Tree of Savior Forum

Current state of Summon wizard

Personally, When my linker reach level lvl 73, I will stop doing quest and camp at Royal Mausoleum constructors’s Church. Keep grinding exp there and wait for the boss spawn. Raid it until it drop the card

I heard this boss spawn once every hour


So, let me ask you, how is the boss system? Everyone who hits it get a reward? Or does it only go to one person/party?

Also, can I pass the card between characters of the same account?

Someone already answered few of your questions

About Boss drop, you or your party (if you have one) need to deal high amount of damage to get reward, if you (or your party) don’t deal enough damage, you get nothing.

When you upgrade your boss card, the boss summon from that card will be stronger. The amount of stars on the card show its rank and max rank is 10. Each star boost 10% stats for the boss. The amount of rank equal with amount of cards you have to sacrifice (example: You have a rank 3 card with 3 stars, that mean you have to sacrifice 4 more cards to upgrade it to rank 4)

Quick cast is reason enough to pick Wiz C3 in anything, the +50% scales so hard at higher level and even as a summon wizard it’s not like you don’t use offensive spells.

The Quick cast +50% bonus is great for stuff like Flesh cannon, it gives you a lot more bang for the Corpse use.

I see, but does it need to be the same card? I can only upgrade temple shooter card with another temple shooter card?

About the game-roulette, both put cards but only one gets a card different from the ones both put in? or do both get new and different cards?

Sorry for this many questions, I did not play CBT and decided only yesterday to run Sorc C1 in my build so I need to understand how this system works.

You don’t need same kind of boss card to upgrade

Here is the card game. Both side bet their own card then the game will decide who will win by compare the amount of stars, amount of boss legs, name length etc…,from these cards. The winner will get the card from his competitor :smiley:

So it would only be useful if someone wants to “trade” a temple shooter card for a feeder card of higher-level?

Anyway, I got the system, is not so useful for the purpose of getting temple shooter if you only get your opponents card, it’s not like people don’t want it.

Last question I believe, all cards come with 1 star? Like no matter what the level of the boss is or something, they will always come at rank 1?

Thanks a LOT for all the responses, looking forward to getting my temple shooter as soons as possible, hope level 500~600 bosses cards will be good!

Yep all cards drop from bosses have only one star.

I’m looking forward for more useful boss card too xD


damn it’ll be hard to make myself a 10 rank card then, from my estimations you need 3.6 million level 1 cards, hopefully some people will sell cards with lots of starts by the proccess of gambling (can’t trust people though, will be a hard way to trade).

About reward boxes, bosses drop a certain amount of those and one of the items it can drop comes from it? Or the drops simply go to the ground and the box gives you an “extra” item.

You need to sacrifice 54 lvl 1 cards to upgrade a card to rank 10, not 3.6 million lvl 1 cards

Idk if they change the reward box or not, bosses in outdoor field or dungeon will drop a box after your killed them. open that box then you will get a reward (card, recipe, item,…)

Lmao i got scared when you said 3.6million cards


lmfao, my mistake then, I thought it would be 10 rank 9 cards to make 1 rank 10, which would make 1098765432= 3.6 million card, not this by you saying 54 hahaha.

So it’s doable, thanks for the help!


the point is, only 1 box? In a 5 member party you still get only 1 box for the whole party?

The whole party i think, i didnt kill a lot of world bosses but my parties had been getting cubes when I do

When you raid field boss, all party members will get their own reward box if the party contribute enough damage.

In instance dungeon, everyone will get their own reward box regardless their contribution

This is why TOS is an awesome game to play with friends

If the info is still up to date, the top 6 parties for dps get loot.

Thanks a lot guys, you really helped me out!

u are welcome :slight_smile:

Hopefully rank 8 will be available soon.


Looks good, I’m going Wiz 3 > Link 2 > Sorc 1 > Warlock 3 or other things.

I want to build a strong base for DPS purposes, Ele 3 looks like a class with lots of mid-game skills, probably only frost cloud and hail+[freeze+]eletrocute, Link 2 is good for any party, every day of the week, also shares Quick Cast which can make a huge difference. I’m getting Sorc for filler, but I’m thinkinh about changing it to Necro maybe? (Want some opinion)

I mean, Temple Shooter seems to have very good sinergy with Linker, also the buffing cat gets my attention (anyone has some idea on how good it is? Does it scale with player leveling? Considering it’s max 5 even at rank 3, looks like it’s fixed or goes with level), but I’m not sure yet.

What I believe is linker 2 and wiz 3 is the best skill set for Warlock (and probably featherfoot, but I don’t like the class itself), hope you can advice me some useful classes for filler since it’s on 6th rank so almost all are available. (Rune Caster totally useless on this build? Even with the multihit rune having “only” 4 seconds cast time?)

We still don’t know if Invocation can be extended to the kills of your templeshooter.


Hi guys, what you think about this build ?

I really love it’s utility, but I’m kinda worried people’ll kick me from parties since I don’t have Linker skills.

And do you think it’ll do good on bosses, damage wise ?