Tree of Savior Forum

Coming back after quitting 2 months in need help with class

Im currently Swordsman 1> Pelt 2> barb 2> Corsair 1
I was originally going for fencer but I have no idea if they changed anything since I don’t keep up with this game. Is there a build I can still go or should I just start from square 1?

In these two months, the game moved closer to rock bottom.


Apparently, so does people’s capacity to think.

2 months isn’t much time for massive changes over several classes, so I guess you’re in the clear.

The question is… how’s your stat build going?

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I stopped 2 months after beta thingy so I didn’t even know R8 was out ;o. I have 2 stat reset potions so realistically I can change it at any time, but currently I’m 2 str 4 dex 1 vit.

This might be a typo from Topic Creator but

Are you sure your class build is Swordsman 1> Pelt 2> barb 2> Corsair 1, which is rank 6

not Swordsman 1> Pelt 1> barb 2> Corsair 1, currently at rank 5?

Just asking to be clear since the advice can be vastly different depending on the exact situation you are in

Oh my bad, I thought you meant you quit 2 months ago. Well, it’s not like that time where you need to go a certain class just to get into parties, so overall it’s not bad. Here’s a list of Swordsman class changes over the past few months, feel free to check it so that you can adjust accordingly.

Also, the only real massive change we had as of late besides the R8 is the change to gem stats. Now STR and CON are filler stats for DPS-type characters since Red and Yellow Gems (Blue for mages) got a massive boost in their damage increase and HP stats, such that pure DEX is now the norm. Of course you can ask around for a good build.

Sorry I completely forgot about this thread. It wasn’t a typo, I just remade =\