Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

OoB is only an issue for high ping people now. My OoB speed is now as it was in the closed beta test and possession got the same problem ALL channelings got, so its not an issue adressed to possession alone. It’s just unfortunate the skill suffers the most from this change of mechanic.

But rendering a whole circle useless by having a patch missed the Koreans got and we not, or, what might be even worse, having the final version of the skill already is way more important :stuck_out_tongue:

i can assure u ur attack speed isnt the same as closed beta, the attack speed was what got nerfed.

Is there something with your eyes?

I posted a vid over there. Usually its quite fast, only when I’m having lagspikes it gets a tad slower.

u ddnt post a vid, if u did it istn on this thread. you only think its fast bcuz ur ping used to be so low b4 transfer. if u lived where i live(east coast us) and just now started on sadhu u will understand


I’d advise you to check things properly before trying to prove someone wrong.

Where’s your god now? :imp:

yeah thats nowhere near old attack speed, this is old attack speed

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I didn’t even had THAT in the cbt. Nowhere close to that.

this is new speed

its way slower, they should buff the speed a bit to lessent he animation freeze

And whats his ping? OoB is now heavily ping influenced. The higher, the slower. My attackspeed might be even higher when I’d have a better routing to the server (~20ms)

@Seiryuu looks like the speed is back, nice

bokor-sadhu… hmm mackangdal can protect your body while using oob ok
but can you attack with hexing+effigy and ectoplasm at same time or you must go full zombie build?
anyone here hit rank 8 and can share you thoughts? I can’t see good synergy between sadhu and rank8 classes

he lives in virginia, so his ping might be lower than 10. he said he lives in virginia when he postd the video on this thread

In case no one else answered this, it does not. When you use telepathy on an enemy they count as an ally. They will not take any damage from you or your party and receive beneficial effect from your spells.

i.e. You make them walk over a heal tile while not full hp, they will heal rather than take damage. Cure will remove any rank 1 status debuffs they have, and Sterea Trofh will give them invincibility.

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Thats my Main DMG output! OoB attack and effigy spam at the same time, dropping heals and cure when ever possible. Zombies are basically just a meatshield ;D


Bullshit. My former ping was 200 to 300 and exactly his speed, now with 30-60 its the same as in cbt.

So either they ninjaedited something on fedimian or its pingrelated.

but u can cancel telepathy while theyre on cure and they take dmg

u can cancel telepathu while they are on zaibas or cure and they take dmg

and no ur speed isnt the same as in cbt, i just showed you the video of cbt speed, its about 50% faster

Dont try to tell me what my atkspeed was. It was exactly as its in that vid I posted. When yours was faster, deal with it.

I can’t complain anymore. They only need to rework channelings and TP and I’m happy.

If you want to continue crying, do that but dont try to make things worse than they are. And of all things - DONT tell me stories about MY atkspeed.

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…o…k… but i have proof ur speed isnt as fast as cbt. the maximum speed u can do in oob is slower than it is now bcuz the nerf reduced the speed quite a bit. im not crying about the attack speed, im about 99% sure sadhu is gonna get an attack speed buff at this state. but just saying, your speed isnt nowhere near the speed of cbt, hate to break it to you.

also i have the feeling ur a female bcuz of ur profile pic, and i dont like to argue with females. so ill just end it at this, we both have our opinions. a lot of ppl agree with me, a lot of ppl agree with u