Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

OoB isn’t a burst skill its an AA that delivers consistent damage, why would you expect it to one shot. I mean the formula was already said 150% + 70.
70 Base is nothing (105 after the 1.5x modifier) it scales nigh entirely on Int as it has no real base damage, meaning if you’re not pure Int, OoB won’t keep up in damage.

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well the monster was a level 29, i have 101 int… and i can one shot them with my normal auto attack… oob is veryy wrong

Don’t even reply to that guy. This thread is now trash because of him. Just ignore everything he says.


150% + 70.

Rods have less Magical power then Maces have physical power.
Maces have lower magical power then rods as well.
Either way the base damage of a Mace is going to outperform OoB if you dont have the int to match because OoB is almost entirely scaling. If you don’t have a number for it to scale off of it’s going to be weak.
Your int investment is low, so you’re going to do low amounts of damage, it’s not rocket science.

my amount of int was high above the map i was in, i should be able to one shot them

This fight was so annoying. He kept knocking me out of safety zone :frowning:

Also, at the beginning you cast zalciai on the mobs/boss, but not yourself. Why? Isn’t the only benefit of zalciai for Sadhu the +magic amp?

There’s no “high above the map” value of Int.
The Skill scales on Int, nearly entirely on Int, either you have enough or you don’t. You did not have enough Int.
OoB isn’t intended to one shot enemies, and while you can certainly one shot low level enemies this isn’t the focal point of the skill.
At level 98 I had 201 Int wearing my rod I had a total of 377 magical attack.

377+70 = 447
447 x 1.5 =670.5
22% attribute bonus.
670.5 x 1.22 = 818.05 damage excluding enemy defense. Enemy def obviously will make this number lower.

  • 9 poison property attack for 827.05 damage excluding enemy defense although If I’m not mistaken that 9 property attack is actually 27 as a result of 3 hits.
    Completely competitive damage, killed several enemies 6-10 levels above me with OoB using no weapon as I forgot to reequip my war hammer, put it on and it was even easier. If I had an Arde or Zacharei’s bracelet it would be easier. If I wasn’t receiving a damage penalty for being 6 levels below the mob it would’ve been even easier.
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oob isnt intended t one shot enemies, a lot of damage skills arent either. but it was supposed to one shot the low leve enemies. and there os high above the map int, if i was to go into lemprasa pond with 4342443434 int i would be high above the map, the fact that i had about 60 more int than that map level was supposed to be, and couldnt one shot something obv means oob needs something

I’d love to see your stats.
I just don’t see how your auto attacks are doing more damage than OOB unless you’re int is real low or you’re using a sword.

my int is not low for the map i was on, it was actually too high for the map

I understand that, but I’d still like to see your stats. just your mag atk and your physical atk.

ill give those 2 u later, im on my alt atm

Your Int relative to the map level means nothing.
Last I checked you just said you were reaching 100 int and you’re over level 104.

My Sadhu is lvl 98, with 201 Int, in Galeed Plateau which is a level 103 map.
Your 60 Int difference over a map doesn’t really mean squat. Your int investment is low there’s nothing else to say.

Im aware you didn’t come into Sadhu with a large amount of game experience so you made mistakes and have misgivings about where your damage is coming from.

Lets look at some other auto attackers.

Wiz 3. Wizard 3’s Quick cast provides a 50% boost to magical damage including their AA’s. Meaning Wizards AA scaling becomes
150% under quick cast, in comparison to our 150% + 70.
For this reason Sadhu has a small damage advantage (+70) over Wizards C3’s. However Wizard C3 can also benefit from Blessing and Sacrament.
In exchange Sadhu can enhance their auto attack 100% .

General Melee works at
a 1:1 ratio where they can also Crit for 150% of their base damage + crit attack.

Sadhu is always operating at 150 +70%.
Thing however is that Sadhu wears Maces (lowest Magical attack) or Rods (higher). Rods are basically equivalent to Swords of the same item level.
Which means Sadhu’s want to wear Rods when they can unless they find maces with certain bonuses, like Valia.

Sadhu is in a decent AA place in that it basically has 100% crits in comparison to a (1h) Sword Wielder of the same level, and can enhance this further via attributes.

At level 104 you should have had 170 Int not including bonus stats or equipment. Except you’re far below that and as such are seeing that OoB is not scaling well for you.

We can continue to beat a dead horse but the reality that you have told us already shows that your Int is particularly low so you’re not going to get as much out of OoB as you could.

