Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

woo lol you got noticed :D. gj. looks like abe and oob may be gettign a patch. i thought the rubberbanding was bcuz of lag, it led to me having to reconnect in dungeons and lose all the loot Q_Q.

help me, cleric>krivis>cleric>sadhu or cleric>k2>sadhu??? how is better??

what u skills lvls??

the first one, you always want atleast 2 ranks of cleric :smiley:

I didn’t like astral body explosion because of the casting animation… I wish there was a way to remove some animation time.

it would also be better if the soul is not force back into the body


This is some enlightening information… i didnt consider characters with 0 inveatment on a particular stat. My initial impression was… oh confuaion would be nice. Hmmm

15 STR, CON, INT, SPR, DEX: -75
Consumes SP per second
Maximum Duration: 10 seconds

Wow 75 stats

also with regards to the earlier discussion about transmit prana. Can a receiver also transmit prana? Inception style…

You can duel right? I tried dueling with friends…

yeah, nobody wants to duel with me Q_Q, i haven’t dueled anyone yet. its easier to go to the arena but idk how to unlock it, idk if it even is in the ea bcuz theres no ranking or spectates

I see. Thats too bad. You can just ask your friends for a duel.
Also with regards to ur oob damage issue, its not so bad since it can scale with levels and my use for it is a filler for skills on cooldown.
It basically means you have a high damage uptime with a little practice.
Lastly i dont want sadhu to be soooo buffed since its nice being one of the few.

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me neither, i mostly want oob to have speed increase, the nerf was too harsh. its too hard to aim oob alreay, plus with the delay you get after casting it… thks to blaxun we may be getting a patch to help with that though.
this video is what im talkign about with the sped delay

that delay is what mainly hurts oob

Im going Cleric3 and then Sadhu, how do you guys deal with flying mobs until rank 4?

I suggest running away…its dumb…but if u r alone there isnt really much u can do :<

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oh ur going cleric c3??, i feel bad 4 u. theres quests where u ahve to kill a lot of flying mobs. idk why imc did it, but they shown us they hate clerics

best way is to just party, or go strenght, but going strenght isnt a good idea. if u dont pt u will sped half of ur lvling time auto attackign flying mobs.

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I guess my companion will have to help me on this haha, thanks for the quick answer

I deal with flying going thorught Krivis instead of Cleric C3. I did KrivisC2 and it helps a lot.

It was easy. Have a mace.
Majority of quests are regular mobs, some mobs require killing fliers but the vast majority do not.
For instance in Novaho assembly the only fliers you’re obligated to kill on the first floor are the 10 green apparitions. Everything else you can kill the grounded enemies or its a “wait out the timer” quest anyways so you dont have to kill anything, just sit in Safety Zone/Fade.
Base damage of a level 40 tier mace will be sufficient to kill.

The 1-79 game is such a low time investment compared to well everything 150+ it doesn’t phase me.


novaho is hell, the 10 green flying quest took me atleast mre than 10 minutes

Man, i just turned sadhu 2 and possession is strong…
Look that

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