Tree of Savior Forum

[Damage Guide] The big formula, modifier types, and how they interact!

Added Pommel Beat (which, just like Double Slash, is a flat +200. Man Swordsman C2 and 3 suck.) and moved Cleave, it is NOT T0. It’s a T3 of +150% (not even 200%). Much worse than initially thought, but still good.

Added Flare Shot and Cloaking attribute.

Added Stomping Kick. It is simply ((Attack + Skill Attack + Boot’s Evasion) - Defense) * 0.9~Infinite depending on jump height, where 0.9 is when you almost land, 1 is normal jumping height, and anything higher is, well, anything higher. Good luck finding a good spot to jump from though!

Isn’t Cloaking attribute just 50%? You listed it as +150%.

And wow, I really wonder why Flare Shot is in such horrible state o_O terrible AoE, 0 skill damage, and -10% on top of that…

Tried to run search on page, but couldn’t find it.
how does block penetration factor in here, is it just not factored at all right now?

Block and Evasion are entirely on their own and have nothing to do with your damage.

In order, the game decides :

  1. Did the enemy evade?
    If no
  2. Did the enemy block?
    If no
  3. Do damage.

Block Rate - Block Penetration is basically how block is calculated and goes on that second bit. It’s likely slightly more complicated, but that’s the gist of it.

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I see thanks, also a bit curious is the actual accuracy formula worked out yet? Haven’t been able to find anything on it.

Similarly, it’s just Evasion - Accuracy.

We do know Critical Rate isn’t JUST Critical Rate - Critical Resistance, and there seems to be a class based modifier for that, so it’s possibly Evasion/Accuracy and Block/Block Penetration have a similar modifier that no one knows right now.

Even the crit rate modifier isn’t exactly known. So far it seems archers have x0.6 and the rest has x0.45, but that’s some very rough testing that I wasnt involved in myself.

Oblique Shot’s bounce is affected by missile. It takes on your weapon’s property, and if you’re not wearing a bow like I was during testing, the bounce likewise has no property. Wearing any bow makes it missile. If archers could wield a sword and fire oblique, the bounce would be slash, to give an example.

Also, the game oddly has the multiplier off by 1%. It’s not 81% to 95%. It’s 80% to 94%.


Every time I see the “Penetration” stat though I cannot help but think how important it was to Grenado Espada’s calculations and how early on it was ignored. Considering IMC is migrating a lot of concepts from GE I think it goes without saying that there is still a chance that Block Penetration plays more into things than we currently know (i.e. the additional block pen granted to Wizard classes etc)

Considering the math for every single thing so far fits perfectly with the formula above without ever accounting for block penetration, I’d say no, there really is nothing special about it. It just “penetrates” block rate.

dumping infos i’ve gathered from my testings…

  1. Linker’s Joint Penalty additional dmg attributes to poison/earth/electric dmg is in T2 ( +10% add. dmg per lvl, max of 50% )
    -tested and confirmed earth add. dmg is additive to monster’s elemental type and to earthquake’s +100% dmg to lethargic enemies
    -tested and confirmed electric dmg is additive to monster’s elemental type and to cryomancer’s attribute: Freeze Specialty
    -i didn’t test poison since i dont have poison skills to test huhu so i assumed it would work the same way as the 2 attributes above…

  2. Cryomancer’s attribute: Freeze Specialty, is in T2 as it is additive bonus to Joint Penalty and to monster’s elemental type ( +10% add. dmg per lvl, max of 50% )
    -oddly enough, it seems that frozen status from Ice tree doesn’t give this add. dmg ( bug? )

  3. Elementalist’s Rain effect: +35% dmg to lightning property attack is an additive bonus to monster elemental type and to Joint Penalty. hence, should be in T2

  4. Cryomancer’s skills:
    -Gust will only deal damage on frozen targets ( lethargic attribute add. dmg applies to that hit )
    -Gust: Collision damage attribute: deals a fixed dmg equal to 50% of your Matk per hit ( max of 6 hits ) this dmg is not affected by any debuff and elemental properties
    -Subzero Shield’s counter attack is 100% of Matk value ( freeze chance is bugged, seems like 5% chance to me )
    -Subzero Shield: counter attack enhance attribute: simply add shield’s defence value (200% at max lvl) to Matk. i believe this replace the ‘skill raw atk’ part of the formula
    -Ice Wall’s chunks: each Ice wall sends 3x chunks when melee hit or psy. pressured. each chunk’s dmg is 100% Matk value ( no skill attack value )

other things i note:

  • wizard auto attack when rod/staff is equipped rcv 40% dmg boost from frozen enemies and 20% from lethargic enemies ( attributed ) both are additive to each other
  • when other weapon is equipped, it doesn’t receive any boost at all

stuffs that i have yet to figure out:-

Elementalist’s Electrocute:

