Tree of Savior Forum

Could someone please explain "Gear Progression"?

I really don’t think it’s fun to just follow a build (at all), but I did tons of research this week

I’m making this

Hmm, I don’t have nearly enough silver for the war mage set, but I’ll save up

War mage boots are really good for every Spirit based class. You can try your luck going in Neighport Church east building. This hunting ground will give you this set and Reine Mace (+43 SPR) if you are lucky

also it’s really easy to fck up a build and therefore the experience you have with it so plan carefully, i don’t have a sorcerer&necromancer so i can’t give any more advice on it.

All the info I found of where the set drops is that it comes in a cube, is that just dropped from random mobs or a special boss?

there are no bosses on Hunting grounds, just killing normal Mobs. They have a chance of dropping an Unidentified armor/weapon cube fragment. Collect 8 fragment to obtain a Cube. Also enemies have a chance of directly dropping a Cube, not only fragments of it

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