Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer is really dead for PvE?

I was reading about the coming wizards rebalance, and the cryomancer C3 lost his charm about what read, is sad because I love the ice mage and my cryo3>ele3>enchanter works pretty nice.
So I want to now if there are some good build with cryo , or cryo- ele, because are the classes I like most of the actual game.

Cryo3 still has every tool they had before, just without frost pillar vacuum. Class will do more damage. Snow Rolling is easier to use now as well.

All it will take is better party organization to gather up mobs, Cryo3 will be fine.

It can still CC well. The problem is, other classes can CC too. It doesn’t really have anything unique going for it and the damage is pretty low.

Flame Pillar is pretty much a better version of Frost Pillar.
Snow Rolling can be interrupted during the rolling (unless you have Pain Barrier) and it scatters monsters afterwards.
Cryo’s freezing ability is out shined by the new Froster Lord card. (This card will probably be nerfed)

There’s a video of high-magic attack Cryo3>Elementalist3 here, but it doesn’t have Enchanter:

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actually, snow rolling might be a bit harder to use, because it throws monsters everywhere- and you no longer have a vacuum to pull them back in and keep your party from hating you.

also, word is, sage can’t copy new frost pillar, which would make them mostly stuck with pyros.

The micro dimension copy attribute is gimmicky at best, so i wouldn’t build around it. Snow Rolling is easier to use due to the cast time reduction, so yes while after the skill is over the mobs blow away it can keep them in one place for a good amount of time.

Yes but turned even worse for the CryoChrono builds since both got butchered. Yeah Cryo had some good changes too but the Frost Pillar pulling will be missed

I’m sticking to my Wiz3-Cryo3-RC-WL2. It will turn out even better now with RC cast reduction, so I can go all out WL3 instead of Wiz3.

New Snow Rolling has 13s duration at lvl 10. Isn’t it enough time for your teammates to just wipe out every enemy in it?
I think Cryo3 isn’t that dead yet.

Cryo3 isn’t dead. Use snow rolling to pull the mobs. If your party can’t kill them in 13s then you might need to tell your party to git gud.

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Cryo3 will be more DPS than support. In fact, Cryo3 + Ele3 won’t see much of a difference: Frost Cloud will become Frost Pillar, you will get a better Snow Rolling and a new Earth Storm skill that will make for the loss of FP pulling ability. Can’t wait to test the new patch with my two Cryo3Ele3 chars that are currently put on hold (one will be Wiz2 + RC, one will be Wiz1 + Enchanter 2).

reminder that snow rolling is going to be upgradable to lvl 10 with 1 sec cast time

partywise, it’s going to deal a lot of dmg, your party can easily spot you as well, the duration of you casting(i hope you can still hold the skill for delaying purposes) and collecting mobs will give your party more time to prepare where and when to cast their skill in tandem. unlike frost pillar it’s hard to tell for others when your are casting it since there’s no casting animation and indication where it will be casted (one redeeming factor is that you can cancel frost pillar if you casted it beyond range, as opposed to snow rolling where you wait [in case you want to cancel the skill and save CD]for monsters to attack you for it to be canceled [you’ll be forced to cast it if there’s no monster in the area])

at the same time you can redirect the clumped mobs into your party’s small aoe skills for a direct hit if ever they missed. or roll them over on every heal panels

chrono3 haste + snow rolling… could be pretty good?
?if you want to freeze things, then ice pillar first and roll them over it?
slow15 is unchanged, but seems much harder to use and would actually favor pyro chrono sage now.

CryoChronoEnchanter… quicken (for lightning hands) would be a viable attackspeed alternative to link3 lifeline dex shenanigans… you’d just ditch agility(no lifeline con ->sta) and maybe get empowering (it’s getting some kindof buff in upcoming patch)

besides those %maxsp on kill cards… is there any reason to have a ridiculous amount of SP? how will the new reflect(magic) shield even work…?

note that full SPR version of enchanter is inadvisable, INT is usually a better choice, because the thaum3link3 people will be forced into SPR and share theirs with you.

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So there is options of builds with cryo C3? That is good to know I was thinking about 2 wiz2-cryo3-kino-RC-sage/shadow or maybe the old mine cryo3-ele3-something idk what put but if there is a option or different build let me now .

