Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Though I’ve been contemplating testing out Transmit Prana and absolutely destroying my build JUST to test out things by going C3 Sadhu > Plague Doc. But this is the regular DruidSadhu build that can be varied.

Deprotected Zone and just chilling will help. You’ll just be slapping them veeery slowly. But it is regarded as one of the slowest grinds: But Parties will absolutely love you.

Also, I do recommend buying one of the upper 40s and upper 70s maces to improve your grinding (Spiked Mace, etc)

possesion is definately a skill u use only 4 bosses imo. kills normal mobs too fast and has too much of prep for killing normal enemies

Actually its really good for a group of mobs, the cooldown is low, the only problem is the animation before use, or ranged mobs who can interrupt you without safety zone. But just positioning right and its fine.

Only on bosses is wasted. It hits and LOCKS 5 enemies at once. So, on a boss its actually pretty wasted since it cant lock bosses. I think u should use it out of a safety zone on normal mobs. Its great in dungeons!

bosses barely move anyway. on normal mobs outside of dunngeons its a waste cuz u kill them without even more than 2 hits/ticks.

I dont think its ever a waste cause of the low cooldown :slight_smile:

oh yeah cd is pretty short

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Anyone know how exacly work Transmit Prana? It transfer my skills or just Int? If it transfer my skills can other people use self buffs like Beak Mask of plague doctor or shapeshift of Druid?

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it transfers int.

/20 charactersss

Either works. C2 gives you more support and self protection abilities, kriv2 gives you an easier time leveling/grinding.

I’m not sure if these calculations are correct though. The stat calculator and game might work differently with negative values. Also, I put it in as extra negative points instead of a debuff, and those work differently.

Hello guys, I played Sadhu but iCBT shut down when I was rank 4. So I got a problem on sadhu planning for iOBT. Can you suggest me about my 2 builds?

Build choice A: Cleric C1 -> Krivis C2 ->Sadhu C1 -> Cleric C2 -> Druid C2

Build choice B: Cleric C1 -> Krivis C2 -> Sadhu C2 -> Druid C2

  1. PVE mostly, PVP is optional.
  2. able solo on dungeon and bosses as well as do party someday (do both solo and party; my solo style on instant dungeon seems like playing Dark Souls/Bloodborne)
  3. I go Krivis after Cleric c1 earlier because about solo if my friends often offline. (I have a few friend sob)
  4. Difference on rank 5 selection;
    ~~ Build A back to Cleric C2 for upgrade safety zone, pick divine might for buff and pick fade at least level 1. Totally for survival on either solo or party. (need more info)
    ~~ Build B go straight to Sadhu C2 for possession like someone said about as well as upgrade OoB and ABE.
  5. Optional question; if end game is Plague Doctor or Kabbalist, how should I change build something?
  6. Need some advice about both build, which is better?

Thank you for info. /ok

ps.I am not a native english, sorry.

hey it doenst hurt scrolling up seeing that all the questions you ask are already answer

Ppl use to say: Sadhu C2 or NOT Sadhu. I even Sadhu C1 is fun! Sadhu C2 dmg is what worth!

Edit: It’s what I know and what I think.

go sadhu c2, possesion is great with a low cd and sadhu c1 isnt too hot

Build B is better. If you want cleric C2, instead of giving up Sadhu C2 give up Krivis C2. So you can go Cleric > Kriv > Cleric > Sadhu > Sadhu > Druid > Druid if you want.

Fade lvl 1 is enough??

Depends on how you use it. If you want more uptime on OoB with Fade + SZ, a higher level of fade is better. If you just want it to drop aggro Fade lvl 1 is fine.

yeah, i wouldnt depend on fade 2 much though. can get you hate in dungeons and causes bosses to heal