Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Well…yeah right.

I’ll check if there are any other targeted buffs that might be able to be applied to the sadhus spirit.

if you do damage to enemies fade will deactivate. so heal and cure should do it as well if you allow its damage to proc

ABE has a 250% MATK damage even at level 1 right?
does the extra levels help?

Yes, heal and cure, Abe and possession will all cancel it. But krivis skills are incredibly strong and should therefore be used as soon as possible, right? So that kinda collides with the idea behind fade. In dungeons I always deactivate heal damage and never really use cure so I can keep up OoB as long as possible

kirvis only has one skill that cancels fade… zaibas!
I usually go oob when zaibas is on cooldown and if I happened to be on oob and it is ready. I drop it assuming there are mobs nearby.
It does alot of damage. I really like it. even at just level 5. it scales really well with int.

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The extra levels only provide little damage… But it was buffed a little in the Korean version. The base dmg and the dmg increase by level was improved. I guess with the Transmit Prana and the attribute to increase the dmg by a max. of 100% it will all add up.

In the end we don’t have many choices anyway… Vashita Siddhi just doesn’t seem worth it in PVE. I tested it for a pretty long time now and I am 100% sure that I will get rid of it later with a skill reset.

Lvl 15 Heal carried me through Sadhu > Druid. But I believe Cure will have more damage output with equal levels. Heal is 30 squares of potential damage that hit about the same. Cure gets up to 40 hits I think but in one small area.

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I dont know why people skip cure, my lvl 15 cure hit harder than any other spell… I really love to use it, some quest bosses i kill just with cure and heal or possession

I can say that Level 1 (2 due to Divine Might) Cure hits relatively hard as long as you use it on a single enemy. I could imagine someone completely forsaking Deprotected Zone for Cure early on, but Deprotected Zone really helps early for those flyers if you don’t go Krivis earlier.

Also yeah, Fade only deactivates on Zaibas, Zalcai doesn’t pull aggro and Aurkaras does pull aggro, but only to the fire itself. It becomes a mini Swash Buckling.

Decided on making Sadhu soon, after reading the thread for a past few days.

Going with either
Cleric 3 > Sadhu 3
Cleric 2 > Krivis 1 > Sadhu 3

Couple of questions:

  1. Is it worth to go for K1 just for Daino alone (I’m the only cleric in a 3-4 man pre-made party) or everyone should buy Daino scrolls (are they available now?) before dungeon/mission partying? I’m playing Krivis 3 now and fairly sure Zaibas 5lvl output would be laughable on rank6+, at least dungeon/mission-wise.

  2. How do you distribute stats?

I went cleric3 and I distributed my stats like this

…that’s it.
Safety Zone and Fade give me enough survivability and I can get the max out of Transmit Prana.

I imagine without any CON investment at all I’ll be oneshotted by late game boss magic attacks. Would Safety Zone/Fade help me to avoid them?

Also if I dont have Daino and I’m in a party, will I get my Prana buff overwritten by other party members’ buffs?

With OoB on max level you will probably be outside of most monsters reach…and you still got safety zone and fade. With OoB 10 I am allready very safe in boss fights. If you need to place new heal fields you got to be careful though.

YASS finally got arde daggggggerrrr~!!! adds a total of 300 damage to oob aa

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A little Con does go a long way, but as long as you’re careful you really don’t. I think I have like ~35 Con and I sit right below 6k health. I’m plenty durable and the only times I really come close to dying is if the game bugs out after using ABE against a boss and my character gets stuck due to the rubberband effect. I still actually haven’t died though, the self sustain of Heal with Divine Might goes a long mile.

I agree, although I’d love to go full int, as soon as things started 2 shotting me I added some con. I can’t remember how much i added, but i used the calculator to see where i got the bonus point and stopped it there

The buffs duration is 55 seconds in the video, as shown at 0:40.

You also lose buffs when you recall Out of Body.

According to tosbase, the cooldown is almost 3 minutes, so a roughly 33% uptime, so while probably good for boss or other burst scenarios, you can’t have it up constantly.

Hi guys!
what do you think about this build? its viable?

You should probably read the last day or two of posts on Transmit Prana. It’s actually really good.

I max Cure or Heal for Cleric3>sadhu2 ??