Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I wouldn’t be getting it for the confuse in PvP. No matter what, my lowest ranked skill is going to be at level 4. I would mostly be getting it because 600 extra damage seems really negligible. As far as I can tell, ABE is really just useful for the knockback most of the time? (When things are standing close to you and you don’t want them to be)

woah i gues vashita isnt as bad as i thought it ws

AFAIK confuse doesnt even have a effect in pvp right now :frowning:

Oh, also, I got put in a dungeon with another Sadhu for the first time every. Has anyone else had to deal with that hell? While we were both in OoB my fps dropped from 50ish to 12ish. Also, visual effects started glitching out. No one in our party could read the damage numbers anymore because they were just laggy white blurs.

Anyone wanna put together a massive group of sadhus and see what happens? Maybe it’ll crash the channel and force IMC to pay attention to fixing Sadhu :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m aware, but the stat debuff still works right? At max level it does -50 to every stat per second (unless it does -50 to every stat over 10 seconds? The wording is confusing). If so, that would be massive in PvP. It would basically render any characters caught in VS for a couple seconds dead. Although I’m not sure if the effect persists after the enemies leave the zone?

I think its only flat decrease…not over time :frowning:

So like. -50 over 10 Seconds instead of -500 over 10 seconds? Because even then, I still think that’s better than an extra 600ish damage. If it’s -5 per second, you’re reducing their max health by 425 per second (and also their evasion, acc, crit, damage, etc).

Yeah, For the complete duration of Vashita Siddhi its -XX INT/STR/CON/DEX/SPR

Note that this can be big in pvp. if someone hasn’t bothered to level SPR you could drain their entire sp bar when SPR goes negative.

I doubt this works. Even with 0 SPR you’d propably still have some SP. Even level ups increase your SP pool :frowning:

Stats can go negative.

According to the ToSBase stat calculator, -50 SPR would still leave the target with some SP. Although it says that at level 180, with 0 points invested in SPR, a -50 point modifier would leave them with about 200-300 SP? A meaningful question to follow up with though: Does your current SP/HP go back up when you get your SPR/CON back? Because if not, it’d be a mass nuke to both.

Edit: Calculations done with an archer and swordsman. A wizard or cleric would be left with more.

I’d love to try it…but got nobody to try it with…any I only got the skill on level 3 for now (can move it to 4 with divine might)

oh wow, if somebody did max vashidda it wold be op in pvp D:

I actually do want to max it…

Thing doesn’t even work on bosses. Q_Q.

Good luck handling this in Pvp and they just walk out. No slow, and its a channel leaving the body particular vulnerable as you’re not very threatening in a game with one shots. Meh, I don’t like it.

If its anything like Thaumaturge’s Transpose then the various bars won’t refill when they return to a higher max value.

If it does work like that then its as much of a nuke as it is a channeled effect. Once someone procs it you won’t really need to keep it going.

It does work on bosses…but the confuse attribute doesnt trigger.
AND it doesnt work on flying mobs…which I already reported as a bug :smiley:

when do you unlock pvp? i heard rank 5 butttt im only rank 4

In other news @BlaXun You got noticed.

ABE/OOB Range glitch gonna get patched soon Hype?

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