Tree of Savior Forum

Could someone please explain "Gear Progression"?

Really sorry, I’d explore the game fully if it didn’t just… Jump me from 60 to 120 in an instant, I’m still wearing level 40 armor and I spent all my silver on a 120 weapon.

May I ask how you’re supposed to normally farm gear for your level? When does this rollar coaster stop so I can slow down again and worry about stuff like gear? Should I just ignore gear until around 220 or something?

Thanks, and sorry for being confused. The game changed a lot since beta… for the worse imo, but it is what it is…

If you are with new account I guess they are giving free event items, you will not need other items till Level Max.
If not, do not worry about items, only if you are feeling weak in the dungeons, buy the pardoner buffs and weapons of your level, till level 220 I don’t think you will be getting much damage so I don’t see the need of changing gears.

This “gear progression” does not exist until 220. On any non archer, stick to 5 hammer + cafrisun and just buy all pardoner buffs. When you hit 220, that’s when you invest on gear.

So ignore it until 220, that’s what I thought, thank you.
May I also ask, do people still only run the top option for the mercenary mission? Been waiting in queue for like 2 hours now

You can solo it with pardoner buffs and a couple of pots.

There are dead hours in a server. I experienced that last year when i started and i was like wtf no one plays this game? But no. There are people but mostly are max lvl now or making toons. Best bet is to know when your server is most alive

Queues are annoying… You’ll need to know the peak hours of your server, and I advise to shout as well. Like “LFM Siauliai mission, around level 150” or something~
This way you can go from 1/5 to 5/5 in just a couple of minutes, for missions and dungeons. Also, be sure to always check “match 2 to 4 players”, so you guys can enter the dungeon faster and will still get some bonus exp.

And yes, people mostly queue Siauliai, and solo the others. Because Siauliai is the best in terms of exp/time while the other missions are farmed for materials and/or boss cards.

How do you solo? Couldn’t figure it out, noob question but it keeps saying I need a party.

Form your own party in either F5 or F6 menu.

Then you can just select Enter Now on the instance entrance menu.

Is there anywhere I can go to find out how you start investing into gear at 220 until endgame? Tosbase doesn’t show where a lot of mats drop and it’s a bit convoluted with the information is more reliable

i invested into grynas plate armor (220) one year ago and i still use it on my Plague Doctor (lvl330) since it offer a good physical defense.

how is your build ?

I only just started a few days ago (quit during beta) but I’m currently playing a wiz>Cyro3>Sorc3 and sword>highlander>barb2>squire3

Doesn’t seem like there’s a SPR staff, that’s sad… Guess anything would do…

This is already an elaborate version for alts of veteran players. If you farm for Cafrisun or Five Hammer with your first char you will be stuck at low lvls longer than you need to.

here’s a list of all equipments that increase SPR, from max to min

Swordsman’s best Mid-game pieces are Nyx Knight

hunting grounds equipment are cheap but strong gears. they are easy to get too.

Could you elaborate on what hunting grounds is? Sorry

It’s a series of dungeons, located on different fields depending on level. they drop HG exclusive weapons and armor, which have a random amount of sockets. You have to identify them to an appraiser to reveal the socket amount.

Back to this, I notice pardoner buffs don’t last long at all, like at all. And by length I mean, number of hits I assume…

Do they stack if I buy multiple? If so, how much should I buy? It doesn’t look like time limit refreshes so I honestly don’t know, but they certainly don’t last more then 10 mins

I’m level 168 and struggling becuase I die past 10 mins (pardoner buffs run out) in hunting fields for an hour becuase my armor is still level 15

I also tried to solo mercenary and died horribly

Blessing has hit count, the others should last for the full time duration.
Blessing do not stack hit count, but soon they will be reworking pardoner shops and blessing will not have hit count anymore.
Currently the buffs do no stack, they overwrite(refresh time) when you buy again.

You can try using Cafrisun set and Enchant Fire scrolls (buy on market, type:“skill scroll” to find) to have 2 extra damage lines, so after you ran out of blessing you still do decent damage with Sacrament afecting the extra damage lines.
ps: this works only using auto attacks

do not use 15 lvl armor pls, at 170 just buy these War mage parts on your Sorcerer.
are you following a specific build (maybe one of THESE)?