Tree of Savior Forum

Combat System Changes Dossier Pt. 5

Click here to see the dev blog post.


I think most people would agree that we’re all expecting to see your “Dossier” on the detailed skill changes than your future plans. Please make that a priority, thanks.


Current combat system is fundamentally flawed. No matter how much you adjust the skills of each you deemed underperforming skills/classes it wont matter. The problem lies and deeply rooted on the current stat system, youll need another overhaul to change that but for sure we wont see that in foreseeable future.


After experimenting with a few classes, I can say for sure that you people are terrible at balancing.

You guys broke 2 major classes because you thought they where OP, instead of ask for suggestions.

First one is Pyro, why you guys did that to Fireball? The mechanic was what made it unique, wanted to make it viable? Just decrease the damage to 20% or 25% per hit, leave the original hit count, and each Lv you can do an increment of 2.5% or 5%.

Firewall also lost it’s shine, 4 or 5 hit counts at Lv 15 (unless is a bug) is basically nothing. What is saving it a bit is Agnis neck.

The second one is Linker.

Joint Penalty, which is the main reason to go on this class, is now only a filler skill, instead of drop the hit count to nothing, you guys could leave at the way it was, lower the duration (20 or 30 secs) increase the CD (30 secs) and drop the damage to 50% of the original hit (or main linked mob) independent of what mob is being hit, even if the main mob already died.

Priest Aspersion also got a big nerf, My pard barely feel any difference with or without it, either is not properly balanced or is not taking the values from SPR at all.

On the other hand, Miko, PD, Pelt, Hop, Hacka got buffed, I played yesterday with my Pelt Hop without resetting it (only the stats) and was beating the hell out of the mobs way faster than before the patch. And my gear is pretty cheap, doing 2k-4k normal damage to 6k-10k critical damage was fun.

Well at least people can’t complain about Swordie being weak.


I agree Fireball redesign is bad, the Fireball+JointPenalty is a signature of the initial creative game mechanic, together with the PhysicsPressure+IceWall/Fireball. At least the hit count increase 2 per level while damage remain same, like how firewall now.

Firewall with lower CD is good, but it is not the one in KTOS. And firewall is 203%x5 damage per tile, with lv15 it is 8tiles, and with a desmosdus gem it is 9tiles, it mean it will yield 9x5x253% with agny which actually the highest total skill factor in wizard tree imo, I’m testing it whether it will reduced by AoE def ratio, but so far so good as i’m using it.

I think Joint Penalty and QuickCast are fine, while they are good but they also cancerous to the wizard tree.
JointPenalty with Hangman’s Knot to group monsters are still very useful, especially in HG315 where a lot of range mobs. But I also hope Joint Penalty will have attribute to increase a bit of hit count

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Miko was buffed? Missed that.

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I think Firewall need a good rework, instead of making it hit count keep it for a time, lets say 10 secs, it hit and burn the base damage can be pretty much 100% or lower and increments per level of 5% or 10%, CD around 25 secs.

It could be increased with SPR like Blessing receive some damage from it too.

I wouldn’t mind that.[quote=“Kertes, post:6, topic:360085, full:true”]
Miko was buffed? Missed that.

I feel mine hitting harder than before, my normal attacks on any kind of element mob except darkness hitting 4k+ now instead of the older 2k+.

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How could you say" the class is broken "just becouse you are used to the ancient ways? I like the way fireball work now. Its just need work at the dmg. But the imc already told at the main site they are planing to adjust some skills. Maybe fireball get some kind of upgrade. Its too early to declare something good or bad when we are in a new era learnimg about how to redo builds.

That is not a Fireball, it’s a Firebomb, completely different, just need an knockdown effect and it is a perfect bomb.

And about the damage, did you thought that on the spur of the moment? You did 2k+ damage each tick right? now you do 6k+ 1 hit, how is that stronger?

The thing I liked is that Enchant Fire scale like Blessing does.

I remember doing 6K+ dmg each tick (with Agnis, which I think should be removed from the game).

Well, for me at least, the skill lost it’s characteristic and became something different, also, it was an original skill, not that the new model isn’t, but that was one hell of a nice mechanic.

Try use Linker 2 JP with any multi hit skill on a normal gear (no transcendence) and see if you can kill stuff at your level without having to cast it at least 2x and even so still not being able to kill the mob.

Just so you know, the burn DoT also count towards the JP hit count, in fact any DoT count, so if you have DoTs on your skills, you will miss the timing lol.