  • this i still haven’t been able to figure out cause either it’s bugged or it has different raw skill value modifier per lvl… i’ll share my tests result here:
    711 Matk, 9 Ice attack…
    target dummy: Prison Fighter w/ 157 Mdef
  • numbers in brackets are the value it showed up in game
    auto attack: 711+ 9 - 157 =563 (563)
    electrocute lvl 1: 711+134 - 157 + 9 = 697 (4 x 159 = 636)
    electrocute lvl 2: 711+168 - 157 + 9 = 731 ( 4 x 210 = 840 )
    electrocute lvl 3: 711 + 202 - 157 + 9 = 765 ( 4 x 261 = 1044 )
    electrocute lvl 5: 711 + 270 - 157 + 9 = 833 ( 4 x 363 = 1452 )
    electrocute lvl 10: 711 + 440 - 157 + 9 = 1003 ( 4 x 618 = 2472 )

i also test lvl 10 electrocute w/ it’s attribute: freezing magic damage ( +50% dmg equal to magic value per lvl )
no attribute: 4 x 618 = 2472
lvl 1 attribute: 4 x 781 = 3124
lvl 2 attribute: 4 x 945 = 3780

here’s an interesting part:
781 - 618 = 163
945 - 781 = 164
so we can assume that 50% of matk value is 163.5 ( so 100% of matk is 327 )

tried recalculating lvl 10 electrocute w/ no attribute using 327 as my matk value:
327 + 440 - 157 + 9 = 619 ( the actual value showed up as 618 in game )

so somehow there’s a hidden modifier to Matk value ( in this case 46% of matk value at lvl 10 electrocute )
or it might be bugged entirely huhu… but that’s the closest conclusion i can get to right now… would appreciate if someone can figure out what’s exactly going on here ^^


  • Psychic Pressure: the value showed up in-game is 52.5% stronger than the actual value i calculated
  • Telekinesis: the dmg is different at times
  • Psychic pressure on Fireball synergy: the chunks from fireball’s dmg is 19 pts lower than my matk value

tests done on Hogma Captain w/ 108 Mdef… my matk is 546
auto attack: 546 - 108 = 438 ( 438 )
fireball: 546 + 145 - 108 = 583 ( 583 )
psychic fireball hits: 546 - 108 = 438 ( 419 )
Psychic Pressure: 546 + 485 - 108 = 923 ( 1408 )
Telekinesis: 546 + 595 - 108 = 1033 ( 1033, 1358, 1101… but mostly 1033 )

that’s all i can remember of… ^^ phew…

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Thanks a lot!

I have heard Electrocute was glitched somehow. Would have to do some very controlled testing with no attributes on various monster types as well as redoing it all again for every single level. to really come to a valid conclusion.

Funnily, the same goes for Oblique Shot. The bounce modifier I had listed here (and now since removed) is wrong the moment I equip a bow (the base damage is still perfectly fine). It seems to always be higher than it actually is, and I’d need to test with a lot of Oblique Shot levels and much higher damage values at higher levels to really be sure.

Didn’t someone mentions that the bounced hit doesn’t suffer from Missile penalty? So on Medium/Large enemies, it’d be able to do more damage than the main hit (main = 90-95% due to Missile penalty at +10 the bounce is 80-94% damage regardless)

The penalty definitely applied while I was testing for the 2Hbow attribute (which I cannot say goes where just yet), and yet didnt apply without a bow.

In other words, the bounced shot becomes whatever you’re wearing as a weapon (which is either nothing or bows)

Also, the damage wasn’t lower by a significant amount, not something the missile penalty could cause. It’s the modifier in the tooltip that has something more to it and I’ll need to do some stuff to really figure it out.

Since I plan to make an Archer on kOBT, I’ll simply get it to level 150~200ish without ever spending a single point in the 2H Bow Attribute (I wont need it as I’m going SR) and setting some skill points aside in my archer circles while keeping oblique at Level 1 the entire time. I will not get it Enhanced either (my mobbing will come from Ranger anyway), so I can test everything from JUST Oblique with no modifiers at all, to Oblique at level 6 with Enhance, with every level of the 2H bow attribute.

That is the only way I’ll figure this out. I need a wide range of data with high numbers (hence the level I’ll do it at)

Took the liberty of compiling the formula and some of the modifiers mentioned here into a Google spreadsheet. I’m assuming that I’ve written the formula correctly from OP. Since I can’t participate in the kOBT, I hope this may be useful to some of you guys looking into this. Let me know if corrections are needed in the formula. (Link)


Multihits are simply that. One hit is the entire calculation, so the very final damage after everything is your “per hit” damage. B3 needs to go way at the end.

Other than that it looks okay.

Alright. Moved the multihit variable to the very end of the calculation. Makes more sense.I was wondering whether was it safe to assume that bonus damage based on the monster’s size could also be inputted the same way as those for monster’s race? T2 and T3 appear to account for size as a percentual modifier only (based on the list).

That is right.
If a weapon states “Attack on Beast-type Enemy” or “Attack on Large Enemy”, it goes in the same place.

Awesome. I was also wondering how the 2H bow mastery would fall under in the formula. It seemed to make sense for it to operate as a T3 modifier, but that does not appear to be the case.

If you’re able to test your damage somewhere (maybe you’re on jToS?) then just try and dump it somewhere in the formula until you get the right results. Heard it might be additive with Enhance but I have yet to test that. It’s definitely not T3 though. Has to be T0, T2, or additive to Enhance.

I made some tests before and what I noticed for Psychic Pressure damage is that it doubles the skill attack. So your PP damage is 546+485+485-108=1408.

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People, you who already played it, how does it feel the formula being the result of Own ATK - Enemy’s DEF instead Own ATK / Enemy’s DEF?
Doesn’t it make it hard to the defender character? I mean, I remember playing some games where it was like the first formula but then the it lead to many balance problems about the gear and defensive skills in the game.
That is also why at the end the main objective was to wear % Damage Reduction vs specific things, because the generic “+ DEF” wasn’t good in high end.