Tree of Savior Forum

Costume variation per circle

Currently costumes are related to class rank.

I’m assuming that there will also be cash shop costumes in the future, and maybe other methods of getting costumes.

But I also think there should be costumes signifying your growth in one class.

Atleast a recolor or some variation of some sort if you choose to go circle 2/3 in one class, to show that you dedicated yourself to that class.


I wouldn’t mind Circle 3 giving me the instructor’s variant…


BONUS costume per circle? Hmmm… sounds good to me…

Wait so we can not choose our colors or anything?

Some awesome details like glowing runes on Circle 3 wizards or something would be a great idea.

yes pls…so that there would be more dilemma on going 3rd circle! but most likely the master costumes will be premium.

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I’m curious: What is the current dilemma on going 3rd circle?

eh? would your rather take the 3rd circle skill of your current class or take a new class with new skills to be more versatile.

Oh. Right.
I think it’s wonderful. I love being at a strategic crossroads like that.
But I haven’t played the game, yet, so it might turn out to be more
frustrating than I believe :frowning:

I really look forward to see what the type of vanity costumes we can get. But I agree comitting to circle 3 should reward a cool costume.

I’m in agreement with this idea. A simple recolour or variation wouldn’t require too much work, and it would also be more rewarding for those who decide to stick with their class.

So much of this!!

I love the Cryomancer’s cute coat, but what the Cryo master wears is just overkill. I sooo want my character wearing a fancy outfit like his’!

This has been talked about in other threads before… I think my thread was one of the first. If you scroll down some in the original post, I even gave an example. :smile:

& Here is another thread made some time after mine requesting the same thing.

I guess a decent amount of people do want this!


He’s talking about a new costume when you advance further on the same class since you get a new one when you swap classes you should get a new costume for tier 2 and tier 3 on the same class.

for example a Tier 1 swordsman or peltasta shouldn’t have the exact same costume as a tier 2 or tier 3 swordsman or peltasta

This has been discussed before and i agree with costumes per circle.

also FATEPGN for MOD!

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@FatePGN for mod. Since he’s always online as it is anyway. Lol.

This great suggestion has been made several times before…
Sadly we don’t have any feedback from IMC. :worried: #keephopealive

I’d love this.


I totally agree with that