Tree of Savior Forum

[Class Thread] Monk class thread. CONSOLIDATED MONK INFORMATION

this been gone for a while.

With the changes what build should be good? I was waiting for a good patch for Monks :frowning:

A lot of builds are good.
All of the builds in the top section are still valid.

Depends on your playstyle.

Really anything works nowdays.

I even have a c2-bokor2-monk3-pd that works very well, so there is that

How are you guys finding the SP changes with SP potions alone? Do you guys use anything other than NPC and Alchemist potions? I tried soloing a Golden Whale for the heck of it and found myself out of SP every 4 minutes or so.

Does anyone know if macro with two or more keys to up double punch’s speed works? I tested and I notice some changes, but didn’t do a rigorous test, just a simple one using two, three and four keys…

It should be faster. Depends on ping. Most ktos monks used to boost punch speed using this method.

Input method matters (old vid):

Tried to explain it in this post: (May 18 2017) Attack speed and normal attacks
This key set-up will also let you cast multiple buffs and skills by pressing a single key (press key = 1 buff, release key = another buff, example). Too many skills.

Is it possible to punch this fast on itos?

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I have 15~28 ping (silute) and I can’t do that… even with that key set-up trick…

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Red OX aside id say sp is better for double punch uptime. It is however more expensive. You can use Keista Potions in addition to alchemist and npc pots.

That macro can help in certain situations. It will help guarantee that you are double punching as fast as your internet connection will allow, but its not some genius hack that will allow you to do things beyond your latency limitations, at least not in my experience. It will allow you if you set it up to cast a buff on key press and another on key release, but you are still bound by cast delay. So you wont do 2 buffs simultaneously. In fact if you do it too quickly, the game will register you trying to cast a skill while in skill delay and the second buff wont come out at all. At least i assume that’s what would happen since this game doesn’t use an ability queue.

I definitely punch faster than both of the examples in the first video, but i don’t think I’ve ever gotten up to the speed of the second. Double Punch speed is very reliant on ping so I’ve only seen the kind of speed displayed in the second video from players in Korea where apparently they have super internet. My videos above for examples of my attack speed.


I agree, dex/latency is the limit.

This does happen due to no ability queue. Usually you will have to press the same button again. This set-up method is only convenient if you dislike pressing too many buttons on keyboard (2+ buffs on 1 key instead of buffs or skills on separate keys).

@HolyLance You should just let it be. If it works, you will have a slightly faster punch speed. There’s no disadvantage.

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75% confirmed physical for Zealot
I think the shield with self dmg is not together

so 2 Buff skill, 1 AoE Damage Skill

does not look physical.
He did god smash at the end. which is an inquisitor skill.
I would like to see all the data, but it still looks interesitng

Well he did hold two handed blunt weapon. Unlike the others that doesn’t do physical damage uses one handed blunt

two handed weapon also has most MATK. I would want to see the rest of the skills.

these previews look like they were just thrown together, which is fine. I’ll settle for bread crumbs over long periods of radio silence. Pretty sure that was God Smash the Zealot was doing which means he went inq1 and zeal1 rather zeal2, which is weird.

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between new golden bell lv1 to lv5? Just to be clear it’s that one with pain barrier attribute.

the only change is the skill cooldown I believe

lvl 1 -> 14 sec
lvl 5 -> 10 sec

No, in that moment I know, but I want to know about the future chance on it.

In the future, it is cast once and it just stays as a buff(5 seconds i think or something short like that), and after invulnerability it kicks in Pain Barrier effect

yeh, but have some difference between lv1 and lv5? Do u know?