Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

7.5% left :smiley:
I hope I find a party for the level 175 dungeonā€¦ never done it beforeā€¦but it seems not many people are doin that dungeon :<

yeah, seems like its empty on all channels when i tried. Itā€™s actually really easy. almost too easy i reckon :stuck_out_tongue:

Starting my sadhu 3 quest now :smiley:

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im waiting for your feedback about sadhu c3 too, im close to get it, but i cant play today :slight_smile:

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I made it! Sadhu 3 :smiley:

They even fixed the description for Transmit Prana.
It now says thats its a percent value :smiley:

The damage boost is good?

itā€¦ doesnt workā€¦
I cant buff my spiritā€¦ tried it two times nowā€¦

Edit: Tried it a couple more timesā€¦ I just cant buff my spiritā€¦


@Staff_Julie Hello Julieā€¦ remember the video for Transmit Prana you showed us? Where the sadhu uses Transmit Prana on his own spiritā€¦ it doesnt workā€¦ can you please comment on this? ā€¦I am so dissappointed right nowā€¦ :frowning:


Finally, it feels good to AA with 10-40 ping xD

omg, that was what I fearedā€¦
I hope they do something about it, after all, the incorrect information came from an admin.
Iā€™ll just wait in jlvl 15 for some clarificationā€¦

Iā€™m so done with this game right nowā€¦ rank 6 took me long enoughā€¦ now this ā€¦ :cold_sweat:
Thatā€™s sad.

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wow, i feel sorry for u. luckily i want the one to test it :confused: . well now i dont have to worry about losing dmg by not going c3, and ill just go druid c2 as i was originally going to do, ill just use telepathy and make enemies walk into carnivpry

I mean, if you get in touch with staff Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll either fix it or compensate you in some way?

Already sent a PM to Julie. Even if they dont fix this paticular effect ā€¦the skill still sux. Just did a dungeon run and I was able to use the skill 6 timesā€¦ and it MISSED 5 timesā€¦even when the other player was right infront of meā€¦ sadhu 3 is not worth itā€¦absolutely notā€¦ I wasted my timeā€¦


i want them to fix oob and possesion.

im sure possesion has some story, ppl say its cast time is slow
and oob just needs a fix in every way possible lol. attack speed, bugs

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My respect for you sacrificing yourself for the team!

Well. Julie just told us what she observed from the Korean version, so there is probably a patch working which was not applied here yet. Keep your hopes up!

And in the meantimeā€¦

//goes Kabbalist :imp:

Is your AA faster than mine? (the one in the vid)

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Iā€™ll stop playing ToS for nowā€¦ back to Gunpla for a while. I will keep you guys updated if I get into contact with Julie

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Well, all i can say is, people complain about OOB and possession, but Transmit Prana is definitely the most useless skill at moment. And the fact that is the only one skill released at rank 6 make it worse.
Iā€™m disappointed too

b4 they work on transmit they need to work on oob and possesion .