At 104 with 103 stat points in Int (no bonus stat points) and an Alter Rod you would have had 407 magical attack + 70 base =477 without attributes.


int relative to map does mean stuff.
ok, equip the starter mace, with 7 strength i wont do much damage to eemies, with 3424 strenthi will do a ot of damage. tenet garden ppl have 30 int. when i was there i had 30 int, and i 1 shotted evrything with effigy. now i have 101 int, and i dont one shot them with oob.

Ok then.
If my math or something else is wrong can someone correct me?
Don’t know why but the auto attack being stronger than oob is affecting me xD.

So i took all my gear off
Phys atk is 143-143 at 8 str
Magi atk is 370-370 at 235 int.
If I minus ALL 235 int it minuses 235 mag atk yes?
New Mag atk is 135
Using 150% + 70 it’s OOB dmg is 272 or 90.8 x 3
Ignoring all defense, still stronger than physical yes?

doesn’t effigy have a base damage, so base + mag atk?

You’re confused.
There isn’t a ratio of Int:Map level.
The reality is you have very low Int for your level.
Effigy is a skill that has notable base damage at that level range. OoB does not. OoB makes up for its lower base damage by being an AA meaning you can use it without cooldown or preparation unlike Effigy which is limited to Hexings 9s CD,Hexing possibly being resisted and its own mana cost.
However given you’re a Bokor you can simultaneously hit Effigy while AA’ing with OoB at the same time which increase the damage you’re putting out.

The base damage of Effigy means that even with low investment there is significant damage coming out with no stats being allocated.
OoB doesn’t work on base damage but instead scaling near entirely off your Magical power which means at the end of the day either you have enough Magical power or you don’t, you can’t rely on base damage.
There is the distinction, and it shouldn’t take you this long to understand that. OoB replaces your Auto attack. It is not a skill replacement. It means that players who invest in Int have an AA that scales off int instead of physical power.
You maintain low int so you get lower benefit from the skill.

Effigy works as Magic attack + Base for the first two hits and then its the same but modified by a multiplier for the third hit.
Hexings attribute gives up to 30% on all effigy hits. So it’ll be Magic + base damage - mDef x 1.3 on the first two hits and two additive modifiers on the third.

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yeah effigy has base dmg

the reality isthat i have very high int for that map level and cant 1 shot mobs there. and you also have a “cd” and preparation for oob too. you have to use safety zone or fade or u get interrupted. its too much for a skill that has that little dps.

yeah i get the spell. I just wanted to point out the damage was from the base damage of the spell and not the 30 int which would have only added 30.

Also I’d still love to see you’re stats.

I use OoB fairly frequently without Fade or SZ, given that I can kill some enemies before they reach my body.

Desert chups for instance of the same level range. 3 shot. I can AA 3 times before they reach me without a problem. 105 Saugas? 7 AA’s and I can do that before it reaches my body as well. If I’m going for ultimate enemies or Glyph rings which are 8/9 AA’s, then Yes SZ/Fade.
Alternatively if its a grounded enemy (as was used for saugas) I can cast heal fields and they’re taking that damage simultaneously while I AA and they still die before they reach my body.
as a Bokor 1, you can replicate this by casting Hexing while youre in OoB and the damage of Effigy + your AA’s often means they wont even reach your body despite your lower Int.

Your Int was straight low. You want to talk relative to level. At Tenet Garden you’ve done Crystal Mines, for 3 skill points and get the 1 skill point from bother miners and West Sailui forest for 5. You have 34 base skill points, 39 into Int at Rank 2 gives you 56 Int as a cleric. Swordsman also aren’t one-shotting with AA’s at level 35 in Tenet Garden outside of a Crit with Concentrate + Gung ho, and I can test that myself with my Barbarian.
Now you’re not rank 2, you’re a rank 4 Sadhu, who was operating with around 60 Int before talking about level 68 enemies taking double digit AA’s to kill, because you had the Int of a person less then half your level.
You had 101 Int at level 104+ while I had 201 before I was level 100. You have a low int investment and aren’t going to get dividends off it since Int requires significant investment to get significant differences in damage.
There’s no moving around that. Complaining that you weren’t one shotting with AA’s when generally speaking no class was with their AA’s unless they had a damage boost from type advantage (such as Archers double damage against flying enemies). QS’s will be under Running shot, Sacrament and blessing and still not kill enemies in one auto attack and you’re expecting Sadhu to as an attack/support paradigm with inherit healing and defensive utility it’s ridiculous.

Your expectations of the damage you should deal with Auto attacks are completely off. Math has been provided for you every step of the way, comparisons between the damage of other classes auto attacking and despite it all you disregard it to continue on your tirade.
Get More Int
My Sorcerer has invested in