Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

The “timing” you are talking about is the safety zone cooldown :joy:
or the timing mob need to run and hit you…

Its true. The timing is simply the ability to use that moments on your adantage. Also use ABE and then go with OOB to lasthit mob while they stand up and gofor you.

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If I wanted to build around Sadhu, should I go
Cleric 2 > Krivis 1 > Sadhu 2 > Druid 2
Cleric 1 > Krivis 2 > Sadhu 2 > Druid 2?

Since it seems like Sadhu C2 is the way to go.

Edit: I am Cleric 2 > