Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

and my zombies


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how do pp not get this skill? it says it transfer ur int to an ally, so if i have 150 int, i use trnsmit lvl 1, i now have 140 int and the ally has 10 extra int. i might be wrong but this seems right cuz it says it on the skill.

And that is WRONG

It does not just transfer your INT.

It transfers (skill level * 10)% of your INT to another person OR your own spirit.
The duration is 60 seconds.

EVERYBODY said something else and nobody seemed to know that you can apply it on your own spirit.

yeah i just saw ur post sec ago xD, i might actually change from going druid c1 to going sadhu c3 if my oob dps isnt looking great, but is the transmit prana buff permanent on ur spirit?



oob doesnt recive duble damagae from tiles, that was a bug

yeah might still go c1 druid instead of sadhu c3 bcuz of u losing the transmit prana whe =n u unsummon ur spirit or get hit, and with the 2 min cd… its only like 2 enemies u will b killing, will be good for dungeons where therer r more monsters, and pvp. but ill go druid c1 for carnivory which i think can outdamage oob+transmit and has a less cooldown

I think u will be missing out by ditching sadhu 3.

yeah maybe but i like druid so i think i willbe fine, plus if i get arde dagger :0.

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I’ve decided I’m gonna go Sadhu c3 > Kabbalist. It probably doesn’t do as much damage as druid c2, but transmit prana is a ridiculous DPS cool down to have, and I’ve been really wanting to try out kabbalist.

Try killing flyers with 85k+ health with just OOB attacks and explosion. It’s not very fun at all. This is a misleading opinion, and everyone should try Possession out for themselves to see how they like it. Same goes for Transmit Prana especially since we have nobody posting with a C3 Sadhu to clarify.


Someone with difficulty playing sadhu without fade ?

cleric3 or c>krivis2??


I know tyler, I thought the video was old before the last second edit. Was trying to make sense of the damage increase.

@DTiki I just left a grinding group at the prison and I can say I was pretty useless. As much as possession does there I was only useful for the heals xD. definitely not fun. I’ll aim for sadhu c3 just to do testing, but im just hoping blax will get there before me to test so i can play with oracle :stuck_out_tongue:

@lucianomrj sadhu without fade isn’t the worst thing unless you’re soloing. Then you’re just losing 30 seconds to hit things freely with OOB but if you’re in a party then np or if you’re against ground mobs then np aswell.

Can Sadhu make any use of buffs while in Out of Body, such as Blessing or Sacrament? Do Weapon effects work as well while in Out of Body, such as Toy Hammer? Not sure how the spirit works or if its just considered completely separate from your character so it wouldn’t have the same buffs/equipment.

I was wondering what I could put in my Chaplain build as the final two ranks and an INT based Chaplain could make use of Sadhu if the buffs actually work in Out of Body.

I think the point is having both cure and possession at your disposal. :smiley_cat:

OoB takes a snapshot of your stats and generates a different entity. OoB’s actual damage is a skill the entity uses that has 70 skill damage. It will benefit from the elemental damage of Sacrament, but not the additional attack.
Blessing is added on a per attack basis, and the soul entity doesn’t have the buff when it attacks, even though your character does.

I don’t know how toy hammer works.

AFAIK Toy Hammer is supposed to work. Somebody mentioned that somewhere in this thread :smiley:

hey guys, i will make other character and get c3>sadhu>sadhu
someone have a nice build for this?

guys! what are you thoughts if i go c1-kr2-sadhu3- and any recommendations for rank 7?