Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

There are ways around that. Monsters only heal like that when they have no targets. Casting Akuras or having a pet around will fix that.

well anywal fade lvl 1 is plenty of time

OK, I’ll take note for the build you suggest me. I hope I can survive before able to change Sadhu.

(take note)

Yes, for drop aggro. I usually got problems once all skill cooldown. About boss refill HP, no problem.

Sorry, I feel kinda sleep.

This is the build I am using

I made it to sadhu 2.
With that build you will get a great supportive, nearly invincible (in PvE) Sadhu that can deal damage.

Fade + Safety Zone helps a lot.

i can only imagine how long it took u to get to sadhu c2 D:

It was pretty smooth. Once I hit Sadhu 1 I could have gotten to sadhu 2 pretty quickly…I had to slow down a lil though cause my wife didnt have as much time :smiley:

Seriously, it was pretty easy…

really? getting to bokor c1 for me was a pain bcuz of the endless aa of cleric Q_Q

well i also rerolled cuz i had no time to wait for a stat reset potion, im lvl 66 and i created the char yesterday, hopefully i can get to sadhu c1 today. i think i will in the next 3-5 hours maybe


full int this time buddy

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really, i went spr Q_Q jk

I just used Vashita Siddhi in a duel.
It does decrease MAX HP and MAX SP and will NOT refill it once the vashita siddhi effect is over.


is that a bug? or is it supposed to do that

Does it decrease it by the listed amount per second, over the total amount of time, or all at once for the length of time the target is in the area?

All at once for the length of time the target is in the area.

I am pretty sure this is the intended effect. It basicly works like Thaumaturges “Transpose”. Transpose wont give u the HP when u use it. So, its the same here…its pretty evil :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s probably supposed to do that.

It’s interesting though…as it never did seem to subtract enemies MAX HP …to some degree that makes the skill superior in PvP …but in PvP it doesnt trigger confuse …so, kinda awkward right now…could need some balancing …

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Theory: Maybe enemies don’t get their secondary stats from base stats like players do? CON might be completely irrelevant to enemy health.

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But…hm…yeah okay…but how effective would vashita siddhi be on enemies? Whats the relation from those stats for the enemy? Its kinda hard to predict how effective it is since we only got used to the stats in relation to our own chars.

Party bro… i think you can juat cleric 2 an d come back to 3 afterwards