Tree of Savior Forum

Warriors being weak compared to wizard/archers

Title sums it up basicly ive been playin with 2 of my friends one being a wizard hes one shotting stuff 10 lvls above him with mere ease yet im havin trouble with killing stuff equal or just above my lvl as a hoplite… did i ■■■■ up my character? or i warrior just that weak compared to the other dps classes… please help me out my friend is hitting near 600/700 with his chyromancer and im not even hitting near 100s with my spear auto atk and my skills dont even get close to his dmg …

Invest more in strength, upgrade your weapon, use your skills. Max finestra for crit and use stabbing. As a highlander, it will take me 6+ auto attacks to kill something my level, but I’m usually one shotting them with my skills.

my weapon is +4 i cant afford to upgrade it more finestra is max i currently have 61 str and 31 dex aimin for 50 dex rest str i use skills the barely do 300 dmg…

Wizards/Archers being weak tanks compared to Swordsman. Sigh*


why are u breakin up tanky ness when im talkin about dmg… u shouldnt be tankin anything as wizard or archer

Can’t detect sarcasm?


yea i can but if u cant say anything nice then please shut the ■■■■ up :smiley:

You obviously didn’t detect the sarcasm though.

The point of my post is that Wizards and Archers cannot tank as well as Swordsman. This is the trade of being a Swordsman, you are naturally tankier compared to Archers and Wizards but have lower dps compared to them.

If you’re asking for balanced DPS between Swordies, Archers and Wizards then be fair. Ask IMC to make Archers and Wizards tanky too.

Obviously, even if you request that, the idea is just too dumb. As dumb as the idea of your original post.


What did I just read? LOL.


Did you level up the attributes for your concentrate and gung ho?

My concentrate attribute is level 40, my gung ho attribute is level 20 (both together adding 100+ damage) and my character is level 33. Go to your swordsman trainer, train up your concentrate until you need 30 minutes per training, then you can move out, do some stuff, and come back and keep training the skill efficiently.

It’s important to do this and use these skills at all times, along with UPDATING and upgrading your gear.

Switch between mace,sword and spear to abuse monster weaknesses (Archers and Wizards can’t do this effectively for the most part, you can)

You can put weapons in the hotbar and equip them from there, so you’re not limited to just the default 2 swap sets.

As far as I’m concerned (played all classes up to 100+), swordsman is the fastest at leveling of all the classes (solo). Especially if you go with a 2h swordsman class. But you shouldn’t have any issues as a swordsman, no matter what class you pick.


May I ask what build are you using? It was mentioned on other threads that warrior does fall-off past a certain point of the game…

Ppl told me not to get concentrate because its bad… so i opted out of it i did however get gung ho… so i guess i ■■■■■■ up good to know…

im going to play like this

Whoever told you that is an idiot, lol.

3 best choices that you can get on a swordsman c1 is concentrate, gung ho and pain barrier.

If you’re going for more swordsman circles, which you shouldn’t, it’s still the best choice.

Some will argue that level 3/5 bash is a good pick for the knockdown, but in my opinion it’s not worth the points, because you won’t be using it at all later on.

Pain barrier, gung ho and concentrate stay relevant for far longer.


i figured as much… oh well next time ill just stick to my guns and go with the what i think is good to late now i guess i already put all my points down D;

May i ask what server u play on sir?

Klaipeda, transferring to EU server once it’s setup.

I assume that right now you are a hoplite C2.

Hoplite has high cooldowns and your previous class (Peltasta) doesn’t help you much in terms of damage.

I assume that once you get to corsair things will get a little easier for you…

Are you pretending to swap shield with dagger?..cause Peltasta + Corsair looks really weird.

ah oke i used all my DLC… there and we ended up going to the EU server afterall… so i lost 50 bucks basicly… but once u move let me know i would like to add u :stuck_out_tongue:

Peltasta corsair is fine, he can taunt with 1h + dagger. It doesn’t require a shield. Pelt attack skills are simply not used anymore, once you hit Corsair.

I mean, some people still swap and use, but I’m not a fan.

im currently Hoplite C1 CR7 maxed out Finestra and on to stabbing now and this build may look weird but the reason i picked it is cause im mostly in a party of 3 one wizard 1 cleric and myself and im a bit of a tank i just taunt for my wiz so he can do work and yea i figured out i could use the taunt with spear/dagger so yea :smiley: