Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

im talking about dps. idk what ur talking about.
with sadhu i have to use safety zone, but safety zone isnt a dmg skill
with ele they can use quick cast, but quick cast is not a dmg skill, and they dont need to use it anyway. plus, nobody cares about the other skills, they are fine where they r. also, sorcerer has no damage abiltiies, they r forced to use skills from other classes, so ur point is???

With effigy you can use OoB at the same time, for more total damage. Clearly Effigy is useless, as you must use a skill from another class to get the best damage.

All I’ve been talking about DPS, but I dont think you actually know what that is.
Sorcerer does have damage spells, 3 direct damage spells, as well as a mount skill to use devil skills directly.

You’re legitimately ignorant and unfortunately slow.

DPS is Damage per second. It is a measure of the average damage you deal over a time frame. Just like Speed is measure of the distance you travel over a time frame.
If you are doing OOB’s Auto attackfor 600 total damage every second, while Hitting Effigy for 400 total damage on the 1st second, 400 damage on the second, and 900 damage on the third second we can average that out to say on 3 seconds your dps is 1166 because its the total damage you dealt over a designated time period averaged out.

If you just count OOB then it was only 600, (1800 damage over 3 seconds is 600 damage per second) but if you’re not maximizing your damage potential by using multiple skills, for no other reason then “I shouldn’t have to” you’re a scrub and shouldn’t be talking about dps.

Prior ranks can and often do contribute to total DPS which is the point of many wizards taking Quick Cast to boost the Dps of their skills in later ranks.
You complain about having to use other skills, but everyone is using skills from previous ranks.

OOB is largely not a concern because its a 1 skill investment to maximize damage which as an INT build would be significantly worse. Without OOB auto attacking with a Rod or mace goes off your physical damage which isn’t a boon for Int builds. OOB gives INT builds an actual auto attack and at 1 skill point it’s a very forgiving option while all the while still giving a defense reduction to enemies which bursts the dps of your physical party members. This makes Sadhu beneficial because now you’re not looking just at your individual dps contribution, but your DPS contribution to a team.


wow, mature much. i didnt even read your whole entire “argument” bcuz i already know who is right. we r talking about oob’s dps, not oob+other skill’s dps. so pls, you keep talkign about oob+other skills, when we r suppsoed to be talking about oob alone. im finished, i want to level my alt now, so i wont read any of ur other “arguments”

So be it, you haven’t shown yourself to be able of comprehending words well to begin with.


Tyler, if you don’t like Sadhu and you just want to disagree with everyone, go play another class. It would be nice if this thread could focus on answering productive/interesting questions, like whether or not Kabbalist is worth considering, or how many hits Possession does (which still hasn’t been answered and I would like to know). More than half of the posts for the last couple of days have been you complaining about OoB being too hard to deal damage with, and other people arguing with you. It’s not a productive use of anyone’s time.


This is the sadhu thread, its the appropriate location for his gripes.

@tyler.j.moor @Delcas @asphidel

That aside i would recommend that you all avoid bickering with each other, even if you disagree. I doubt you want a large thread like this containing lots of information closed.

yeah sure ok. but

  1. i didnt start the argument, th guy wt=ith the minion profile pic did and everyone joined in
  2. i cant play another class, i ahev all my gifts on my sadhu and this is my main
  3. i never said i dont like sadhu
    4.i answer questions, i already answered your question about kabbalist, stop being blind and look at it
  4. look at thebloodyagust below

I’ve never actually counted, which is interesting for a few reasons, but after a brief search through videos it looks like it’s right at 20 hits total. Hits every .5 seconds for a full 10 seconds. I watched several videos but this is the one with the best/clearest view of the skill.

It was fine to bring up the complaint. 100% okay. But the fact that he keeps harping on it, when pretty much everyone is telling him to use more skills, that he has the wrong stat build, etc, and his response is ‘no you’re wrong, I shouldn’t have to use everything available to me to do good dps’ has gotten me to the point where I’m kind of fed up with it.

@tyler.j.moor If you want to talk about how you can’t switch your gifts, go make a thread in General Discussion. And I actually didn’t ask the question about the Kabbalist, it was just an example.

@MixMix Thank you for that. There’s definitely a significant difference in the DPS of ticking every 1 sec versus .5 sec, and it has a significant bearing on Sadhu C2 vs any other class you could grab at r5 (it goes from being about equivalent to grabbing Kriv c2 (dues to Divine Stigma’s scaling) to being significantly better)

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there are already threads in general discussion about that, i woud just b flagged and hated on. and b4 the nerf we didnt have to use more skills, that means that we shouldnt have to now. and i shouldnt have to use everything avaliable to get good dps if i have to, then whats the point of oob? i try t use oob and effigy but when i do, effigy kills the monster b4 oob even gets to damage it. thats takes away the whole purpose of oob actually.

It’s a little late but, it depends on what you want to accomplish.

Cleric 2 if you want to be friendlier to parties. Divine Might really turns up the heat for everyone, C2 classes get great benefit from it since maxed skills dip slightly into C3 territory. Fade is also a popular choice for de-aggro situations, and C2 gives access to a longer Safety Zone.

Some even choose to go C3, though I find personally if you’re going to go that route it is a little overkill and leveling will be harsh. Not particularly bad though: More Divine Might, more Heal Squares, and Guardian Saint ain’t bad though it will still knock you out of OOB I believe.

Krivis 2 if you want to make it known you are more of a DPS. You can still heal and support others but you’re clearly more offensive. Higher points in Zaibas and Zalcai means bosses will not like you decreasing their crit resistance. Aukuras is a poor man’s taunt and accuracy reduction, but it does okay work for what it is. And Daino is appreciated by any group with an overabundance of buffs.

I agree on this.
Sadhu is a little bugged right now which makes it annoying to play.

/20 chars

Tyler is absolutely right with his complaints. Anyone disagreeing with him never played any other class and thinks just because OOB damage is better than cleric it’s actually ok for a rank 4 class. It’s not.

If OOB damage was doing 1 damage per hit would you also say it’s fine because you can use it while other skills are on cooldown? What an absolutely ridiculous argument! If you car’s wheels are broken do you also say it’s fine because you got a functioning motor? You are comparing apples with oranges!

As Sadhu to even be able to use OOB you need to set up safety zone, cast the skill, that’s all time that is lost. And for what? To do pitiful damage that is comparable to most classes autoattack. It’s actually even worse because of the slow attack speed / long attack animation that makes it difficult to hit moving enemies.

Compare Sadhu to a priest/chaplain. Chaplain does absolutely ridiculous autoattack damage while also being the best support class in the game.
A priest/chaplain will have:

  • Better heals (mass heal)
  • Better buffs (Sacrament, Blessing, Asperg, Stone skin)
  • Better damage (Cafrisun set, aspergilium, There’s a reason why every bot is priest)
  • Better Support (Revive, ressurect)
    than Sadhu, and they can still cast Zaibas on top of it all, if they go krivis 1. They dont need to wait 40 seconds for safety zone to attack either.

Why would anyone ever want to play together with a Sadhu in a group when a priest/chaplain does everything a Sadhu can do so much better? Face it: Right now Sadhu is absolutely useless and does not synergize with any other cleric class. Denying this and ignoring the problems of the class won’t help you, especially when you get to endgame. You might convince yourself that everything is ok and fine, but other players won’t see it that way.

If you think Sadhu is ok then it is only because your reference frame sucks and you haven’t played other classes properly.

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ITT: People ignoring that possession is a super nuke that has essentially a 10 seconds cooldown when used properly with utility abilities; which are plentiful in a dungeon scenario.

Ignoring that OOB is a unique ranged element in the game, which will have different uses than regular attack skills in dungeon and non dungeon scenarios, and that it also deals AOE.

Ignoring the fact that if you already have a Priest/Chaplain in party that comparing chaplain to Sadhu is pointless.

I’m impressed by the things you ignore.

Fix ABE so it doesn’t desync my client and make transitions between states a little snappier. See where the class stands then.


Chaplain is also an auto attacker, except Sadhu’s damage output isn’t solely dependent on AA’s with Possession and ABE (hence why I say these are areas to consider).
Sacrament and blessing are flat buffs which eventually expire in their relative strength.

Given My two Sorcerers (ktos and Itos). C3 Hunter (ktos and ICBT2), Psychokino (c3 deleted Ktos, because it was Horrible pre-buffs). Cataphract and Wugushi I’ve seen a fair bit of C4 and partied with a bunch more including two suspect classes in Hunter and Psychokino.

