Tree of Savior Forum

Clear my tickets without answering

dai eles deverao colocar uma proibição de que o “uso de teclaro macro” é proibido, e não o uso de programas terceiros, não uso teclado como programa, e sim como objeto. vamos aguardar.

OH, Great logic!

BRB, going to buy a keyboard with a ToS Hack integrated on it because according to @jfcmacedo1, it’s allowed since it’s “part of the Keyboard’s function”.

não confunda, não existe no mercado um teclado TOS hack, existe um teclado que repete suas funções, excelente para gamers. não confunda meu caro, suas interpretações estão equivocadas como sempre, sua intenção é apenas prejudicar, mas calma, você não é o GM, quem decide são eles, manda o curriculum, talvez você consiga, ou tavelz não.

corajoso falar isso por trás de um pc, mas nem me ofende, talvez ofenda a alguns aí, que talvez tenham até comentado em meu post. que diz respeito ao TICKETS apagados, e não ao block que levei para levantamento da conta.

e ae senhor ThiagoB, continua mangando, são 2 hue né, vamos lá

Sorry for the misunderstanding caused by the deleted tickets. I spoke with the support team and they confirmed that some of your tickets were deleted because there were multiple tickets under the same subject.

Please understand that it takes a while to review your case after you send in a ticket, which means you likely won’t get an answer right away.

As for your ban, however, it looks like your account was rightfully restricted. If you have a look at our Terms of Service, it states the following:

(…) any of following activities is forbidden by IMC Games and you may not engage or attempt to engage in any of the followings:

  • Using a program that can be used in hacking even if the program in question are commercially available or a part of an Operating System such as a key grabber and macro programs.

The keyboard functions you used fall under this category, too, so their use is subject to restrictions.


If you use macro, you should be banned because it is no difference from using macro software like ahk. Some mouse software has this macro function but you are supposed to abide by the terms by not using it in game. Furthermore, you are not using macro but bot program. You character is always back to the same spot which is not something simple macro will do. Either you are so good at writing macro script which is able to include all possibilities for example you expected players to use ice wall on you or you are using bot program which seems like v***er bot. Either way, your character move like a bot, not macro.

*by the way, initially you said you were using controller.

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Feels so good to see this type of guy getting literally crushed.


eu disse que eu tenho, não disse que usei, a abordagem do tópico foi a segunte, falei que não seria necessário um programa para usar macro, muito pelo contrário, existem teclados também, por isso o motivo da minha fundamentação, acho que vc @STAFF_Ines não leu direito minhas mensagens ai, em qual eu digo que utilizei o teclado como macro?

your account was rightfully restricted

A diferença de ter e fazer é grande, mas @STAFF_Ines pode continuar a proibição, agora quem quer sou eu, ultimamente estou mais com dor de cabeça neste jogo que me divertindo, agora depois dessa, foi para uma luz, para voltar a fazer Como coisa que fazia antes. Assim que saindo antecipadamente, diferente dos que saindo aos poucos, deveria ter acordado antes. POR FAVOR, MANTENHAM O BAN, E NÃO VOLTEM A ME MANDAR UM E-MAIL DIZENDO QUE MINHA ACC ESTÁ DISPONÍVEL PARA JOGO, COM INTENÇÃO DE QUERER QUE EU COMPRE TP! FUI …

how to survive banning in iTOS
step 1 : play iTOS
step 2 : purchase TP
step 3 : bot+macro
step 4 : got reported
step 5 : purchase more TP
step 6 : change your team name and go for step 3 again

how to not survive banning in iTOS
step 1 : play iTOS
step 2 : purchase TP
step 3 :…


sob sob

I checked again to be sure, but it seems like there really was enough evidence to restrict your account :sweat:

I’m sorry, but I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait until the ban period is over if you want to return to the game.


esse perído são de quantos dias? obrigado pela atenção @STAFF_Ines.

I don’t get it, for sure you did a good job there, but when we already have this thread (+ some others involving the same subject) in which a lot of people is aware of the same bot-gang and try to help GM’s in their duty to ban:

And he is still there with each one of those bots accounts, I wonder if you really have communication between each one of you:

If you just ignored this multi account for X reason, or if Yuri and Francis are legitimate.

As said, clapping your job in this case, but I don’t get your intervention or your rules to proceed.


aceitou o pedido de retorno pra comprar TP, tendii

Getting banned for botting, not botting, super botting.
Not getting banned for abuse, no abuse, cheating, not cheating, RMT, no RMT.
It’s all RNG to IMC to screw with players :smiley: - legit and not legit players.

I, and probably many more, wish the bot situation was more vigorously dealt with and handled from the beginning because now it’s just a crap show of things happening and not happening. Why are some bot armies left untouched for months and some quickly removed?

Why are the bot ban lists they put out so freaking short?
Every server has got at least 10 chappie/oracle bots running back and forth in town like idiots.


?? Ban period??! Guy clearly botting. Gets banned finally after investigation. Ban not even permanent?


Let me sum it up:

  1. Sent muptiple tickets after the first 2(!) were answered, effectively spamming the support.

  2. Extensively stated that he is a “Player buyer of TP” and thus cannot be ignored (or probably must be unbanned right away).

  3. Created a topic about his deleted tickets using photos instead of screenshots because PrtScrn → Crtl+V is to difficult.

  4. Threatened to finally join the social networks in 2017 to lead his crusade against IMC.

  5. Stated that he is too proud to send emails and prefer to start drama on forums.

  6. Used some random language to answer any post including those written in English. After creating an English-titled topic.

  7. Admitted that he was using a macro software (!) and tried to defend himself based on this (!!) after other players reposted reports on his macroing.

  8. Marked his own post as a solution.

  9. Embarrassed himself utterly.

Even 3 of those sympthoms are sufficient to diagnose the OP precisely.

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