Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

i agree, sahdu is a ver unique and fun class. but i wont be in parties for long as we can only get 3 dungeons. soloing is a pain bcuz of oob. investing all my silver in a dagger reroll and attribute points is not fun. so ive decided to just focus on my new main (future monk woo woo ) and make my sadhu an alt. hopefully if imc decides to add in a stat reset potion or buff up oob i can try. but oob is too weak atm. idk y they buffed up abe abe was already good to begin with

You can! Just use your INTā€¦the multiplier will do the rest. Then you can add elemental damageā€¦ magical amplification. Theres a attribute to increase damage. There are ways. We have the BIG advantage that ANY elemental increase effect will help with OoB damage!

Face it. You are mad that you can not one-shot stuff. You repeat yourself all the timeā€¦ stop it, please!

There are lots of people here that say the class is fine. Yes, many admit that its not polished yet, but you are one of the few that says its a ā€œbad classā€ ā€¦Please finally realize that you are beeing ignorant. We tried to argue all the time with you, people gave mathematical info bout skills, we talked about this a lotā€¦and when you post we, once again, end with ā€œits badā€ and ā€œI can not one-shot thingsā€

I believe Iā€™ve read in a few spare places it sends over a % of your stats to an ally infront of you. (Which would probably mainly be Intelligence and a little bit of Spirit/Con.) I hear casting this on a Wizard makes their damage go god-mode, but Iā€™m not too sure since again, many steer clear of C3 and onto more beneficial classes like Plague Doctor and Druid. The skill itself seems to be a large mystery in terms of what it can do.

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whe i say 1 shot, im talkign about the mbs that were 70 levels below me, i know i cant 1 shot things my level, but not being able to one shot things 70 levels below me while a archer 10 levels below it can one shot them is embarrassing

rn the only benefit i get from sadhu is people stopping and staring at me and sayign things like "wow, ā€œomgā€

Reach 170/180/190 and talk about how good ABE is.
The skill is weak.
Hell do ABE in dungeon runs the skill is super irrelevant against mobs with considerable health which is a damn good portion of them come 150+.
Although you can tell as early as Masoleumā€™s Mauros mob that has 33k and your ABE is hitting for 1.5-2k health every 30s at best itā€™ll be nice to kamikaze at Bee-Farm. It does for whatever reason get extra damage with elemental attacks which is nice, but Knockback is also one of the least desirable CCā€™s.
Not a strong skill, not even remotely as bad as Psychokinos Magnetic Force , but ABE is still ā€œehā€. Thatā€™s why they buffed it.

Sadhuā€™s problems are basically everything BUT OoB and Possession.

This thread became so lively with the pseudo-developer troll. :joy:

Btw, anyone knows if Revenged Sevefold does anything with the damage you get at the end of Mackangdal?

^ relevant to the thread cause I would take Bokor c2 and Kabbalist in a Sadhu build.

You can however put your Attributes points as a Priest into Blessing to scale more damage (I believe its 2 per Attribute level). However, it will always stay flat and only as the skill says. In that, it has great early and mid game presence, but when you need to scale into the late game farming fiasco, Blessing becomes insignificant. Sacrament, because it gives an extra attribute, is always welcome but some choose to leave it at 1. That is why Priests will probably get Chaplain to save them from scaling into the abyss.

(Auto attack+Blessing) into (Sacramentā€™s Holy Attribute+Blessing). I know this because I actually played more Priest in iCBT2 and theyā€™ve stayed fundamentally the same. They hit strong early on, but as you get further Blessing starts to also do less and less.

Its moot anyways as Blessing/Sacraments real value is that it applies to teammates. Priest is never the best AA because its buffs are there to enhance others just as Thauma also isnā€™t. There benefit is others benefit.
Tyler can just buy a Sacrament/Blessing scroll if he so pleases.

I want to know if Transmit Prana is 50 flat or 50% because there has been confllcting reports.

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possesion is good, abe is good. oob isā€¦

ABE is dealing 4k to 41k health mobs, 50k mobs,70k etc on a 30s CD while OoB is taking them 100-0% in less time. Youā€™re looking at ABE as how it kills irrelevant mobs at your current level (although you could go to Royal Masoleum 5th floor and see how relevant ABE is against Mauros.). ABE is a mediocre burst skill with extremely low damage contribution because of 1) Its large start up 2) its considerable cooldown 3) It forces a recast of Oob.

Donā€™t even use it in dungeons its a waste of time.

Note the scaling. 150% nearly every second vs 250% every 30 seconds.
In 30 seconds OoB can put out around 4,500% of your magical power over that time frame. You need 18 Targets to get hit by ABE for it to do the same.

Two level 15 fireballs will put out 3200% of the mages magical attack every 15s (which is what Pyro c3ā€™s will often use to try and kill a Colifly quickly) 250% every 30s is trivial, and youā€™ll realize it soon enough.

idek if anyone has made it to rank 7 cleric classes yet, but even if anyone did, im sure they chose plague doctor i mean, the only reason you would choose kabbalist is if anything was good with ur build. but pd gets a cool costume, a cool mask, a flamethrower. pd goes with everything

yeah i agree it deals low damage for its cd to be that high, but it can 2 shot some mobs my level, and if i9 had the max int, it prob can one shot them

On the topic of ABE having horrible scaling ( +630 damage if you compare level 1 to level 10), would it better to just max out Vashita Siddhi and leave ABE at level 4? I get that itā€™s pretty bad in PVE, but has anyone bothered to test it in PVP? If nothing else, it at least seems to have significantly better scaling than ABE.

vashita is a decent skill, but the confuse attribute doesnt work in pvp. i would just max out abe, its a good skill

I suggest getting at least level 3 vashita saddhi ā€¦for the confusion attribute. On max attribute it can really help the party ā€¦and its fun makin enemies confused when in fade :V

what does confused even do, make them run around crazy?

They will start attacking each other :smiley:

and do damage to each other?

Exactly :smiley: /20 chars