Tree of Savior Forum

Could you guys rate/give suggestions to my Alchemist build

I’m also shy, I’m trying to recruit my cousin and coworkers to join me but I’m aware in the long run I will be sort of solo/no fix group.

I really love the idea of commerce and spend hours farming items, crafting potions/item and also following the market (prices). Not that I wanna get in game rich or something, I just enjoy it (I’m economist and work with finance so…)

I simulated this build (I didn’t play the close beta) and all the information I have I gathered from the forum.

My Idea is build a Pyromist, take the advantage of Pyromist’s early game add some real damage from Elementalist for middle game and then crafting.

Please, guys, make your considerations, ally criticisms are welcome and sorry if it is stupid/silly build, all my “knowledge” regarding the game is theoretical

IMHO, you should go Wiz3 instead Pyromancer if you want to use Meteor, because the long cast ofth spells With Wiz3 you get quick cast and sure spell.

If you want use Pyromancer, you should consider getting Linker instead.


How about those?

Common one:

And, Auto Attack one with high DEX in mind.

It’s viable?


Thank you for your feedback, I was reading and now I see the flaws in that build.

Check this one

I decided don’t goo full Tincturing because as far as I understood, this skill will be really useful for potions, as @erickmuinos commented above, I believe that the potion’s price will constant decrease in the long run due the addition of Alchemists in the game and it seems to be the straightforward way to make money as alchemist (high demand for these items due the grind/consumable).

Being honest, I don’t think I fulled undertook briquetting so… I might be saying sh*t

Again, I just my though…

This build looks very solid in comparison with the other one. :slight_smile:

About Briquetting, we could to compare with forging items on RO, where if you fails the item is lost. In ToS, you don’t loose the item, you could only make it worse than before. So, with that in mind, I believe that will be a ton of people (high end game with high amount of money) that will be doing Briquetting to try their luck to make a “perfect” item.

That’s why I tought to go full briquetting and not take any point on Tintcturing. Another point is what you said above about Tintcturing and the constant decrease of the price.

About Dig, I was thinking in put 10 points to get max loot form it, use on Magnum Opus and offer some different things than the rest of alchemists. With Dig 10, IMO, we have a lot more chance to get good stuff than putting 5 points only. Maybe is overkill like @erickmuinos said, but the game will change and maybe now is the time to tests some thijng till the game stabilizes.

PS.: Sorry for my poor english.

Thank you alot, it is much more clear now.

I think you miss clicked, per your above build, you are full Tincturing 10/10 and none Briquetting 0/0

I was also reading about the Item Awakening mechanics, it will be a nightmare find a party to remove the negative status.

The upcoming balance patches will be also a huge problem, what works now, might be a really poor decision in the future and all our invest time be vanquished.

In which server are you guys are gonna play?

PS: Your English is really good and I’m also a no native so… the important thing is we be able to express our though and make the others understand it :slight_smile:


depends, like I said my reason to make an alchemist is that i love crafting and love to be imprevisible and break the common sence and thats why Im going for a combat /crafter hybrid.

Even if most people say alchemist is weak there are some few ways that ui can be really powerfull and one of them apply for all classes you make after alchemist specially in TOS: money is power. I wont say what it means exactly on tos because I want to do pvp and am partof a guild so i cant reveal everithing.

Alchemist is pratically not changing class for one or more ranks, if you enjoyed the build before becoming one youll enjoy after you become one.


For what I read about awakening, the only donwside is that the item lost a potential if you fail the dungeon. Otherwise, the item gains a randomic bonus.

you can solo easily, I even soloed bosses with my alchemist build. just remember that you need a solid build and lots of preparation and crafty mainly gear, as an alchemist you can easily get materials to craft the best geara nd money for the recipes so use it.

Most peiple dont know but mgnun pus not only makes gear but it also transmute materials


put 4 yougnome cores on a suqare and you create a egnome core. Egnomes are about 10 leves stronger.


the psychimst is really close to my build the only difference is that I got reflection shield instead of lethargy

the auto atack remembers me of my battlemage build with some few differences:
put 2 points on sweel and shrink body, sweel dpont work on big mobs but if you use shrink and then sweel it will work. You donty need sweel to have a long duration you can just use it befote the last one or 2 hits (its how i sued and it worked) i also recomend taking the additional dmage perk so theyll take damnage when they get bigger (I killed some mobs by accident with it and still got the extra goodies :yum:) the poinsy you didnt use dump in transpose.
Also This build have a really uncommon point: It only need dex and int to work, the skills are buffs that consume little to no sp so you dont ned to invest into spi, alsotake the equilibrium attribute for transpose as quick as you can so you can change between equlibrated magical damage and healt or a shitton of health when you want.
Also stock on potions, specially the hidden ones :wink:
those hidden potions cant be sold btw, theyr untradable.


tincturing is not very good for making money, but can be really usefull on pvp or long hunts/dungeons, when all the resources end and a horde comes for you youll be really thankfull by a almost unlimited stock of hp,sp sta and movement speed potions (those make you faster, if you get a set which several movement increase gear and take one of those you can outrun warriors with dash wich is great hor hit and rub tatic on pvp or bosses) magic amplification potions are really nasty they give a great boost to spells damage.

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you got it wrong, high dig dont make better itens appear, but it makes that lots of itens apper so the chance to get a ultra rare mineral with dig 1 and dig 10 is the same.
On other side with dig 1 you get one and with dig 10 you get 10 of the really rare ore (once got lucky and got 5 silver, it ws worth a good money on players market)

BTW about selling ore always look the price on the npc first if its higher sell to the npc, if its lower sell on the market, this tip isnt only for dig stuff I got lotsnof money on cbt2 by buying cheap stuff on the market and selling to the npc with profit.

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About your Battle mage build, how did it go at solo and boss fights?
Could you post the build?

awakening was redone now it will give a random attribute incease independent of wich weapon it is, now all that matters is the item level and number of stars.

its old but ok.
About boses it was an auto attacker, it got the job done and was really hard to kill, but holy ■■■■ it took a long time to kill bosses.

here it is justbremeber that this buld hasnt an alchemist so you should swap thau 3 for alch if you want

About Dig, I tought that each of the 10 itens has it own chance on the roll. Still, should be nice to Dig 10 super rare items.

nope theyre all the same item


Probally I"m going to play in Klaipeda server.


About Psychimist, what you recommend for stats distribution? 4:2:1 INT/CON/SPR?