Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

the 40 second cooldown might keep you from recasting though

im not sure if this system workā€¦
maybe need some1 that have already bokor2 and kabalist to confirmā€¦
but, if this work, than this will be OP skill :joy:

hit on mackangdal also doesnt make stagger, but possession is still cancel when hit even at mackangdal statusā€¦:dizzy_face:

Iā€™m staggering when something hits me on mackangdal!

And I hate it. Hey, Iā€™m supposed to not feel any pain. Why am I staggering?

If RS does 1 damage then it should be expected to break OoB. Thatā€™s unfortunate :confused:

sorry to break it to u ppl but possession donā€™t wonā€™t work on all monster for example this one I tried using it but it still could hit me through the possession catch. tested with safety zone too. it seem unaffected by it. Not sure bug or if they make it a boss protocol. :scream:

Is OoB also getting interrupted while mackangdal is up now?

HI all, is sadhu3 (transmit prana) really worth it or should i go for kabbalist and leave it at sadhu2?

Iā€™m currently doing Cleric1>Cleric2>Krivis1>Krivis2>Sadhu1>Sadhu2>?

Transmit Prana gives 50% if your int to an ally in front of you.
Recently it has been discovered that your OoB spirit can count as that ally, and casting Transmit Prana on it will boost your OoB damage massively.

A video linked above has it gong from 900 a hit to 2400.

Iā€™m using Cata Club on my Druid C2 and cannot imagine a better weapon at the moment. It takes a while to get one but definitely worth the wait. It shot my MATK from 700 to nearly 1k, and comes with a hefty HP boost.

Was that different before? Mackangdal only delays dmg, it wont help you keep OoB or any channeling spell on.

Itā€™s unfortunate I had to experience that on my own instead of knowing it before deciding my classes :confused:

Pretty sure it prevented interrupts during itā€™s duration, same as other forms of invuln.

Should have been a video of it with a druid using pantoā€™s transform to skip to the end boss of a dungeon, then using safety zone/mackangdal/sterea trofh to keep oob up 24/7.

Well, itā€™s been nerved then. When itā€™s not a bug now, that is.

Were there any patchnotes regarding mackangdal? I already assumed it could be a bug because of the kinda misleading description compared to ā€œpain barrierā€. Both skills are supposed to suppress pain, but only one actually prevents staggering, which sounds wrong to me. Either I feel pain and get interrupted or not.

However, I already reported that as possible bug.

Didnā€™t see anything about it in the patch notes, could very well be a bug.

Then again imc is notorious for not putting ā€œminor detailsā€ in there to begin with.

Well. Itā€™s something different if you get pummeled and become trapped inside of a chain of attacks until the 15 sec are over, leading you to death - or being able to run around freely because you dont feel any pain even if something hits you. ā€œMinor detailsā€ yeah, yeah.

Any confirmation regarding that would be nice @STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie :wink:

I have another question. How effective is bokor zombies at keeping mobs away from your body while oob? Can you spam effigy from your body while attacking oob?

  1. if u cast tet mamak la near enemy then they will keep aggro, but i wouldnt rely on it bcuz that would add even more set up for oob. and they walk too slow
    2.yes you can spam effigy
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Awesome. Is this possible with a controller though? in order for me to casts spells i have to let go of the auto attack buttonā€¦ maybe if i get a steam controller?

maybe a steam controller, i use keyboard so idk

You can still do it with a controller. Because Sadhu spirit form has a really long attack animation, you basically assign whatever skill you wanna spam cast in OoB to the same key as AA + L1 (or whatever) and you spam pressing X and alternate holding down and releasing the shoulder button during the animations for each skill. It might be a little bit more difficult than with keyboard, but it definitely still works.

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Thank god. I was sitting here trying to think of a way to rebind my controller. thinking of changing my planned build. Thats how much i like playing this game with a controllerā€¦

Thanks for the info.