Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

sadiidaa, we got a wakfuu plaayaa.
really though, I’d just stop xD it’s gonna be.
Still doesn’t change the fact that I couldn’t one shot a monster 70 levels below my int.
Thinking about it. 70 int only adds 105 damage or 35x3.

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Lol damn Sadhu and Sadida are too similar Q_Q.

Kinda on topic,
Decided to go Oracle after sadhu because it seems like the closest to enutrof.
trying to find some sort of synergy, but nuttin~ :stuck_out_tongue:
except maybe for a dodge attempt with forecast. However that attribute works.

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i dont htink youre even reading my stuff, tenet is a low level area, my int is x3 the int of what the people on the map are. when i was there, heal could 1 shot the plant enemy, i had 30 int. now that i have 100, heal can 1 shot them still, but oob cannot. if i was to have 30 int, and used oob there, i an only imagine how many hours it would take to kill a mob at tenet

Multiple heal tiles can hit simultaneously which is multiple applications of the damage. A single heal square Gains 2 point of damage per 1 point of Int and heals on a 22s cooldown with a higher natural base at +6 onwards. Moving on.
Nothing you’re saying conflicts with anything we’ve been saying.

Oob is a magical Auto attack, get over it. It’s not a cooldown spell. So melodramatic. Get in tune the games design paradigms, only thing amiss with OoB is it being isolated from other buffs.

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Comedy-gold. Keep it going tyler.j.moor


One thing I wanna clarify: at some point someone added the 70 base damage to matk before applying the 150% bonus that OoB grants. I dunno if this was just a an oversight or if it was misunderstanding, but I’m pretty sure base damage is added after the 150% and before the enhance bonus.

ok then, ill substitute heal with effigy, effigy can one shot them. effigy doesny it simeutaneously

170-298 base vs 70 base.
Whats your point OoB is an auto attack. Effigy isn’t.
Again nothing you’re saying conflicts with what we are, you’re just unhappy that OoB’s Auto attack isn’t outperforming damage skills when there’s no need for it to.

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ok then what about priest, priest auto attacks and preist can deal more damage than sadhus. and there is a need for oob to outdamage other skills, i dont know why you would even say that. i went sadhu expecting for it to be good, now that oob is terrible, i wasted a rank and my whole build is broken and im not viable just bcuz i went sadhu c1. i cant use any of the skills in c1 bcuz oob is broken and terrible. i couldve went okor c2 and got zombie train and zombie train outdamages oob any day

Priests is flat.
Sadhu’s is a %.
You know how multiplication works right?
Sadhu’s gets stronger overtime. Priests stay the same, to take it further as a Priest you have to go Chaplain. With Sadhu you get a magical scaling auto attack that synergizes with your Int investment. Since Priest is flat it’s irrelevant whether you have str or int investment, but it also means your Int isn’t being accounted for in your AA damage at all.

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Why? What is that reason? Right now your reason only seems to be “Because I want it to”

It is not terrible. Its jsut not what you had in mind!

tyler, OoB is not supposed to one-shot… it stands in no relation … why would a AA, that you use while being invincible with that AA-source, one-shot anything? Its just completely out of balance if that was a thing.

ther is a need, right now we cant change our classes. so when we choose a sucky class, we are forced to stay like that. i coudve went bokor c2 and got better dmg skills, but i went c1 SADhu and my dps dropped a ton. and ur not inviscible while using oob.

when u use oob, u barely even touch the monster bcuz of how bad the delay is, and a wizard can spam ranged auto attacks al day while sitting in a sz too, but wizard aa is op?

your priest dps can change, if i get a better mace and more strength my aa gets better dps

bokor vs sadhu = bokor
monk vs sadhu = monk
druid vs sadhu = druid
preist vs sadhu = priest
chaplain vs sadhu = chaplain
krivis vs sadhu = krivis
cleric vs sadhu = cleric

hence the name SADhu???

No, its not …wizards AA is pretty lame…our OoB AA is a lot better. And I know u are not invincible in OoB, thats why I wrote " why would a AA, that you use while being invincible with that AA-source" …the Source beeing the spirit.

OoB is fine. I just wish some buffs blessing/sacra etc. would help a little…this is a shame. Other then that sadhu needs some QoL changes…but nothing else imho

So you went C1 expecting huge damage in autoattacks that’d probably come equivalent to a C2-3 class but when you realize both your skill points were off as well as you got different results from you expected, the class is bad and needs to be revamped to suit your poor decisions?

Gee, who would have thought?

Sadhu definitely has problems, from skill viability to gameplay bugs, but the damage is not one of them. ASB got buffed because even with the unrestricted AOE knockdown, it was only a fairly weak 30 second knockdown device. Vashita is not too worth to use as the drain and the flat stat reduction+confuse doesn’t give enough justice; and Transmit Prana really isn’t too worth going C3 over, and that’s honestly really sad considering the concept seems alright.


Thats your own personal opinion…nothing else.
Also, in a game such as this, with a “dynamic” class system you cant just say “that class is better” cause its also the combination that matters.

Cleric 3 + Sadhu is incredible! Yes, its not a high damage source, but you can use a high safety zone …before it runs out you fade…and you can stay in OoB for as long as fade is active…you can attack and fade wont cancel. Its a awesome combination! Once fade is done you can SZ again…its awesome!

You got more then OoB too. The rotation is pretty simple with sadhu (at least with my cleric3 + sadhu 2 combination) but its effective.

I also suggest doing more party play. Sadhu performs pretty good in parties and its just A.LOT.OF.FUN! And isnt that what this is all about? This class succeeds in the “fun field”

Do you have a exact description what it does exactly? I’ve read different things :confused:

you do know you cant level your auto attack damage? face it, sadhu is a bad class. stop defending it guys. i alreade said stat points have nothing to do with it bcuz i went to a lvl 30 area and couldnt one shot the monsters. and who cares that its a autoattack? priest is an autoattack. priest hits like a truck. preist>sadhu.

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