W2Cryo3Psy1Rune1Shadow2 works fine right now… (have to test after rebalance if it still worth to play cause of Rune of Ice change ect)
Another option that may work is W2Cryo2Psy2RC1Shadow2 -> FP nerf compensation (Magnetic force)
it is questionabel if W2 in this builds is any longer necessary because of Rune of protection changes.
If not u may test W1Cryo2Psy3RC1Shadow2 or W1Cryo3Psy2RC1Shadow2…
I Think one of this might be still viabel.

I don’t think the pull effect from Frost Pillar is a big problem, maybe players will start to play more smartly. In dungeon it’s easy to agro a lot of mobs, so if they are stacked Frost Pillar will do the same effect.

Im thinking of trying wiz cryo 3 kino 3 pyro RC.

Will have a lot of AOE skills to cast and can use ice wall pp with rune of ice for single target burst.

Cryo 3 will not be as strong as it used to be but i dont think it will be useless. Frost pillar will be a cc skill for you to cast other things. I do think its cooldown should be reduced to 30-35 seconds though just to be a bit more in line with pyro.

I dont think its dead for pve. The only ones who truly got burned here are cryo 3 thauma builds. Eg. Cryo 3 thauma 2 warlock 3/ cryo 3 thauma 3 shadow 2. Any build that really relies on frost pillar absurdly will need to be redone.

However i do think its popularity will decrease greatly because the current cryo 3 chrono 3 meta will die and we will see a lot less cryo 3s. This applies to sorcs and necros too who will probably go cryo 1 kino 3 sorc 2 shadow 2/ sage2 instead of cryo 3. But then again they might all go pyro 3.
All in all builds that relied too much on frost pillar are going to have to be remade and cryo 3 will not be used as much anymore.

-they just deleted the sorc3 ice/fire damage attribute, guess cryo3/sorc3 is getting screwed (was rather reliant on pull+summon aoe riding skill). moreso for chappa/nuaele. I’m gonna bet that you can’t jump on summon while gathering monsters with snow rolling… and snow rolling knocking things away is just gonna ruin it.
-on the other hand, succubus summon pull into firepillar will be amazing. will the new frost pillar hold monsters reliably when used with magforce/succubus/linker???

-this talk of cryo/thauma doom… it never was a thing really. if thauma2 swell change ends up increasing cryo1 mdef passive and subzero shield damage, then it could become a thing.
-there might be some physical link -subzero shield-surespell build appearing, but my guess is it’s gonna be awesome until it destroys the durability of all your team’s items.

-it is possible to cast giant rune and snow rolling onto it for some movespeed, but you won’t be able to cast any cryo skills after it ends. good luck trying to time that with summon riding, if it’s even possible. The restrictions on giant rune never fail to piss me off. you won’t even be able to use subzero shield cuz it’s not a “buff” in game code.

–the big questions remaining… as freeze is changed to buff lightning ele attacks, will it’s buff to strike attacks be removed? are there any summons with lightning attacks? how terrible has rune of ice become (still same duration after damage nerf?) will enchant lightning make more skills than just PP and grav pole lightning element, and will cryo even matter with the rise of frost lord card (freeze on hit)?

I believe it is removed.

Not at the moment. From what I remember, they are all just magic attack. Though, Marnox was recently changed to have an attack that is part fire so they might do that to the other bosses in the future.

Yes, same duration.

Now with the coming omny class there is a possibility to mix with cryomancer, this class could save ous the cryo lovers? And maybe now a ice mage will be better xD

thinking of ice mage … W1-Cryo3-Ele3-Onmy2
Frostpillar, Ice Pike, Snow rolling, Ice blast, Freezing sphere, Hail, (storm (gust) dust, Electrocute, waterwave… (aka Tsunami)
Pairing this with Hydra/frosterlord Cards for additional dmg/freeze chance to freezed enemies.
this one may be good in pvp cause you perma freeze everything to death xD
could be looking like that
hmm… sounds interesting but i personally would always stick with something like this

Wouldn’t an Ice Mage want to have Sorc in it? Froster Lord is the iciest of them all :tired_face:

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