Tree of Savior Forum

Cryomancer is really dead for PvE?


Iā€™m sticking to my road roller build xD
Even better now with bigger snowball

why exactly do you choose w2 surspell if you get it trough RC Rune of protection attribute?
I meanā€¦you could get a whole new circle instead if u drop Rune of justice ā€¦:confused:

Wiz2 is mainly for sleep and lethargy attributes for using with rune of destruction. Also, can save points to use on other runes. And there is no good stand alone circle to go with it.

this is the build i will most likely stick too after all patches. Cryo 1 Ele3 high electrocute: Ice pike has a huge AoE 100% rate after rebalance and electrocute has 4 overheat and doesnā€™t drop damage, it will still get +50% damage boost, which is a lot. Rune of ice, justice and destruction, could arguibly drop rune of justice because you are not warlock. Rune of ice will affect Hail which is a huge DPS skill in elementalist. Not having Quick cast is pretty meh really, you cut out 1 or 0,5 seconds per cast. You ā€œNEEDā€ surespell, quick cast would be niceu.

Omnyoji cuz why not, it has water skill. Gives incredible AoE, could go whatever you want really, even sage2 if you wanna go random.

I guess I will ask well.
I am using meta build Wiz - Cyro 3 - Chrono 3 - Enchanter 2

I think I will go try non meta build after rebalance. But I still find myself hard to let go of Cyro 3 for snowball and Chrono 3 for pass(I am aware buff will scale with SPR later)

Anyone can suggest what should I replace enchanter 2 with? I prefer CC>DPS


you still can go cryo3 if u like but should pair it with ele3 for hail/elecute (frostpillar + hail + elecute still viabel Combo)
else you could consider Psycho for more cc and Combo like w1-cryo3-psy3-RC-XY
or w1-cryo2-psycho2-Ele3-RC or W1-Cryo3-Psycho1-Ele3-RC.
After rebalance there are so many possebilitiesā€¦too manyā€¦
You should consider that you will not get everything out of every build anymore because we are lacking in ranks to get full potential.

That is good and bad at the same time because you have to choose what you prefer more. for a non psycho3 cryo build i always would skip surspell because of rune of protections new Attribute but ofc ist up to you dropping rune of protection for rune of justice and taking W2 - thats exactly what i mean, u have to make trade Offs to choose the path u favor most.

The thing is, as I mentioned earlier, I am trying to find possibilities of those Cyro 3 and Chrono 3 which I am trying to keep them.

I get your point of picking ele for Cyro 3 but this means I also have to give up SPR(Unless i have uber good weapon) and go INT and this will become DPS>Support>CC

Thanks anyway. I am not in state where I can look in depth so Iā€™ll try brainstorming later and will lurk on this thread :laughing:

I did think about psycho 3 to fit between it but that will be 10 ranks :frowning:

going cryo3 for pillar + electrocute combo is not worth in my opinion now. At cryo1 you will get the new ice pike which affects all inferior mob. You will literally go cryo3 only for frost effect on bosses. You can obtain the Ice wall bounces from electrocute simply getting an audra with ice wall + 1 gem. Thatā€™s a lvl 8 ice wall, with 9 walls.

Crowd control options for last 2 ranks if you want to keep cryo3 - chrono3:
-pyro2 fire pillar, 10s AoE stun on 30s cooldown (1/3 up-time). Decent damage too. It is similar to frost pillar but on lower cooldown and no freeze booster for lightning skill. You could get freeze with pyro multi-hit skills (firewall, flame ground, fire pillar) if you use froster lord red card. Frost pillar, flame pillar, ice pike 1x, 1x, 1x, is infinite mob lock combo.
-psychokino2 magnetic force, gather 10 mobs to 1 spot. Magnetic force into ice pike keeps 10 mobs on 1 spot for 5s. Magnetic force 25s cooldown. Heavy gravity 4s slow and change flying to ground. Heavy gravity 25s cooldown. Psychokino could also swap mob into ally AoE. Lack multi-hit skills to apply froster lord card, just heavy gravity is viable multi-hit. Psychic pressure is not viable on psychokino2 due to interrupts.

Videos (before earthtower patch and after wizard patch). A bit lag due to game recorder.
Cryo3 Chrono3 Pyro2 at ET part A here
Part B

Cryo3 Chrono3 kino2 at ET part A here
Part B here


Now the hard time have arrive to my, and i still donā€™t know which cryo build i can made T_T, i just want my ice damage mage T_T my favorite idea right now is cryo3-RC but idk what more put on it to make good for solo T_T and i still worry about what is better cryo3-kino-RC or cryo3-kino3 because the second one i feel that do more damage with more level of PP, T_T please help me !!T_T

Personally, Ice DPS mage is dead when considering cryo. Rune of Ice has been changed in a way in which cryo doesnā€™t benefit. Ice blast is not that good of an AoE spell because of the target limit and it stopped having the single target utility with ice wall long ago. The railgun (Ice Wall + PP) is way weaker than before, and with bosses having higher MDEF itā€™s not even going to tickle them.

Personally iā€™m going to go wiz2cryo1ele3rc1. You shall then follow up with Onmyoji 2 when itā€™s avalaible.

The best changes for Cryomancer on this patch PVE wise are Ice bolt, Ice pike and Snow rolling. Snow rolling is gonna be more useful at mobbing due to itā€™s higher target limit and longer duration.
Iā€™m personally picking Cryo1Ele3 for the new Ice Pike, a really gut PvE CC tool, with 3 overheat and 100% freeze chance, itā€™s effective 15s freeze to 10 targets. I like combining it with Elementalist because of the new 4 Overheat electrocute which wonā€™t decrease itā€™s damage to the following targets. Also, Ice Wall allows electrocute to bounce back and forth against single targets, leading to 14-15 hits easily. Lvl 5 ice wall isnā€™t enough, but with Audra + Ice wall gem you reach lvl 8 Ice Wall alone, casting 9 walls.

Rune caster is gonna increase the power of hail, which is DEFINETLY the highest DPS skill at an early circle, and itā€™s ICE property for your theme. Increasing hail damage by 50% is a great deal.

Onmyoji then brings a new Water/Ice property skill, and it has great AoE skills in general.

You have a fair combination of damage and CC.-

Cryomancer is now meant to be a CC god, freeze targets for huge durations, not a DPS.

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Hi There!
Returning player here, got one Wiz2Cryo3PsychokinoAlche3 utility character for gem roosting, awakening and crafting poitions
I also go Saalus/Dungeons for farming, so i guess, is this build still viable? Iā€™m planning on reseting and making something good of it, help me! Ty

i was thinking of something for my alchemist as well, for a full spr build i was thinking w1 X X X rune sor1 alch3.
X X X is between pyro, cryo, wiz, thau, kino, elem. havenā€™t decided yet and will test in upcoming free rank reset.

They shoulda learned how important Vacuum is to the community from Warframe. :<

Itā€™d be nice if they made Snow Rolling drop enemies in a pile instead of explode and scatter them. That way we can still gather stuff together with a little more effort.

So can rune of protection work as a surespell replacement? Thinking of trying some kind of CryoKinoElem abomination, wondering if I can go RC instead of wiz2.

I think Rune of Protection attribute only works on Rune of Protection, not all skills, so youā€™d still need Surespell. For me, Iā€™m gonna keep my cryo3ele3, but change it to wiz2cryo3ele3rc. In bonus, you get the new Magic Missile filler and keep big ice damage with Frost Pillar + Hail while obliterating stuff with Electrocute. Note that the new Frost Pillar doesnā€™t gather stuff anymore, but now freezes them 100% of the time, making it really good if you party with an aggro char. And theyā€™ve buffed the rune, so Rune of Justice will perfectly fit in the skill rotation.

Okay, thanks. Iā€™ve seen some people say that it can replace surespell and some say that it canā€™t, so I got confused there.
It would be neat to fit kino2 in since it gives alot of stuff but then Iā€™d have to drop something from cryo/elem.

Iā€™m back to the game because the wizard rebalance, and with the coming new changes I still want to make my ice mage but now the cryomancer become worst and just with cryo 1 is enough for many think and higher ranks are unnecessary ( but I still liking) do now I want to know good ideas for a ice mage.
My actual ideas are:
Cryo3-ele2-RC- sage2/omiy2
And cryo3-kino2-RC-omiy2.

I actually personally like cryomancer a lot more than before, sure I loved the pull effect but snow rolling feels really fun and good to use and ice pike is really really good too. I feel like I use cryomancer skills a lot more now and it feels a lot better in general to play instead of just throwing one pull once in a while.
Frost pillar seems good to use still regardless too.