Tree of Savior Forum

Current state of Summon wizard

Salamion attack slowly and its AI is pretty bad but you can use it to bait and lure mobs from long distance (ofc you need circle 2), it pretty tanky.

However it seem like most players in Korea prefer summon Familiar (the bat) and deal ton of damage, they don’t invest much into Salamion.

I personally prefer Salamion

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what do u guys think of my path Wiz>Pyro>Link2>Sorc2>warlock
do u guys think this is ok im really confuse if my buld will deal damg

also can i just put 50 spr then invest all the remaining in int??

Well its a standard build many ppl are going. I initially planned the same and i am atm at SorcC1. So here is my opinion on this build.

Spr: Depending on how much you want to cast yourself, a greater sp pool will be nice but remember the greeater your sp pool the more sp your summon will drain because its % based. That means you have to drink better (more expensive) sp potions. I’ll tell you the sorc is a Dumpster for silver. But if you plan to go Warlock perhaps some spr invest is ok. I for myself think its a waste of stat points. Just buy better potions if you are ok with it.

Warlock: As said above you will have to cast when your summon is out. So the class is somehow counterintuitive to the Sorc as a Summon Class in my opinion. And i as of now read several time that the warlocks damage is more mediocre. But in general with our Build we lack a really good choice for R7. Warlock, Featherfoot, SorcC3, NecroC1.
Warlock Featherfoot are kind of in the same spot and not really comforting the class. SorcC3 is lackluster in its current state and is generally just taken if you plan to dump points into familiar. NecroC1 could be nice but summon skills are in C2…

I for my part plan to go SorcC3 and hope fo some rework in the future and till then i’ll go for familiar because its synergy with Linker is okish and i hope its nice for PvP.

Damage: Well Pyro1 and Linker 1 will do fine. The hardest part for me was the time through Linker2 unti you get SorcC1. Pyro1 does ok dmg but doesn’t one shot like wiz3 or something. But groups will love you with linker. When you reach SorcC1 and have a templeshooter card (get it before you get Sorc - buy it - visit the world boss as often as you can) your dmg output will skyrocket compared to before. Templeshooter does really nice dmg although the ai is horrible. But once you get the hang on it you can stear your summon where you want him to be most of the time (Yeah, well often he will hit just air or some inanimate objects and waste his attack). But because the summon leash is kind of short you will find yourself hit more than other wizards because you have to lead your summon near the monsters so don’t neglect your CON.

Perhaps some SorcC2-Warlock can give you some insight on the lategame. I really enjoy the class… Hope that helps