I’m not saying any BS here, it’s from experience, not alone, but in party with and archer, JP don’t hold much, it kill fast whatever have the lowest HP, but the rest still alive and the link is broken.

I would apreciate if the staff keep the two versions of fireball on pyro class. So all problem could be solved . I do not want the old version becouse i like the new one. For me its just a need of adjustment on the dmg. I do not agree with ban of agny necklace. Its an pyro acessory and its a great help to the pyro class .

Also still waiting, but if anything, I would have guessed that iToS staff did get a change log from kToS, and also did get that patch change log translated, the problem is: 99% sure iToS didn’t get whats written in the patch, and now staff(whoever is in charge of it) is scrambling to verify what skill changes did happen. If not, they’d look like they’re slacking/doing things half-assed again.

I do hope we get the list of skill changes before this week ends or else it’ll look like you guys will just copypasta what the players discovered themselves, too lazylooking/unprofessional.

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I actually thought about that too a while ago while playing, they could put the old on in place of Flare and the new one rename to fire bomb with knockdown effect.

No it’s not, you can use it with PD and Elementalist too.

Elementalist I don’t think it make it that OP, but on a PD, PD leave the Support ground to a solid DPS class.

On PD, agny was awesome lol Watching my PD friends, I almost think agny benefited them more than my pyro

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Agny increase fire damage what means its for pyro user skills. Even if you use it with another class only fire skills will be affected by agny.
So. Its for pyromancers. All that burn are some kind of pyro and do not matter if you are any class.

We will let that be your little secret that PD are really pyros!

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Its spammable, it has no weight behind it its spam prohibits you from utilising other skills and you have to spam it to have some damage done an a chance of beating a small pack of mobs. The class and all its later evolutions that use fireball are broken. And no, the current fireball should be removed because its a piece of â– â– â– â–  skill.

WIthout my pyro3 sorcerer3 working like previously i cant play the game (and yes linker1 pyro3 sorc2 is inferior to that a true master doesnt to pull mobs together with some magic chain they do that by skilfully leading them into the fire). Also bad decision giving everyone a ton of cards. Now not only i feel like i have been robbed from a part of leveling experience, players will jsut skip the zones which are below their level which robs them from alot of gameplay and later will make them wonder why do they have to go back to 100 levels lower zones to complete them to get some low lvl cards to lvl up… Having to push forward and grind a bit atleast lets you know you didnt miss anything and you are on the correct path.

Lastly- where the hell are the profession change quests. If scrubnoobs bitched and whined about having to do them you should have made them more interesting not remove them. They were somehting very memmorable in ragnarok and were a good design idea to keep them here. Only difference is that ro class trials were much more elaborate than in this game which made them BETTER.

But yea… i see one big problem. Instead of fixing things you guys are removing them. FIx fireball fix flameground , you can do a little bit of numerical blancing but dont ■■■■ with my class mechanics. If some bufs from sage or some other twerp made fireball op, then fix that SAGE skill that makes them so etc.

This is silly.
All skills changed. That is the entire point of the overhaul. There’s no point just listing the changes, because they are meaningless in a vacuum, and because it’s global for everything. If you want to look at the skill values, you can.

[quote]Lastly- where the hell are the profession change quests. If scrubnoobs bitched and whined about having to do them you should have made them more interesting not remove them. They were somehting very memmorable in ragnarok and were a good design idea to keep them here. Only difference is that ro class trials were much more elaborate than in this game which made them BETTER.

Please read official announcements before you complain. They are disabled during the reset event.
I get that you’re angry because an overpowered build got put in line with others, but if you can’t get used to a more balanced version, that’s entirely your problem. For the game as a whole, that change in particular is a godsent.

The class isn’t broken, you’re just unwilling to adapt to necessary balance adjustments.

I’m pretty sure people mean the stuff related to actual mechanic changes in a skill; like a debuff value changing (ie High Kick : +100% -> +30% strike damage) or a skill with huge changes like Fireball

Of course we don’t care about the % damage of each skill that wasn’t changed otherwise haha. That’d be way too much values to compile for a patch note. (Though to be fair, I know another KR game that did legit post a patch note consisting of nearly every skill getting a damage change and those notes specifying exactly what the % and growth% was before and after. That was something)

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Point is, there is a whole bunch of skill description/tooltip mistakes everywhere.
There could be some that are not working as intended.
Gung-ho’s attribute for example, in the game it adds flat +1/lvl in db it says it supposed to add 1%/lvl. Who’s info do we trust here? live server’s(IMC) tooltip? or a db(datamine scraper) site’s?

Both Elsword KR/NA does that too. :grinning: