Tree of Savior Forum

Cryo ~ Severely and extremely underpowered compared to other classes, leveling efficiency is a nightmare

After playing for a few days cryo seems to be one of those classes which sounds pretty awesome, but is without the shadow of a doubt useless in pve.
While classes like pyro run around dropping aoe effect spells which stay around and potentially kill monsters en mass, cryo will stick to single hit spells with splash, on high cooldown and mediocre amount of monsters hit.

I can see how this class would be absolutely awesome in pvp, however in pve its borderline trash.
Why freeze a monster when you can just as easily stunlock it with a spell?
Why bother with icing when you can put down a persistent aoe spell and run around it, killing thing in masses?

To begin with, what the hell is the point of a defensive class in this game outside of pvp? Absolutely nothing.
Leveling is all about killing efficiently and cryo wont put a damn thing on the table there. Its running around ice piking twice, maybe icebolting for good measure and then goes on cooldown for the next 20 seconds.

Consider this a warning.
Cryo has potential in pvp, but if you intend to play pve or have a fetish involving ice, stay away from it, there is literally no point to it.

Cryomancers have been buffed to have some of their CDs removed. Icewall can be used to clear an entire room with proper positioning. I’ve played Cryomancer before (hell, I’ve taken a single rank of them and gotten to rank 5 in iCBT when Cryomancer wasn’t as good as they are).

I think they work best in a party and freezing is extremely useful.

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Even best case scenario its still underwhelming compared to persistent aoe classes.

True, but you have to remember that Cryomancer has a blue icon, meaning they fall under Tank and CC. Cryomancer isn’t offensive-oriented to begin with. I feel like they pay off later, like most green/blue classes. Red classes always, for the most part, have an easier early game.

it is just a new player thing.

@black_light I feel you, I’m at Wiz>Cryo>Linker now, on the way to a Linker2>Sorcerer2 build, and I agree it is underwhelming. Having not played CBT, I didnt know what to expect. Maybe it will pay off in the late game, but as of now, it does feel very clunky and the ice wall seems to be there only for PP gimmick/PVP. Still, gonna continue with it and see how it goes. :confused:

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ice wall breaks too quickly at lv 5. it shines only after lv 10 or so.
at least in cbt2, ice wall synergized with soooo many things its not even funny lol.
psychic pressure
that warrior’s charge atk
monk’s laser beam
necro’s zombies
forgot the name of those skills but you get the idea.

Like Rubiss said, it can obliterate everything in an area

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Having played iCBT2, I can tell you a few things :

  • Late game, freezing mob will often be more interesting than flame ground and fire ball (which will only provide a small damage support).
  • Ice Wall combos deal huge damage.
  • Everyone love frost pillar.

Pyro is good. Cryo is good. Just play the class that suits your style the best.

I’ve levelled Cryo in iCBT2 and in this EA (currently cryo 1 psycho 1) as well, and I’ve never once felt underpowered. I’ve been running it with my group of 4 other friends, and even though we have an archer and an int krivis, I feel like I do the most damage out of our group.

Fighting enemies of-level, if we got an “ambush” spawn, I would be able to remove almost the entire group using just one ice pike. So… yea. I don’t feel underpowered as a cryo.

Only thing I can say is ice blast (and flare) suck in its current state.

Cyro/Psy combo dude…It deals huge damage…
yah didn’t know that? Ice wall + psych pressure combo…

Try that one wizard>cyro>pysh>cyro

Cryo doesn’t shine until circle 3. Its not a dps class.

Its the opposite of pyro gameplay which starts easy and efficient at C1 but has a lackluster C3. You need to commit to cryo.

If you aren’t prepared to be slow and patient to get ice pillar, subzero shield, and great support for hard-hitting mobs, then yes you’re better off taking pyro like you said.

I played cryo and can say it has its own strengths that other classes lack. Don’t expect it to play comparably to a DPS class is what I’m getting at I guess.

At high levels when pyro skill DMG has fallen off and you really on base damage for multi hits, a c3 cryo will contribute more to a difficult end game dungeon than a pyro c3.

Cryomancer is actually in the upper end of classes.

You don’t really expect one of the best pvp class to be extremely good in pve too right?

To be fair, pyro’s benefits taper off heavily in later ranks, whereas cryo’s CC will remain useful, not to mention OP in pvp! It sucks to level though, and that’s just a trade-off. An efficient build goes down at least 1 class path that’s dps-focused, and if you’re incorporating cryo, it’s just not going to be until later.

I’m leveling a c3 wizard right now. It’s not much better :scream:

This post is rot of stupid and I hope you stop thinking this way, Cryo is only good at Circle 3, and still not as a DPS. Everyone on forum says that. I’m going Wiz 3 and I don’t think it’s much easier.

Cryo 3 is a beast in both PvP and late game content, you alse wanted it to be the easiest class to grind solo too?


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Pyro actually does not taper off in late game from what I heard, because all its skills are multi-hits (which scale well in this game’s combat system) and upgrading your pyro ranks increases the number of hits per skill even MORE (or duration of the skill, which indirectly increases its hits per cast), which makes pyro’s multi-hits become even more multi-ish with each pyro rank. Heck, firewall is practically “I hear you like multi hits, so skilling up this skill adds multi hits to your multi hits!” when it comes to ranking it up.

That doesn’t change the fact that Cryro is awesome at end game too, though, albeit for different reasons.

Then you try to take your pyro build into end game PvP or Dungeons and realize that maybe some classes just excel at different things.

Currently at level 70 going for CryoKino

I’m loving the gameplay of it so far.