Tree of Savior Forum

Concerning Valentines Contest Results - Traced Art?

Thanks for the thread. Now I know what I’m gonna remove from my loading screen. Taking exact ‘reference’ from another source and claiming it to your own work proudly (before being pointed out by someone else) is not an act I can tolerate. Even if nothing else could be done about this, at least this thread could show more people what has happened :’)


Do as you please. If you think that create stuff studying perler beads or what so ever is wrong, well w/e. You are free to express your opinion in the internet. Google is out there for everybody.
Yet I have no obligation to expose material of the creative process nor tell what was based in what.
This topic was motivated by bad intentions, and the rage of some that can’t accept the results of the festival. Probably the same people that make bad memes from “Love on FIRE!”
If you had yelled to me about the hair style before the results I would gladly swap this:

But now? I won’t.
Thank you for the thread, and best of luck in the next festival.


not really i have 0 complaints about the results of the festival. they were randomly picked from a wide, very large, pool of nominees. i didnt even enter this time.

my intentions were to bring up a case of plagiarism to the authorities, i’m not really interested in what you have to say to try to defend your plagiarism. as an artist going into the professional field i have ethics i conform to when it comes to tracing+stealing other peoples work. sorry i didnt get to tell you about your plagiarism before you entered and won, which would allow you to replace your plagiarism with original work, but i dont have an all-seeing eye.

you can leave my thread now like you said you would


I’m actually sad this “pixel” art won.

I’m fine with pixel art, because all pixels are same size. In this case, the bigger dots are “pixelated” and the smaller are not even pixeled.

This is not pixel art, this is ***** in my opinion. Looks like you were bluring the faces like if it was some genitalia.

I don’t know how it got nominated personally.


Everything is random apparently. RNGesus must have chosen it. I agree, it’s not pixel art at all. It’s like cube art or something, I dunno. Whether it’s good or bad, that’s purely subjective and I’ll keep my opinion on that to myself.

it’s not random when same people keeps winning consecutively :wink:
the random BS is just an excuse.


look at your post.
you’re not even on topic.
weeb plzz


just saw this on FB



more art tracing, pretty sad


Now this one is real Artist huh ;O~ and u can see how lovely her art is made …


Wow. That’s extremely blatant. At least windy can show that they’re capable of creating the art they made, maggiesy didn’t draw any of their entry except for tracing around the eyes, a pair of extremely simplistic balls for hands, and pasting parts ontop of eachother.

Can we get some staff in here to weigh in on this? If plagiarism is just going to be ignored, I’m not sure why any artist worth their salt would ever bother with a contest like this again. Why put effort into anything if you can just trace or copy someone else’s art and win? There needs to be some repercussion for this.

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Yuri


So, as an artist.

This first post on topic is totally baseless. We study a lot of styles and even “copy” ideas to make our own.

I will show you an example of my own:

Art piece by minusT

Halloween Contest Entry by me

Now you can see the “stolen” parts, the idea of putting decorations around a bright circle representing the theme in particular (For minusT Touhou, for my art ToS)

Now, how far can you call my art stolen if i made every single line and every single brush stroke. What part of it is stolen? Did i steal the artist skills? Or are you able to create this kind of piece after seeing minusT piece?

There is something that is spread on the mind of people about artists. They shud be “Creative” and “Original”. Go back to your art story classes and check famouse artists “stealing” other previous famous artists work. You are plain harassing Windy.


You don’t have to be original. You can use somebody else’s artwork in your artwork. But you need permission from the artist and you need to credit that artist.

As far as I can tell, you didn’t take any assets from minusT’s art, so neither permissoin nor credit is needed.

Most of these instances see their own court cases because those artworks have intellectual property rights so the cases fall under copyright infringement.


I’m honestly not sure why you’re posting this here. What you described is a gray area at most, ie. a situation where the “idea” in an artwork has been copied but the content is still original and has been fully created by the inspired artist. This could be argued as plagiarism depending on the extent of what’s copied, but it’s not what’s being discussed here.

What’s being discussed is the opposite of that. To pull from your own post:

This is a situation where entire lines and brushstrokes have been copied, and the content is directly ripped from another artist’s work. It doesn’t matter if it’s the entire image or just part of it, if you can literally overlap the two images and see the exact same strokes that’s plagiarism.


There’s a difference between copy pasting and referencing. that example above demonstrates referencing without having to directly trace or steal anything off it. like Blue mentions it is an ‘idea’. like you would reference a photo of somebody simply for their pose. however tracing and worst, the lack of crediting external resources directly used on an art piece you claim as YOUR OWN is simply unethical.


Those are my thoughts exactly. But I couldn’t have said it better.

Sometimes it is even hard for you to refer the drawing that inspired you, cause it may be something you do subconsciously. And when it is a part of the drawing and not the idea itself, you would have to refer to the whole internet.
I often find myself looking at pictures/photos to draw a character on an specific position or with an specific expression.

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referencing is always good practice for artists, it’s a way to enrich their ‘visual library’

however that is not the issue here. its easier to see the issue of plagiarism if it were compared to copy pasting a few phrases off a lyrics, and claiming it as your own written poetry w/o proper credits to the owner.

my thoughts exacly


Chili, you do realize this guy is talking about the “Stalker girl” art, right? I’m not talking about that.
And I’m not even going to 'cause it is too easy to point a finger.

quoting notsoaccurateguy

this and that are hardly different if that’s what youre trying to say.

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Both are plagiarism though. Hell, I’d say the stalker girl picture is an even worse case of it. At least windy only copied a hair sprite and drew the rest themselves.