally don’t deserve. i was unaware of the original post by the devs stating what watchgintama linked. i thank him for that. that was super cool. however to some such as mr blood here. its never enough. i dont think it ever will be.

Then let it happen?

You know all those games that were subscription at the start and went into F2P (TERA)?
Or the opposite, games where the company’s reputation is absolute garbage (Konami, EA) but people still pay them for the games anyway?

Besides, as someone who solo a lot before, I looked at all the Token benefits and frankly none of them are that gamebreaking (the only one I think really affect gameplay is the movespeed anyway, you can get away with ignoring the market in this game if you want)

Reading the dev part as the topic would be selective reading you have more lines dedicated to complaining about complaining then the one line asking for a dev response.

you’re retorts are quite remedial and lacking. i got my response linked to me by watchgintama i’m satisfied. you on the other hand will continue to dwell on your dissatisfaction like a pig in the mud.stay dirty

You mean WatchGintama’s link? the one iv linked in topics you’ve been in previously before you made this topic lol?

there we go. fixed!! :slight_smile:

Don’t get me wrong i’m not complaining about you spamming and i know you for a while here in the forums and i can say i never saw you spamming, but others do.
As for @ry7737 his topic is pretty much useless in here, angry mob? I don’t see anyone angry, but concerned about something, but then again, i think its kind useless also to be worried about that right now, i get what others are worried, i too am worried about the same stuff, but me neither you go all gung ho spamming the same thing over and over just because someone saw something on the other side of the globe.

My bad i thought that spam comment was being directed at me. So basically we’ve been going back in forth over some thing we agree on for the most part. Why does this always happen lol.

are you implying i’m spamming? because i sort of am. im sitting here waiting for my swtor to finish dl and am bored with nothing to do. this blood guy said some gay sht in another post i was commenting on and it turned into an argument where i’ve pretty much been saying its redic to debate an implementation on our forums that a totally different publisher incorporated in their version of the game we all love here. i originally set out to smack some people with that bit of common sense and a mr blood here got attracted to me and has been commenting on a lot of my replies since. i’ve seen the same topic posted several times and it bugs me because it’s not true for us. i’ve only ever created one thread and your looking at it. i prefer to talk about things more relevant to us.i could give a rats as what nexon does with their version of the game. either you play here or there or both but quit confusing the two with each other. its comparable to what your getting for christmas. who knows if your getting what you want this year? cross that bridge when you get to it and quit jumping the gun.

the only wrong im guilty of is being mean to him but its a mutual rudeness that’s being shared back and forth.we’re both guilty of being a dic to each other.

Ah well we can’t figure stuff out from just text, we can’t say when one is mad or joking so its normal.[quote=“ry7737, post:29, topic:125841”]
are you implying i’m spamming? because i sort of am. im sitting here waiting for my swtor to finish dl and am bored with nothing to do.
So what if you are bored? So am i, do you see me coming on the forum spam stuff to pass the time?
To be fair on boredom, i am playing Diablo 3 for the sake of boredom, is there anything more boring than that game out there?

I don’t know if i was accompanying the post you are referring, but one thing i can tell, in all the posts about the stuff being implemented on KR, including @thebloodyaugust and other posts that came with only info about the new stuff, most people start with OMG the game is P2W and what not, what the hell, I don’t remember living on KR neither only be able to play there so why the ■■■■ i have to freak out about something a KR publisher decided to do? And just to add, many who post those kind of stuff don’t make distinction about who is the developer and who is the publisher, so you can figure the mess it become when those spam posts start to appear.

I get off of work just to see nothing has changed :smile:. Carry on.

i can tell english isn’t your first language not the be rude but i had a hard time choking down most of what you said having to reread a lot of it just to understand what was being said. that being said. i dont have the best grammar on here or anywhere for that matter either. i digress. mr blood isn’t the only one posting about it and freaking out. many others are as well. its not spamming to tell multiple different people the same knowledge i tell the previous guy. i believe that falls under the category of telling the same people the same thing over and over again.which i’ve done to blood here. but none of you are free of guilt on that. so why are we talking about it? diablo isn’t boring. -.- imo. its a gg.


@ry7737 Yeah its not my main language and i know my english is terrible, what i mean about spam is multiple posts about the same stuff in a short period of time, call it flood if is better i don’t really care, about people freaking out about the info, i don’t care either, its their right to worry, the only thing i don’t like is the multiple posts about the same damn thing over and over, instead of one single post about it, and i’m not talking about all different info, each with its respective post is fine.
But as i said before, its better if i just ignore and put them on mute, i mean, i am no forum mod neither am being paid to keep in check this kind of behavior right? So leave it be.

oh i def flooded multiple different posts about it not being cool to spread false information about our version of the game over a short course of time. ain’t nothin wrong with that. they were all created by totally different people. if i said something to one person in one post it doesn’t mean the others are going to read it in totally different posts. besides you can always opt out of rereading the same response in the multiple threads if u get the jist of what was said the first time.

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No no, what i meant by spam/flood on forums is about the newly created threads, i know there are the first ones and people go there to comment or give opinion, its fine like that and the content is vast on those threads, but the new ones that come and go are the annoying ones, i mean, people is already discussing it on the main thread, why is there a necessity to create new ones? Unless there is some sort of post limit per thread that i don’t know about, even so, generally i see people creating a post like that as XX issue part 2 or continuation, that way we can identify that it is a serious thread, but the ones i keep seeing are PLS remove this, OMG we are fked with that and so on.

i think i understand what your talking about now. your not refering to me or blood personally. your refering to the topic being repeated across multiple threads made by diff people. me and blood both thought you were addressing us both individually. lol!! well i’m glad we got that sorted out.

on a side note you and i share a like mind when it comes to not giving a crap what some publisher does with their game on the other side of the world. Your just as tired of hearing about it as i am it sounds like.

Exactly this lol.

Yeah, i don’t see a reason to freak out about something that didn’t happened yet here, and even if it happen, who gonna make them stop if they decide to do it? No one, i’m not saying to not try and put out what one think about the situation, but start to spread like wild fire like it is (or was since its more calm now) is not the way to do things.

Lol @ the response being posted as the first thread reply, but salt still gets thrown across the dinner table afterwards.

After reading that “We’re thinking about it” post and assuming IMC doesn’t hire more staff for in-game monitoring and handling tickets, I do feel like they plan on implementing what kOBT has but just less restrictive. There’ll also be more angry mobs when the cash shop is released and people complain about EXP Boosters and (PvE) self-reviving being “P2W”, not realizing that cosmetics-only isn’t enough to keep a healthy revenue in the long run for this type of game.

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