Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Tyler, move on… If you dont like sadhu, better to change your class… Your wasting your time… You are very negative and close minded… Stop pls… :joy::joy::joy::dog::dog::dog:

I leveled Zalcai because I knew parties would love it more. Aurkaras for me is to be used with Fade, as it makes all the mobs go directly for the fire and for a weak taunting tool. For that reason, I left it at 1.

Also think of that armor breaking attribute also helping those using physical damage doing much more damage. Coupled with Deprotect Zone, you’re chunking the hell out of Physical Defense alone.

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Zalciai (like pretty much all skills for low ranked classes) scales really poorly with levels.

thoughts on my build?

im currently rank 5 and i destroy bosses with hex+effigy spam while oob autoing lol

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IMC should just set friendly fire on for ppl with confused status :smiley:


There were Sadhu videos

at the cost of Safety Zones.
They alternate safety zones.
Maybe Laima is bugged.

I goofed bad with my sadhu…i added 23 pts to SPR not knowing its useless sigh still gunna max this character tho, I’ll just have 23 less INT than a pure INT sadhu xD

Got myself an Arde Dagger and omg it adds so much damage to my OOB AA…can anyone explain why? the dagger is physical while OOB AA is matk right? is it the fire property? should roll elem properties on my hair costumes to maximize this?

it’s definitely the fire property. funny thing is, although the attack is said to be just one attack, the element added adds to all 3 attacks ticks.

So you’re OOB is making your arde dagger 3x better? (Well any elemental damage.)

I can’t confirm it with arde dagger because i don’t have it but, maybe you can :P. but it definitely adds 50 to all ticks with valia so i can only assume it’s the same deal.

hmm…what enhancment should i be looking for? +Magic attack, Magic Amp or Elem attack?

Definitely magic attack and elemental damage.

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why no divine might?

oob benefits from elemental damage as well as magic damage.
someone pointed out that oob damage is 150% int + 70
arde dagger’s fire damage is added into oob attack as well

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Someone come out of the standard Sadhu2 -> Druid2, and make something else, like oracle, sadhu3 etc… ? Im thinking in another possibilities for my build after sadhu rank 2 and i want hear experiencies with another builds…

The real reason why Sadhu builds like to go into Druid2 is because of Sterea Trofh giving us more invulnerability ontop of other means of protection. Carnivory also does pretty good DPS, and I could imagine the consistent damage is amazing with it.

You could go Sadhu 3 into Plague Doctor, but since Sadhu doesn’t particularly inflict debuffs aside from Armor break you’d be relying on physical damage dealers to clean house. But that combo isn’t bad, just harder to execute in theory crafting. Kabbalist just doesn’t match up well and Oracle doesn’t particularly benefit it but probably could work out well with it?

Well, i agree, druid seems to be the best choice. But…
Oracle have Counter Spell what is a good defense spell too, and Forecast with attribute can be actually another good spell…
And Kaballist with Revenged Sevenfold can be a really good spell in OOB state, reflect the damage with 0 defense will be really strong, and Possesion + Merkabah can be a great combo, right?
Im just thinking in another possibilities, but yeah, druid looks better anyways…

None of the other options are really all that good is the main issue?
Sadhu 3 just doesn’t give you very much at all.
Oracle 2 gives you some utility, but absolutely no damage. The SP + Stamina buff doesn’t help you at all. Counterspell is useful, but I don’t think it really has any synergy with Sadhu. I’m pretty sure People have said that Death Sentence is pretty bad.
Plague Doctor is pretty strong with Incinerate, etc. But a huge non-synergy is Bloodletting and OoB. And Bloodletting is a big reason why people go Plague Doc. And then as you mentioned, Sadhu doesn’t have a ton of Debuffs they can apply.
Kabbalist might be worth considering. Pretty sure it does a lot less damage than Druid C2, but you do get some extra utility in Ein Sof and Revenged Seven Fold. (I don’t think you can do possession + Merkabah because possession is channeled).
If you want to grab Plague Doc or Kabbalist you need to consider what class you’re gonna grab R6. And honestly, you should probably still grab Druid. Druid C1 is a lot of damage. Your only other decent option I think would Cleric c2 or c3 for more healing.

So like. Sadhu c2 > Druid c1 > Kabbalist c1 could be interesting and viable??

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The combo im talking about with possession and merkabah is because you can cast merkabah and hold the target with possession.
But i agree with you, druid is much superior

Does anyone know what happens when you combinate Revenged Sevenfold and Mackangdal? (the bokor 2 invuln skill)

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i never said i didnt like sadhu, y is everyone saying that? my last negative post was 2 days ago, its obvious nobody wants drama in this thread so pls leave.