Tree of Savior Forum

[Damage Guide] The big formula, modifier types, and how they interact!

So, because you are all very knowledgeable in this thread, I have a few questions myself about these calculation mysteries XD

If a Wizard type has items with +Phys Attack, wut do? Items such as Black Staff and Red Gem grant this additional Phys Attack but (although I haven’t looked deeply) I was under the impression that Wizards always deal Matk instead of Phys based damage. Does the +Patk find a home for skill damage calculations as a Wizard as, say, additional physical element type attack (if there is even such a thing lel), is the +Patk converted to +Matk somehow during the equation, or is the damage only applied to a staff’s secondary attack, offhand melee attacks, or other melee equipment types? i.e. the +Patk would only be applied as additional physical damage to already physical based attacks unlike +elemental damage that is applied to all types of damage regardless of element.

In short I want to stack high level red gems in an arde as a wizard without having to risk them not doing anything at all but I’m too broke to adequately run the tests as I’m already caught up in a few other tests involving Amulets.

Speaking of… what tier would amulets fit into? I’m sure later there will be more than just cube etc that can impact damages so it would be nice to know as well how their benefits are applied into the formula. Especially when later the number of amulets in the game is increased and crazy possibilities start popping up.

Thanks mates!

+physical attack increases your base physical damage. It would be similar to stating 180 STR.

So a wizard with that staff would have +180 on every staff swing.
Rather pointless, but whatever.

Updated with Out of Body, besides the Mace bonus that is applied to its T4 bonus. That’s still under investigation.

Added T4 modifiers while I was at it, because the ground cell buff OoB can get is one (well, could be one. If it’s affected by T3 then I’ll have to move it up into the description of Sadhu’s T2, as it means the skill just has its own formula)

Does quick cast +50% works with physical attack if the both is shared through spiritual chain?

Or does it only works when your attack is magical.

Not really anything to test for how missile penalty works it was in old patch notes

Check archer section

It says magical, so it should only work on those.

Updated Sadhu OoB because it’s not really OoB, it’s called Attack Soul in the files and is its own “skill” with 70 base power that you can’t level (besides the Enhance attribute).

Also, The INT and Level bonus just go straight onto your attack, so they’re technically Attack Modifiers but non percentual ones.


Hi, I was wondering what could dish out more dmg if 153 INT vs 153 fire attack of the arde dagger?
lets say Im using a 5 to 7 series of elementalist skill hits. such as frostcloud, electrocute.

Im really having a dilema on my build.


Assuming you mean 153 magic attack, and not 153 int to get around the scaling property of Stats.

Elemental damage is better/worse if you are hitting something strong/weak to that element. Otherwise they are basically identical.

I see… thanks for the information I appreciate it.

Btw, Smite also deals 200% damage on Flying units and Frozen(Possibly petrified too) enemies.

I don’t get a bonus on plant flying enemies. I only get the bonus on demon and mutant flying enemies.

This is inaccurate.

The smite damage bonus is for demons and mutants. Regardless of if they fly or not.

I’m guessing the “flying” assumption is based on the very badly translated attribute for smite that deals 50% physical damage to “flying enemies”

What this attribute actually does is add 50% of your physical damage to enemies that are knocked into the air by smite, when they land.

I do know what the attribute does. And that’s not what I meant. Most of the time I’ve been doing 200% on flying monsters, but apparently, there are only 5 types(what I didnt know) So I guess it was just random coincidence since demons/mutants are really common starting at 120~150s

New name for T3 again, discovered a WHOLE batch of em today.

Added Targe Smash’s Frozen/Petrified Attribute, the Strike Bonus on Frozen enemies and the Lethargy Attribute bonus.

Also a weird thing going on with Cryo3’s ice tree skill and Targe. Still need to do more testing but Targe applies the attribute bonus on Frozen caused by the tree even when it’s deactivated, and applies it TWICE while it is activated. Either that, or Targe has an innate 40% bonus on targets frozen by the ice tree. Leveling the attribute now to find out.

Apologies if I’ve missed it somewhere, but do you happen to know where the following attributes go?

I would guess the first one goes in T3 (or something?) and the second just adds to your MAtk value. I remember you tested some Cryo skills so I was wondering if you’ve tested these attributes.

Whoa this is awesome, thanks for compiling the full formula!

A bit of correction though, I think you’re missing a pair of parentheses in the formula (shown in bold):

((((Skill Attack + Attack) + (random(0% … 100%) * Magic Amplification) * (100% + T0)) - (((Defense - Defense Debuff) * (100% + Level Penalty)) + Elemental Resistance)) * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack) + (Extra Elemental Attack) + (Enemy Specific Damage)) * (100% + T1) * (100% + T2) * (100% + T3) * (100% + Enhance) + T4

Without them the critical modifier will only be applied to the defense modifiers, which doesn’t seem right.

Added Synchro Thrusting’s attribute and Rodelero’s High Kick.

Synchro Thrust’s attribute has nothing to do with the armor modifiers. Just a way of designating the two parts ingame I suppose. T0 means that spear damage is really going to hurt later on, but the shield damage suffers incredibly badly from it likewise.

Added Swordsman’s Double Slash and Highlander’s Cross Guard.

Double Slash was a weird one. It just adds 200 attack to the skill itself. Nothing more. Very underwhelming compared to Skyliner. Oh, and Double Slash doesnt even hit twice. It’s one hit split into two, like Ice Bolt and the like. Again Skyliner is vastly superior. I guess Double Slash has 3 overheat charges though…?
Then again Skyliner has none in KR and has no CD, so lol. Double Slash is just bad.

So from observation, Archer’s 2H Bow attribute seem to be additive with Enhance attribute.

I was critting for 2k on Rusrat and 3k on Madakia in the same area with Oblique Shot (100% enhance and maxed 2h bow attribute)

Will have to check more indepth. Something being additive with Enhance really irks me. I wont rule it out, I thought armors were on their own too (boy how wrong I was) but it seems odd.

Added High Guard (even though the damage doesnt actually work, the values show up right, so yay!)

A quick note on Butterfly: It’s ONE hit that is simultaneously Strike and Slash. It is therefor good against Cloth, weak against Leather, and Neutral on Plate. The final damage is just split into 3 equal parts. Wont add it above as it’s not a modifier, but still worth noting.