Tree of Savior Forum

Current state of Summon wizard

LMAO, thanks for the laugh!

Lol, that pretty much answer my questions :disappointed:

Semi-related: Which skills to max between Summon Familiar, Samalion, and Servant?

Summon Servant looks good on paper.

anyone know if Thaumaturge buff arms and enchant fire works on skeletons summons?
i saw this and i know its not possible anymore because skeletons needing tier 2 and chrono needing tier 2 for haste

but i was curious if buff arms works on skeles because they have arms and if haste/quicken works on them i would assume they count as party members under the same rules

This would be cool, I donā€™t know.

@ Topic

Necro 1 or Sorc 1?

Iā€™m goind Wiz3 > Link2 > Necro OR Sorc 1 > etc.

which one would you take?

If you want SPR in your build go Necro, if youā€™re not getting any SPR go sorc.


Can you explain me why? Iā€™m only getting INT and CON, so I should give up on Necro?

Isnā€™t flesh cannon damage worth the filler rank for itā€™s damage? (not sure if has the same number of hits as a level 15 one)

Heā€™s saying that for the case where people are choosing based on SPR as a priority. See, [summoning] removes your SP regen. It doesnā€™t even bring it down to 0. If you look at your character sheet, [summoning] just pft removes your SP regen. The stat itself is just gone.

SP regen is not the only function of SPR but it is a significant part of it. Sorcs just work against you for having SPR. %SP drain means the more you have the more you lose. So thatā€™s 2 benefits to SPR that are just gone (max SP and SP regen).

Heā€™s saying ā€œif you want the full benefits of SPR go necro, else go sorcā€.

@Rennie245 right? Or did I just shoot myself in the foot or something.

You donā€™t need SPR at all, since people just buy Alchemistā€™s potions which are cheap and more effective. I want to build SPR since I want its ailment resistance and mana regeneration. Push all stats to INT and CON seem dull to me.

You can still build SPR on Sorcerer to enhance Demonā€™s defense. You only have trouble with SPR as a Sorcerer when you grind in high spawn rate spots where monsters spawn non-stop and there is nowhere to use campfire, you end up just AFK and let your demon do your work here because Demon drain % mana slowly.

However you can use plate armor instead of Cloth armor since Cloth armor attribute give extra mana pool, plate armor give HP and its attribute grant % max HP as well

Add this gem to your staff if you play Sorcerer.

Flesh cannon only gets more base damage whit ranks.

Necro doesnā€™t need SPR per say itā€™s just bad whit Sorc because it increases your max SP which increases the upkeep of your summon because itā€™s % based.(But as pointed by minigod you can reduce your max SP whit Blue gems)

SPR isenā€™t all that bad for Necro tho, it does increase the defense of your Shoggoth.

Int/con works just fine for both sorc and necro.

Thanks a lot guys, but Necroā€™s summon deals not so bad damage too, plus flesh hoop and flash cannon are pretty good at 5 (since to 15 they only scale in flat damage), am I wrong? does cannon get more hits at 15? Considering I have linker, would Temple Shooter (without C2 control skills) or Necro skills suit me better since I want to be a Warlock focused DPS?

Iā€™m almost sure to go Sorc1 instead of Necro1 now, Iā€™m just worried if the damage I can deal with necro+warlock skills are or not better than sorc+warlock. Necro 1/3 seems pretty solid except for raise dead, but sorc has buffing cat and temple shooter, damn.

Wiz 3 > Link 2 > Warlock is already fixed.

Need to decide between Sorc and Necro, from videos I want to go Necro1, though it feels like you are suggesting sorc is better, the corpse shield will work pretty well with warlockā€™s damaging shield, also link should deal a lot of damage with Flesh Cannon shouldnā€™t it?

Please, Sorc or Necro, for 1 rank filler, direct response and reason if itā€™s not too much, for DPS purposes on linked mobs.

Thank you

Necro will give you more damage overall , the shoggoth is a summon and forget skill that you donā€™t need to micro-manage and doesnā€™t impede your SP regen so you can drop it and then focus on DPS whit warlock skills.

Sorc would give you more utility.

As people said, you shouldnā€™t pick Sorcerer C1 if you donā€™t plan to pick C2.

I have Sor C1 in my build because Iā€™m going to pick C2 sor when Rank 8 come out.

Sorcerer is strong but expensive. Without Circle 2 Sorcerer will be unreliable.

If you take Necro 1 you have to use a lot of corpse potion right? How do they work? each costs how much and gives how many corpses?

Sorc is Temple Shooter (which does less damage than Flesh Cannon + Flesh Hoop by far), buffing cat probably doesnā€™t help that much at eng-game content, Necro has some good damage addups and feels much closer to Warlock than Sorc.

We have same question

You are going to use a lot of corpses anyway, C2 just help you collect corpses slightly easier.

Cool, thanks everyone.

Iā€™m going Necro, itā€™s just bad ass to simply throw bodies. I believe itā€™s damage will simply scale better than Sorc.

I really hope corpse potions gives you something like 10 corpses, or, looking for the amount, if itā€™s 1:1 it will probably be the most expensive stuff.

C2 makes the corpse collet a dream from what Iā€™ve seen, you canā€™t really collect a useful amount of bodies with gather corpse. Maybe they should take gather corpse out of the skill tree and put Disinter C1, itā€™s a Rank 6 Class anywayā€¦

If you say Necro spend their mana way more effective than Sor then I agree.

But if you say Necro deal more damage than Sor then Iā€™m not sure about that.

Itā€™s depend on scenarios
-Example like boss fights where bosses can easily wipe Necromancerā€™s Skeletons with few AOE but Sorcererā€™s Demon still stay strong and keep dealing 4000+ damage per second (not mention crit)
-But when you grind in normal fields, Necromancerā€™s Skeleton can deal a lot of damage because they have high attack speed, you careless about mana.

Temple shooter is very OP, it can burst as strong as Cannon flesh, However I prefer your direction to Necro class.

Salamion not useful?

Salamion ace card :wink: