Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

That’s the thing I am asking, you’re right. If I took Krivis 2 and only one circle of Sadhu, my range with OoB will be small, I know, so I just want to know if it’s enough, 'cause in my eyes the only benefit of going Sadhu 2 would be for Possession. Possession is a great skill and all, but I think Zaibas lvl 10 is more attractive, along with Divine Stigma. The range of OoB is great and all, but is it really necessary to be at lvl 10 to be useful?

Why not both?

cleric 2 / krivis 2 / sadhu 2 / plague doctor

I am actually testing a build really similar to this one, only difference being that I am going for Cleric 2 > Bokor 2 > Sadhu 2 > PD ou Cleric 2 > Bokor 2 > Sadhu > Druid 2.

Only thing in my mind is that if I go with PD, I’ll only have 5 debuffs for Incineration (Cure, DZ, Hexing, Effigy and Confusion), and I don’t know if it hits harder than Carnivory 10. Druid 2 also has ST for that invulnerability.

But who knows, I might end up goig Sadhu 2 just because I really wanna play as a Sadhu. Seems like such a fun class to play around with.

If you can justify it honestly, there’s nothing wrong with going C1 Sadhu. In that, you’d have to realize: Your OOB will be shorter range, but not necessarily bad. It’s still an Int-scaling auto-attack that has its own attribute magnification.

With Krivis C2 you also get access to Divine Stigma & Zaibas-Splash which will make your casting power quite strong. I’m fairly certain you can use Stigma while in OoB, but I haven’t seen if that interaction stayed.

Honestly it’s why I kinda love and hate Sadhu- The interactions it has is fun, but you’d expect a little more oomf to the class itself as it doesn’t play too nicely with others. I actually hope they revamp Vashita & Transmit Prana soon enough as well to be more…useful in terms of what other cleric classes can do.

The range on oob at 5 points is honestly fine. But Sadhu c2 is significantly stronger than Krivis c2. Possession procs 20 hits with higher base damage and also cc. And druid c1 is significantly stronger than anything sadhu or Krivis have to offer.

By going kriv 2 > sadhu 2, the thing you’re giving up is druid, which will lose you a significant amount of DPS.

Edit: and I know sadhu c2 > Krivis c2 because I was strongly considering it. But Krivis c2 doesn’t even start to match possession until you get carnivory +divine stigma. And even then possession is still definitely better. And that’s not even taking into account any OoB hits.

The buff won’t apply to your OoB damage unless you cast it before casting OoB. OoB snapshots your stats when you cast the spell. The only exception to this rule was the Hidden Damage from spell tiles.

@chillcross @asphidel Thanks guys, you really helped me

Finally through my laziness, I drive myself to get Sadhu.

Immediately I believe I feel what people mean by the Out of Body placement glitch. I’m not entirely sure how to get rid of it aside from re-casting Out of Body. It is semi annoying to deal with, but I have faith that the bug will probably fade out. Not particularly worrying about OoB’s damage since I don’t even have attributes, and it does feel a little clunkersome to control the spirit and could benefit from some QoL changes.

On the upside…you can emote while in OoB. And considering some of the Premium Emoticons, this is gonna be a thing for me…

PS: I also wonder why IMC got rid of the lightning link. It looks…odd having a blue spirit and a white chain like that.


Because it destroyed people’s frame rates. If you put two sadhu links on the same screen… it was tragic. I think I have some old video of it, actually. I’ll upload it and drop it here for posterity’s sake.

OOB is NOT for high DPS, period.
You can’t have all your skills deal 8905890547907 dmg.
OOB was nearly game breaking, they even deactivated it in PvP before they finally nerfed it. Stop crying now.

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It still has a impact on performance. 60FPS -> 45FPS
IMC only goes lazy ways of optimizing it seems

I suggest you don’t try to argue with him. For him it seems OOB must be high DPS…else he won’t stop complaining … I tried to argue with him bout that… He’ll Tell you that you have no idea Cause u never played a real DPS class and then he’ll say that he thinks that you don’t even play a sadhu

For all who might have think Bokor 2 might be a good solution to get rid of the annoyingly easy-to-cancel’ness of possession, zombtrain and OoB for at least 15 seconds (Mackangdal), it doesn’t work.

Even if the description says you wont feel any pain until the end, you will still get staggered unlike Pain Barrier (irony -.-"). I’m not sure if the skill works as it should work. I expected a cleric version of surespell/pain barrier, not just something that delays dmg, being totally useless if you’re trapped in attacks for 15 seconds (on lvl5), unable to rescue yourself in a safety zone to nullify the dmg.

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Ahh, makes sense. I just wish it wasn’t so gaudy but it’s something one can get used to.

Yesss. I didn’t bother to check this, but I’m glad someone told me.

if it was meant to not have high dps then why was it added in the game? if other skills can b used to outdamage it then y is it even in game? oob was op, which is y it was deactivated, not bcuz its not supposed to b used. imc wouldnt let oob be the main sadhu skill, the most unique skill in the game and make it to where you are not supposed to use it at all.

bokor 2 is strength, that was reallly cruel for imc to do that though.making bokor a int class but make 1 of its skills strength


Seriously, the only reason you do no dmg is that you have really low int. STOP COMPLANING FFS. You either reroll or deal with low int until you are lvl 300ish, maybe even 400ish. If you have str, you screwed your toon. Stat reset potion are not supposed to be buyable. It was in the early access most expensive package and should not be buyable soon.

I wonder why peoploe still bother answering this guy. He is just sad because he have distributed his stats poorly.


Changing the topic. I’ve upload the battle against Battle Demon Zaura with my Sadhu.

I hope that you enjoy it ^^

i now have 101 int, i went to tenet garden and dont 1 shot the flower things. at tenet garden i would have about 50 int ( i have an alt there). so obviously there is a problem