Now while I’ll be one of the first to say that this game certainly needs improvements in the most basic areas (Client optimization, Character customization, 180° head rotations) I’ll be one of the last to say that the game isn’t an enjoyable experience. BUT UNFORTUNATELY, many others don’t think the same:
^That’s our current Steam rating, which is 59% (Mixed). You might be thinking: “Well, the game does have problems, so 59% is fair until the important issues are fixed. People will still try the game out.” which I won’t agree or disagree with, but the bigger issue here isn’t where the rating is currently standing-- it’s where the rating is potentially headed.
This is the Steam rating percentages:
95 - 99% : Overhwelmingly Positive
94 - 80% : Very Positive
70 - 79% : Mostly Positive
40 - 69% : Mixed
20? - 39% : Mostly Negative
0 - 19% : Very/Overwhelmingly Negative
So at the moment, we’re 20% ahead of hitting the Mostly Negative zone, which is very hard to recover from. The decline hasn’t been a +/- thing, but a pretty much straight downwards spiral. What makes it even worse are the reasons in the Negative Reviews, which range from ‘Understandable reasons + not understandable reasons just to add onto the negativity’ to downright ridiculous such as:
- “No regional pricing” (Which is an understandable frustration, but doesn’t count as a review)
- “Game isn’t free yet”
- “P2W/Greedy”
- “Bots.” (After 2 banwaves of Bots)
And my all-time favorite: - “No WoE”
The point of this post, is that something needs to be done on both sides. IMC already started their part with the announcement of re-working the 1:1 Trade for non-Token users, optimization improvements, Botter/Exploiter banwaves, and pushing the release date for F2P back a bit so they have more time to improve these things:
Trading restrictions rework:
The other part, is for these people making the negative reviews (And for anyone who was thinking of making one). If you disliked more things in the game than you enjoyed, then that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong with expressing that-- as long as it’s reasonable. If you make a negative review yet still play the game, then at least take 3 minutes out of your time to correct the negative review after they fix the things you were complaining about. The ones who aren’t happy are always louder than the ones who are.
Hopefully the actual relevant issues are fixed before the game opens to F2P, and that’s a big hopefully, because these reviews (Both legitimate ones and nonsense ones) play a big role in whether we’ll sink or swim.