Tree of Savior Forum

Current state of Summon wizard

waiting for someone from kTOS to confirm if it is just a regular burn status or a damage-over-time effect that can cancel skills; while being used (animation) or being casted.

I see people choosing Sorceror and Necromancer. Does this mean both of the summons can be called out at the same time?

Yep, you can.

Desmodus works that way? does it make continuous damage? or it was the playerā€™s wand that cause burning status? kinda confuse bout demodus.

EDIT: I think its just the Ignition wand.

ItĀ“s just the wandā€¦The skill doesnĀ“t apply burn alone.

He used 3 skillsā€¦Familiar/icepike2x/desmodusā€¦ThatĀ“s why you see so much numbers, even more with all this linkedā€¦ ^^

If you look carefullu he was only using desmodus at the end, and desmodus regularly does 9k per hit, I dont think ice pike and bats can do 12k per hit. Unless Im blind or something that I missed a part when all those 12k popped up

icepikeX2 every hit was 2kĀ±ā€¦15 familiars 3k+ā€¦Desmodus 9kā€¦The key is the linkā€¦Every hit goes to every mobā€¦all 15 familiars doing the hit to every mob (thatĀ“s 15hits instant damage linked aoe), same with desmodus.

Hmm, actually Sorcerer C1 isnā€™t really that bad at all if you learn to keep position. This bring a lot of hope for my Sor C1/Necro C2 summon build

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Iā€™m going to do this build as well but what about rank 1-4 should i go w3>linker1 or pyromancer c3?

I donā€™t see any point to pick Wiz C3 for Summon build, Wizard C3 synergy better with caster-type class like Elementalist, Pyromancer, Runecaster, Warlock

People mostly stop at circle 2 when they pick Pyromancer for Summon build, since they can burst a lot of damage and pretty reliable.

I personally prefer utility and party play, so I will go Pyro 1>linker 2>Sor+Necro. People still want Linker C2/C3 in most party setups.

Pyro make Wiz gameplay less miserable.Never pick Wizard C2 , go C3 or stop at C1.

Do you know if its worth going Sorc3 over warlock? Or any pros n cons between going one or the other?

I donā€™t have any chance to play Warlock, so idk :confused:

atm Sorcerer is still an incomplete class since Temple shooter keep dominate Sorcererā€™s grimoire

I like utiliy too, but I got Cryo3/Sorc2 in iCBT2 and I loved it so much :astonished:
Cryo is a defensive class and shines in party, so I could really protect the others, it was a really fun and rewarding class combination to play.

Yep, cryo C3 is a solid choice for sorcerer too, I really like that subzero shield and frost pillar

if we compare base damage on tos base, the DPS of warlock are more higherā€¦
but the flexibility of using the skill, sorc are betterā€¦
pole agony have a tremendous damage, but the CD very long (i know nothing about warlock evil spirit, not so much vid on YT)

desmodus on sorc have a good damage with low CD (25s) so we can use it in any situation. and this skill give DoT tooā€¦i heard this skill able to cancel channeling skill (need confirm)ā€¦

so on my preference, sorc 3 is better than warlockā€¦

How hard is it to get Temple Shooters card? Do you guys have an idea?

Is it possible to buy? Like someone puts them on a store or something and I buy it with gold? How much did it cost on CBT o KBT, anyone knows?

Cards cannot be traded or sold. They have to be won through a random roulette game that both players bid 1 card on.

Otherwise just go kill Templeshooter every other hour? I forgot the respawn time he had back in ICBT2, but you had probably 1 in 4 or 1 in 3 to get a card each kill.

Gotta get a lotta cards to rank it up to lv10 though~

I also wonder if you compare Wiz3ā€™s Quick Cast +50% dmg against Pyromancerā€¦ And future-proofing with Quick Cast for Rank 8-9-10, Pyro is probably gonna be worthless by then.

Trying to guess what skills this player has in the above video

Looks something like this I guess?

At a quick glance, I can see that she has reflect shield. I wouldnā€™t venture to think theyā€™d take lethargy 15 either.

However the nature of a video is that you can see their exact SP usage. There isnā€™t a lot of guesswork involved, but you could break down the build skill-by-skill nearly exactly just by slowing it down and checking their mana before-and-after values and noting which spell was cast, assuming that the important spells for the build are cast at least once in the video showcase they ran.

If you wanted to really know I mean. Sounds dirty but that is the risk you face if you upload a video, your secret build wonā€™t be too secret =P Iā€™m sure they donā€™t mind.

Still regarding temple shooter card (sorry for the trouble guys)

I get a rank 1 card and have to ā€œupā€ it to rank 10?

How many cards does this use to get to 10? Is the difference too big?