Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Skills normally benefit from Additional Attack, so why wouldn’t Sadhu’s damage type? Pretty sure someone’s video linked here showed a Sadhu with Blessing and the “Blessing +???” was popping up.

It’s been shown multiple times that it doesn’t. Only IMC can answer “why”. For all we know it’s a bug. I dunno if anyone’s ever asked them.

@BlaXun maybe you could ask since you’re already in communication with staff? (Unless this has already been confirmed to not be a bug?)

Because the blessing buff works different. Due to the whole ‘‘lasts for # hits’’ thing it isn’t directly applied to your stats. It stays as a buff and your soul doesn’t have any of your buffs. As far as I know, all Additional Damage style modifiers are from temporary buffs and aren’t an actual character stat.

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That’s a shame, sounds like OoB would not work with Aspergillum either then. It would’ve been nice to have Chaplain’s Aspergillum on top of the damage of the hits, being an Int based auto attacking character, it would’ve scaled Aspergillum’s damage well.

That’s disappointing, tbh. Thanks.

So, yeah. From what I understood the spirit snapshots some STATS from your body, but not the direct buffs.

The spirit gets the MATK+Elemental Modifiers+Magic Amplification… And I think that’s pretty much it.
Blessing doesn’t provide any elemental bonus… And it will be ignored. The spirit isn’t what got the buffs applied and I don’t even think it’s a bug…I think it’s a pretty clever mechanic.

We should not forget that we can easily use magic amp and elemental damage to get a nice boost for each of the 3 hits(!!!). I know there is a rod in the item-database that gives +100 DMG for fire, ice and lightning skills. So, it looks nice for elementalists… But it’s even better for Out of Body cause Out of Body doesn’t care what element will be amplified… We simply would get +300 dmg for each of the 3 hits! That’s a massive bonus.

From this point on I am unsure how the damage increase with the attribute for Out of Body is calculated…but if it’s calculated at the very end and you maxed (level 100) that attribute then the 300 additional damage are further improved to 600 dmg… And that’s for each hit.

While most classes only get something out of elemental bonuses when they have a skill for that element the sadhu benefits even if he doesn’t use any elemental skills at all. I think that makes up for the missing buffs.

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I asked the question of whether it might work. if venom poison chance may trigger so should other stuff that are conditional. this should include toy hammer

Unfortunately I didn’t get to test it myself yet. I read that Toy Hammer would actually trigger when using Out of Body… And that would be awesome! If j ever get my hands on Toy Hammer, Ignition or any other trigger then I’ll make sure to test it and report back :slight_smile:

BlaXun has a build for this.
personally here are the must haves

  • Heal 10
  • SafetyZone 15
  • divine might 5
  • fade 1

You can just add what else you want to it.

Sadhu c3

  • oob 15
  • praktriti 1
  • vishita 0 or 15
  • astral body explosion 1 or 15
  • possession 10
  • transfer prana 5

I guess it depends on preference.

Here is my build but it is a very open ended one since it can go different ways

you can also opt to remove kirvis 1. but for me it was worth more than c3 cleric

It seems to work, but the 3 hits are only 1 stack… And it wasn’t clarified at what position the explosion from toy hammer triggers

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I had Vashita Siddhi on level 8 for some time now. While it seemed pretty nice (due to the confusion attribute) at the beginning it became less and less helpful. I decided on reskilling later and I will now ignore Vashita Siddhi and instead max. Possession and get ABE on level 14. Since ABE got a buff on the Korean version it’s probably our best choice at this point. Just don’t forget to get at least divine might to level 1 since it will help Transmit Prana to transmit 60% of INT instead of 50%.

This is my current build. I might get rid of cure later…but it’s just so damn good.

How do you use astral body explosion?
I mean I personally just use it as a finisher when I know my oob will be cancelled since my safety zone is about to go down or something like that.

I personally play like a tower that spams heals( remove damage on) and kirvis skills while my oob spirit goes on a rampage.

I tried using it but it takes a while before the spirit explodes. Any suggestions on how to use it optimally?

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I don’t have cure. I got fade 5 instead. the build I pasted is basically the one I run with.

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That’s exactly how I use it. Since it’s currently bugged (position bug after using ABE) I only use it as a finisher. I mostly do this in dungeons and have the knockdown attribute activated. This helps in bad situations.

I am pretty sure once the bug is fixed that I’ll use it more often on normal fields. Probably without the knockdown attribute.

I have safety zone and fade maxed.
The plan is to use ABE at the end of fade. This would allow me to aggro the mobs and place a safety zone. Once the safety zone is done for I can probably ABE again and fade. Now time for OoB AA and once fade is done ABE… Repeat

I see I have a different approach. I rely on safety zone more. with zaibas as a deterrent to clear mobs that approach my body before the hit the safetyzone.

I turn on fade when the safety zone starts fading away. I keep cycling kirvis skills and heal while in the safety of fade and safetyzone. I function more of a secondary dps and secondary support.

what I dont like with astral body explosion is that I want to end with it but my body gets hit as i activate it and it does not detonate. I guess more practice is needed.

I really wish things animate faster so I can quickly leave the body and fight again.

I’m not really sure if the animation is either aesthetic or a balance thing.

How good is cure? I mean how does it compare to heal bombs?

I guess krivis skills deactivate fade, right?

With a high level fade and high level safety zone I have 2 good situations to use ABE. At the end of safety zone and at the end of fade. Paired with a high level OoB I have a very good chance that no enemy is currently attacking me and so I have enough time to ABE. I wish I could use ABE some more… I’d also like to know how good ABE is with transmit Prana… It uses 250% MATK after all… And in the video with transmit Prana on the spirit the damage increased from 300 to 800… So, ABE might actually be a really worthy finished for a Transmit Prana buffed spirit… Timing will be very important at that stage… And I am pretty sure a high level safety zone and fade will help a lot in those situations

Even at level 3 I often use it to finish smaller mobs. Heal bombing with a level 15 heal and such high MATK is superior though imho.

I wonder if we can use guardian Saint on our spirit… I mean… There would probably be no real use… But the thought is interesting. The body would not get damaged and the damage would be redirected to the spirit…but the spirit can’t take damage.

I forgot that Guardian Saint isn’t a direct buff but a magic circle…so it will not work.

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and even if it did, Guardian saint doesn’t stop attacks from ending OoB.

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