Tree of Savior Forum

Could you guys rate/give suggestions to my Alchemist build

My goal is to be a little supportive mage while making some gold with alchemy

As my stats go, I’m thinking in 2 int, 1 spr, because I will need to increase my damage even if it’s by a little, and until I can craft potions I will lack SP regen.

Thanks in advance

well those are the tips I can give:

  1. earthquake isnt really worth if you consider damage, cost and cooldown, youre better with sleep.

  2. only use hangmans knot before a deuff,cc or aoe skill the duration is short you have to time it.

3)put less points on sweel bosy and more in transpose, its better to only use sweel body whenthe enmy is almost dying, time it right and the damage attribute may even kill it.
30 bosses and big mobs care iat he max size so you cant use sweel body on them… but if ou use shrink body and them sweel body it works.

  1. you let lots os unspent points on alchemist, spend them

  2. if your focus is money not crafting, max tincturing, briqueting and dig on circle 1, and gem roasting, briqueting and tincturing on cricle 2.

  3. invest money on attributes, thery reall usefull and powerfull.


First of all I appreciate your toughts on my build and if you have sometime I would like to talk about some of your tips.
Earthquake will be used to ground control, it makes monsters fly and can give some space for me. With the new linker nerfs hangman knot is not as realible as it was before so I gotta be careful with it, transpose level 3 is alredy good enough because the duration is higher than the cooldown.

Altough I played as an Alchemist in the iCBT, I didn’t test briquetting, didn’t had enough good itens to try, but it’s that good? I know some item awakenings are really good, and I could go with just 1 or 2 points only.
Dig I know you get some itens that doesn’t drop at all, but I could’t find a way to use it, and Magnum Opus still a mistery to me, tried many combinations and none of them worked. I might spent some points in dig and low my awakening item and place it on briquetting

the problem with earth quake is that take some time to cast and you need to go close.
higher level transpose helps ypu to save sp.
briqueting is most usefull to get money, it can increase or decreasean equipment stats by a percentage , you can ende with a great equip or with a shitty one, put a briqueting shop and let people try the luck ( tenk to craft some really nasty gear take can take days or weeks to get the ingredients,so i never use it i wouldnt risk the 6 stars gear)
Awakening is good to icrease the levl beauce the number of waves and their level depend on the wepon level and the number of stars, 4 stars or higher items have entire raids as awakening and you wont be able to complete without a full party.
dig give you some uqique itens that can be used on potion and magnum opus, some off them are really expensive and come in bulk with high level dig, you can also dig gold and silver.

magnum opus is a secret skill, its hard to understand, but follow some patterns. A alchemist should never talk about its magnum opus reicpes, if they do many people will create secondary alchemists because of the equipment and artefacts it can create wich wopuld be bad to dedicated alcvhemists, also some stuff is good as a trick on the sleve and should be kept as a secret. Alchemists can be really dangerous in combat if they create the right thing with magnum opus.

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I didn’t knew Briquetting was like Gem roasting that you could open a shop, I though I had to do it myself, so it’s a little better, and Dig, is useful, but I never got any good drops from it, just the normal stuff from all kind of grounds, if I remeber the places you could dig were woods, stones, water, books and plants. About awakening I could finish a level 188 equip dungeon all alone, but it was with my previous build that included Sorcerer on it, so now I will need at least someone else with me.

And about magnum opus, I will open an excel board and start testing combinations with all kind of itens I get hahaha.

I think I’ve seen some other threads advising Sorc for rank 5 for Alchemists. Can someone explain why it’s still pretty strong even at rank 1?

I find the summon demon clunky, you having to stop and wait for it to initiate the attack animation before being able to move. Salamion has a habit of… Being Salamion. Is Sorc 1 strong because of the cat buffs? Or is it because bats are a good way to gain aggro?

I’m currently torn as to what class I can add to Pyro 3 for my Alch. Recent Linker nerfs makes it feel like getting Rank 2 (for Linker) is necessary to get the best utility-to-rank-ratio.

