Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair's subweapon cancel nerfed?

This is a very recent video - 6th October (4 days ago):

His build: Swordsman -> Highlander c3 (proof: skull swing) -> Corsair c2 (proof: Subweapon cancel)
His stats: Almost full dex (shown at 1:10 in video) - note his evasion is quite high and he barely gets hit in this video.

As you can see, in the first 10 seconds or so he has the Subweapon Cancel buff on but his attack speed wasn’t much different from the rest of the video. Certainly very different to the old corsair here:

Also I believe Skull Swing lowers a set amount of defense regardless if the enemy is wearing a shield or not. I think that part about shield in the skill description is just due to the translation from Korean, don’t take it too literally.

PS: Highlander actually works well with Corsair because Highlanders can lower defence, which helps Corsair’s auto attacks a lot since the attack from 1H weapons are weaker than 2H.

It looks like subweapon cancel just adds an extra attack - if you see the first 10 seconds, every 2nd swing seems to pop out 1 extra number. Apart from that I can’t really make out what Subweapon Cancel does anymore…


That part from the skill description in Korean is, to clarify, actually that the enemy will be under the Armor Break status effect.

God, that Skull Swing doesn’t go away either. Makes Rodelero’s defense-down skill useless.

What Armor Break status really do? Destroy player’s armor (on PvP), just remove it from inventory or reduce their defense with an unknown %?

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perhaps that player is just really bad at hitting the dagger key.

Armor Break reduces defense. In the case of Skull Swing, it removes the defense abilities of an enemy, reducing the physical defense to 0. I don’t know what this means for PvP. I assume it will be a bit different.

And no, it does not destroy anything of the targeted player/enemy. Just reduces defense by a certain amount.


My god as soon as you have a build or class you like they nerf it to the ground…Nothing seems op at all

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Still nothing like the old video i linked above…

Subweapon cancel ended at 0:10 and he started hitting attack button properly at 0:21 So i dont think its has been nerfed. It seems he is testing weapon damage etc…

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So the Skull Swing debuff doesn’t go away?

That’s crazyyyyyy.

I see the first video you linked as a weapon testing scenario. I mean, with those bouncing numbers pop up left and right, it could be confusing (and annoying too!) to test the damage.

Here are the things that s/he was testing out:

  • How much damage I can inflict when I equip both sword and dagger while only attack with the sword?
  • How much damage I can inflict when I equip both sword and dagger while only attack with the dagger?
  • If I only equip the sword and attack with it, how much damage do I do?
  • If I only equip the dagger and attack with it, how much damage do I do?
  • If I only equip the sword and attack with my bare off-hand instead, how much damage do I do? (Oops, this one isn’t possible, or is it?)
  • If I only equip the dagger and attack with my bare main-hand instead, how much damage do I do?

I guess it go away after the monster (or player) be killed, because it hasn’t a countdown.

Skull Swing’s debuff lasts for 10 seconds.

Wish I had that video as proof, but I dropped it somewhere.


Also the extra hits are from Sacrament which I forget if you can use Simony for in the latest patch, but oh well. I frankly never liked this person’s videos, cause he/she is weak. I wouldn’t put my faith in him/her to indicate if Double Weapon Assault was nerfed. But just going by patch notes, no it wasn’t, this guy is just testing things.

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10 seconds? It seemed to last longer in the video that was posted here.

Wow! So It was nerfed because I’ve posted three videos in other topic (one of them GoldenCross posted above) and as @Excellence said, it seemed to last longer than 10 seconds.

Well, still a good skill to have at lvl 1.

I wouldn’t say it was nerfed… More like fixed.

The Armour Break status used to last forever, and that’s what was actually really worth going to C3 Highlander.

Ahhh, my memory did not fail me =u = FOUND IT

Credits to Eka!


Niiiice. Those new Highlander attacks are on point.

Despite the countdown, Highlander is still an awesome class! However, I’m sorry @Excellence my friend, but Vertical Slash doesn’t seem worth at all =/

Cross Cut and Sky Liner deals the same damage and I didn’t like one thing about the video: Eka swapped the sequence XD. He used Sky Liner first!

By the way, are bosses immune to bleeding?

PS. sorry @GoldenCross by the “off-topic”. Answering your thread: I think the player was just testing the damage. Subweapon Cancel it may not nerfed.

Yeah I gathered that he may be testing, from what’s said in this thread.
Also btw Vertical Slash is not mainly used for the damage, it decreases defense of medium to large sized enemies temporarily according to the skill description in Japanese.

Are you sure? Because the current translation says “Deals additional damage to Medium and Large monsters according to how much defense they lost from Skull Swing”.

I didn’t see much difference before and after Skull Swing =/