Tree of Savior Forum

Create a new "hardcore" and "normal" server label

Well then they can just keep rerolling for screwing up. I mean even THAT is fun in TOS. You can always make more and more alts.

Another thread.

Amazing. You really messed up your character to the point where you need to make like 20 threads about it?

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I donā€™t see any other threads about a hardcore server

You must be looking at the wrong thread buddy

No you see many about class resets which is what this thread is actually about.

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@moderators really need to be pro-active, wouldnā€™t you say, @STAFF_Ethan, @Staff_Julie?

I came back here after updating the wiki of this game and this is what I see? Looks like @ZeroTigress was right.

Thatā€™s a different game altogether. And IMC has a limit before they have to stop taking orders from the consumers like a Mickey Dā€™s cashier, or else it becomes just ridiculous. Not only would the coding and programming be a nightmare, but the cost of running a server is already high for a small company like IMC. Added to the fact that they still have some bugs to take care of, like the Commander Load Fail or the instantaneous disconnects, thereā€™s also the fact that those ideas are just bad. PK, really? And Perma-death? How does one even activate the hidden quest ā€œThe one who experienced deathā€ when a player is supposed to die? Donā€™t even dare to tell me to just remove that quest because hidden quests are a feature of Tree of Savior. If certain people donā€™t like it, then leave. I heard someone managed to infiltrate the UI and emulating ToS to make private servers with (which I condemn, considering that was what caused @hkkim to leave Gravity), or, you know, return to western MMOs where those things actually exist. Tree of Savior serves a niche market, not players who want to just play to the extreme. Hello? Ever heard of Counter Strike or something?

Certain people here have not only encouraged an overhaul, but also violated the Community Guidelines with vitriolic language and encouraging division and strife.

Maybe if you could see over that hill of SJW/White Knight debauchery youā€™ve posted youā€™d notice that this thread is mostly satire.

Where did u get your cryer expert guide, gimme ur tutorial, im interested on how to become a forum nerd

Well clearly, it was in poor taste. Considering there are already many threads that were ragged and complained on. Again and again. And. Again.

SJW, really? Hardly. That term is also in poor taste. What is this, gamergate? Since when did that still continue to exist in 2016? I had no idea there were some misogynists here. Bravo.

No, I do not care about IMC or the playerbase, but the game itself. There are way too many problems to even entertain outlandish ideas like Perma-death and the like. If someone wants to make a comment about it, stick. to. one. thread. Not spam the forums with bickering.

I think you should read the thread title and OP again

OMG seriously, all those braindead threads in this forumā€¦

The staff should do something against it.

I think you should look through the contents and sheath thine sword.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

This is Bim.

He applied for X as a degree.
He is now a senior.
He realized that the pay wouldnā€™t be as awesome as Joe, his dormmate whoā€™s studying Y.
He bitches and whines every single day at the lobby of the Registrarā€™s Office for a circle reset to Y.
He even takes a dump on the Deanā€™s desk as protest.
He believes that everyone should be able to change their course based on whim and fancy.
He also believes that heā€™s entitled to a circle reset because he has paid good money to the IMC.
Bim ends up in Trump University.

Be like Bim.

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Why was I summoned to this thread?

For once I agree with you. Please, do make a casual server. Then give everyone on that server instant level 280 and +200 to all stats. That way they can all be happy. Everyone wins. ā€œCasualā€ players get their private server style hand-holding and ā€œHardcoreā€ players get a traditional MMO. Itā€™s win-win.

Sorry but as I keep telling other people in this epic bread, thatā€™s not what weā€™re asking for. Weā€™ll take just the reset options and be fine, thank you.

Some people are saying grind is taking way too long though. As usual, you just think you represent 100% of the playerbase though, and everyone elseā€™s opinions are stupid. You lack the emotional maturity to see otherwise.

So to make all casuals happy, they will get all their requests. Grind will be removed entirely, and resets will be everywhere.

Perma death sounds amazing +1 maybe give each character like 100 lives or something

Make this happen IMC Hardcore servers let all the casuals reset on a normal server

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There have been other MMOs with permadeath, and it is indeed fun. Shaiya implemented it very, very well.

Well as youā€™ve said in the other thread, if the option was available, youā€™d definitely take advantage of it so I imagine Iā€™ll be seeing you around on Klaipedia Vers. 2.

You hypocritical bitch.