Tree of Savior Forum

Suggestion - Two outfits per class

Now, firstly I want to point out I did a search on “outfits” before posting this and didn’t find anything similar, just in case someone instantly jumps at me for reposting or something.

Now, I like the outfit system, but I wish there were more outfits per class. Why should a Circle 3 Barbarian look the same as a Circle 1 Barbarian? So in simple terms, my suggestion is that if/when you hit Circle 3 in a class, you get a new outfit. For the name of the outfit it can be something like “Archer Master” or “Adept Archer”. Specially for low ranks from an aesthetic point of view it’s almost like you’re punished for dedicating yourself to the first classes (which arguably have the most simple outfits and don’t look nearly as elegant as the later ones such as Templar or Fencer) or you may simply not like the outfits for the next classes.

Plus, variety is always nice.


I agree:

Hopefully the staff can take a look at these suggestions and the devs can implement them.


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The game is about making your character unique and distinct, and that can only be done through lots of variety:

we believe that players will be more affectionate to their characters
when they become unique and distinct from other players’ characters
after a long period of playtime instead of just allowing diverse
customization options from the beginning.


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Ah, I knew this would happen (which explains the note at the beginning), damn search function…

@emorbon And why exactly does having more outfits affect the storyline and quests in anyway? Variety is never an issue. Every gamer likes having a unique character which is why games offer more and more variety these days (with some exceptions).

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It would be awesome if classes from Circles 2 and 3 had different outfits.

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what this guy talking about :cold_sweat:


It’s called variety, a concept you seem to not be able to understand.

And once again, how exactly does having an aesthetic outfit make the game easier?

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Having more variety in class outfits doesn’t stop them from adding harder to get outfits. Once again, your point makes very little sense.


This thread is actually similar to those previous discussions about outfits, anyway I also really like a different outfit whenever I reached C2 or C3 rank of my desired class.

If only IMC can partake or make something similar like Witcher 3 armor sets

  • Basic C1

  • Superior C2

  • Mastercraft C3


@emorbon Are you saying that the additional outfit variety is going to make the game too easy?
Or perhaps you think the devs shouldn’t waste their time on suggestions for things you don’t want? (this would be scummy, but is actually fair)

@Joaoseinha There is some valid concern that this makes the obtaining of ‘decent’ outfits easier. I don’t know many people who care how easy it is so long as there are difficult outfits to obtain, but that’s something.

  • My opinion on this is exactly the same as before.
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Yeah, even minor changes such as those seen there would suffice. Like for example, Swordsman C2 would get some plate armor pieces here and there and C3 would get something like a cape. Just examples but still things like this would be fairly minor changes but would go a long way for making your character feel unique.

@LaScoot Valid complaint, but as it is you can already get some gorgeous outfits very easily: Pyromancer (literally rank 2), Barbarian, Paladin just to name a few.
Plus, as long as there’s hard to get outfits people will still try to get those instead, even if it’s just for the rarity of them.

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Actually, there might be some costumes variant versions, at least for the basic classes (Swordsman, Cleric, Wizard and Archer).

The (sadly, now defunct) site had 3d rendered models (all datamined) and, for example, there were at least 5 female Archer variant costumes. We just need to hope that IMC still plans to implement the costumes in later updates.

I’d be totally up for purchasable outfits but at the same time I’d still love to see this to add some variety within the classes themselves aesthetically.

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No worries. It’s not like the textures/models are that complex.
(fairly simple, really…)