Heck, I’m even inclined to take Chrono at rank 5 just for the 25% crit rate from the aspd buff.

I have a question is skill Dig when lvl up get only up how many number of pieces we get or also it lvl up rarity we get ??

dude sorc is only worth on circle 2 and becomes a monster on circle 3, believe me the higest damage potential is sorc 3, but is a really hard class to play, you need to constantly huynt new biosses for theyr cards be used as a acrifice to increase yours summon number of satrs and youi need to raise the boss from a shitty level. On circle 1 if you max summoning your summon will have the same power than the original boss, lower than 5 itll be weaker (if its a one star card, 2 stars or more are stronger).
on circle 2 you become able to control your summons so they dont run around being stupid and your boss is much stroger than the original. You can now swap bosses.
On circle 3 your boss is on steroids, you get evocation that allow you to use a skill of the secondary boss in the grimory andf desmodius tha is summoning a huge wave of vampire bats on your ebnemy, the aoe is pretty big and they del a shitload of damage.
so… resuming:
sorc 1 is useless
sorc 2 is really powerfull
sorc 3 is ■■■■■■■ broken

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will lvl 1 dig b enough ?

dig is a underrated skill because most people dont know how to use, not only the mao but the place youre digging define what you will get. If you dig on grass you will always get weed or herbs, dig on smothh ground some kinds of rock and earh, dig on a stone stones and minerals and it keep going.
people think that the best way to make money with alchemist is gem roasting and potion but thats bullshit from who dont know . Demand and resource, the price of roasting and potions will keep falling with time because more people will become alchemists and use the “easy money” skills.
If you know were to digyou can make lots of silver by sellling high price ingredients for npcs and really rare ones for players, there are 2 ways to drop gold and solver bars on tos, kill a boss (history or map one) and hope itll drop or dig on the right place were the chance to get is the same as some bosses but you can get lots at once. also some craftingmaterials for recipes can only be aquired with dig.
the second way tomake lots of money as an alchemist, takes a lot of effort, but once you maser it youll be a money making machine:
Unique item crafting. Not only magnum opus is full of secret recipes, but it can also akter some itens and give some nice stuff to them. gem roasting if used correctly to put gems on a equipment before selling will give much more profit.
I wont tell how to use magnum opus, but thats how you make unique items:
1)research unknown powerfull itens from regular recipes
2)Craft i with an idea in mind and give it a name
3)use awakening but make sure to success you want to keep the potential high
4) put the gems you want on it, little people know, but beyond the regular color gems that give status, there are special gems that make skills stronger like this one:

Know the higlander skill skyliner? it gives it a extra lvel, put 3 of them and youll have a weapon that incrase the skyliner level by 3

Opitional: if you discovered how to add stuff to a equip with magnum opus add something.

Congratulations, you go a overpowered unique weapon, something only alchemists can make now sell it to some high level players for all his savings.


read my last post and you will see why you want high dig.

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yup thanks a lot i get it now

youre welcome, most pople dont see that the alchemist skills aret moneymaking skills, they are tools for making lots of money.

i am making this alchemist to support my warlock :slight_smile:
and i have finally decided on my build

What do u think of this build ?


Sorry to bust your dreams…
Thats not how gems work.
The max lvl a gem can raise a skill is +1. It does not matter how many gems (same one) you have equipped. Max up is +1.
(Even when you equip 4x the same gem the max up is +1
(AT least Thats what it was like in cbt2)

But with a weapon to boost the class skills (some give +1/+2 to class skills) And devine might from Cleric you can boost skills quite nice.

But nevertheless I am excited. And want to built an alche too.
The dress is just so fancy. Dont Judge me for my reasons :yum:

Wiz > Pyro > Linker > Pyro > Linker > Alche 2

for easiest alche up grind.

but will this build b viable after rank 8 comes out

No, you make an alchemist and stop it at rank 7 with alche 2 or rank 8 with alche 3, with that build you can go that far, but not much further.

I strongly suggest you not to try making an alchemist as your main character, it’s pretty bad for PvP and PvE contents, it’s only for making stuff really.

not making it as main