OOB’s not the problem.
If you haven’t reached the 170+ game check it. ABE isn’t good. OOB is alright. Possessions target limit is pretty much Pre-buff Psychic Pressure (which was buffed for a reason because Psychokino C2/C3 was absolute ass).

By Rank 4 you can have C3 Cleric or C2 Priest/Cleric your ability to heal is dependent on if you wanted to main healing before hand since Sadhu is not a healing class or a primary buffer. Sadhu works on CC and debuffs (hence 30% defense reduction, Confusion, Stat reduction, Knockdown from ABE and Possessions Bind).

I could’ve sworn I mentioned it before. At the 170+ game. Vidhiti is weak and is frankly weak from the start because its stat reduction isn’t significant outside of traited OOB. It’s a fairly subpar skill working on the premise of confusion while being less wieldy then Scouts Flu shot. Transmit Prana isn’t heavily valued and the skills don’t ramp up to the point of justifying C3, nor is there a C3 specific attribute to incentivize it.
This is all independent of OoB’s damage which is fine.
For instance at rank 6 you can still 2/3 shot some enemies with a Wizards level 5 energy bolt unenhanced, with its 7s cooldown. This will be 2/3 shots of OoB (2 with Arde/Venom). Tougher enemies won’t go down easily and this is where ABE, and Possession get called into action (as far as solo play goes) and ABE falls short. Once enemies have 18/20k+ health, OoB still does decent enough damage just correlating from my sorcerer. You’ll have 800+ magical power and likely an Arde/Venom as well if you can nab one. In a party this can be used to kill things like black coliflowers which take a significant time/skill contribution (relative to majority of other mobs) from any class, except say an archer who has a 2x damage boost on them with a 2h bow.

Let’s be real. ABE doesn’t deal competitive damage, but that’s also why the buff it got yesterday in Ktos (who knows when/if we will get it) was justified.

In a party you dont have to cast Safety Zone as other members (or a peltasta) can also grab aggro, while you sit in the Backline because OoB allows you to position yourself in the back and attack the front.

X is you, Y is your teammates and Z is the mobs.
Oob allows you to attack up to the Z position before they can reach your physical body and they have to get through your actual frontline to do so unless they themselves are ranged.
For many bosses this allows you to attack out of range of the bosses main attacks.
This is all very useful, and OoB carries its weight fairly well. ABE is short on damage, you can tell this immediately for everyone whose hit the hump (and theres a second one post 200). Vashiti is very suspect.
If you want to look at what Sadhu doesn’t offer or doesn’t offer “well enough”.
You’d want to look at Vashiti, ABE and Transmit Prana. ABE has gotten buffed in Ktos, so my the main concerns are Vashiti and Transmit Prana.


This is my only real gripe about the class. The previous damage made up for the fact that there was little to hold anyone’s interest. Possession is amazing, aside from a few hiccups on mobs interrupting it in the beginning if you’re not careful. Vashiti and Prana are just so lack-luster; especially so considering Prana is C3. Now that the insane damage is gone everyone is taking a look at the rest of the skills to make up for that, and aside from Possession it’s just sort of… meh.

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ABE didnt even need a buff, it was good already. oob needs attack speed increase to get rid of tat delay

Thank you man, I appreciate the help. I’ll probably go Cleric 2 > Krivis 1 just because I prefer being more suppotive to my group, and it’s more appreciated by people in dungeons. Also, Fade + SZ + 10 Heal Tiles helps imensely. Just a quick question, if I were to pick just one rank of Sadhu, is it good enough to justify as a filler rank?

I’m assuming that you’re considering Krivis C2 vs Sadhu. I haven’t done the math, but basically it depends on how many hits of OoB you can land over time. I think Krivis c2 ends up giving you more damage late game (partially) because of divine stigma + high multi hit skills late game. Not sure though.

As far as utility, Krivis c2 gets you either increased buff count or better crit for your team. Sadhu c1 has 30% physical damage reduction, aoe knockdown, confusion, and some extra mobility with pakriti.

So basically, sadhu will give you a little less damage and a little more utility than Krivis, but it’ll also be harder to play.