Tree of Savior Forum

Class resets should be availble

Easily avoidable by making the reset not able to change your C1 class(since those are decided on character creation)

“OH WAIT! I’ll buy the Reset Potion”

Did you even read the main post?

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I like how no one read the post and every single one of you mentioned exactly what he said SHOULDNT happen.

I think a skill reset for that particular class whenever they add a new skill or attribute or buff or nerf classes is fair, but completely redesigning a character would be excessive.


Well I suggest you should have class resets but:

  1. Either purchasable (single rank reset or entire rank reset) or obtained from rare event.

  2. only available once you reached rank cap (rank 7 at class lv 15).

  3. you will need to regrind all the class exp from scratch. Eg Filling up a potion, once you regained all the class exp required to reach rank 7 class 15, you can change. Of course, this is different than levelling a whole new character due to people wanting to keep certain things (costumes, untradable, amount of maps 100%, achievements etc) . Item is one use, untradable. Only one can be kept on a character per account.

so number 3 makes things harder, if they want a alchemist, they can’t just "lv a wiz3/ele3/wl ezpz then change to alch. They will lv wiz3/ele3/wl twice to make one alch.

Well you can do other things too like: you gotta use the potion before it can start filling up exp, when you use it, you must pre-select the classes you want to go, then start filling it. Potion can be used 7 times, once per rank, it will immediately level you to class level 15 of each rank, at which point you must do the advancement quest (so people still have to do shinobi quest, which I heard takes really long time to wait). Maybe some other classes have hard quests too.

so what im trying to say is, reset potion should be for those really dedicated and not those who wants easy path to something or dislike the class due to nerf.

On a side note, after a while of f2p release, they should release a reset potion one per account since the game just came out for us. But make a restriction (only rank 6+ can use etc). But the change is restricted such that: you can’t change to a money making or guild making class. I don’t know what to think about turning into pure healers though.

Nerfs are in place for a reason like someone said earlier.

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Lol class reset just because of nerfs.

Not really. Say they add a new skill to sapper, or actually made spike shooter useful, and youre an r3 sapper. Itd be unfair to have you remake your character to experience something you have all right to. Even then, when they nerf a skill an entire build is centered on, respeccing THAT CIRCLE in particular, NOT THE ENTIRE CHARACTER (caps cause yall dont read) would be generous, but entirely reasonable.

Nice. I hope everyone is reading this.

So just cause they nerfed some skills of a class you use, you have the right? LOL, makes you look like a crybaby. Unless new classes or ranks are released, class resets are for irresponsible noobs

For the third time, i said skill reset, not a class reset.

I also said itd be reasonable for them to do it, and never implied it was necessary. Its a practice in several other games.

If you actually read what i wrote instead of trying to be a prick youd know that.

I do not want there to be a job reset, but I think IMC should implement it anyways.

When Rank 8 is released, a lot of people are going to look at their build and realize their Rank 7 class is now useless. The number of players that are going to stop playing because they don’t want to level a brand new char all the way back up to 280 is probably going to be astronomical.

So, when IMC releases Rank 8 they should give compensation of an item that at the very least lets you change your Rank 7 class. But I think a full job reset would be better.

I think it could go either way with giving a job reset for skill nerfs/buffs depending on how major they are, but I think it is important to have when Rank 8 is released.

Nobody is going to quit because they got a free job reset.

IMC should implement class reset in the future. However, they should restrict it to twice or trice per account not per character. This is to ensure that no one abuses it.

If a player resets his/ her class then it’s only normal to have their entire class level to be reset back to Rank 1: Level 1. What I mean by this, is that the player will have to re-level his/ her character again, from scratch. His character level stays the same. This way no one will complain about messing up or my job does not go well with X job, I need to re-roll or say no to class reset because player X abuses it by changing jobs to his advantages or say no class reset because player X made a mistake, tough luck try again with your next attempt - do your research kind of stuffs and a lot more other reasons I’ve read out there.

Let’s talk about pricing! Guys, what do you think should be the price of the class reset? Personally, I don’t mind whatever the price. I don’t care if it’s cheap, affordable or very expensive. In a business perspective, having it restricted the price should be set at a high margin, this way IMC makes money to fund the game in a long run. IMO, class reset should be seen as a luxury opportunity in ToS. People will have a choice whether to just create a new character or reset his/ her class for a price. And no it’s not P2W. You are given a choice - decide wisely and do your research! (Some people will say: but I don’t have time to research this and that class or job, etc. Let me tell you: If you can make time to play a game, surely you can make time to research about it).

Business are business, you can turn the world up-side-down but the word stays the same. IMC is not a charity. Nothing’s free in this life - everything comes with a price!

The Solution to end this war - ~add job reset don't add job reset solution~

This changes nothing, the reason i’m advocating for class resets here, is because builds, no matter how well planned are subject to buffs/nerfs/power shifts on the whim of the developers, with the players that play these builds having no say in it.

So just cause they nerfed some skills of a class you use, you have the right? LOL, makes you look like a crybaby. Unless new classes or ranks are released, class resets are for irresponsible noobs

If you even read the main post you’d know that “responsibility” has nothing to do with what i’m saying. Correct me if i’m wrong, but unless you’re in the dev team you have NO WAY of being 100% sure your favorite class is or isn’t going to get Major changes.

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It’s the same guy making new forum accounts to spam the forum.

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People who argues for class resets only cares about themselves and their immediate satisfaction. They don’t care about the longevity of the game at all. With class resets, there won’t be diversity in the game.

I don’t think IMC is stupid enough to kill their own profit. Class reset = buy once and the customer most likely won’t buy it again because they’ll choose the strongest class. IMC would lose profit on exp tomes, character slots, costumes, etc.

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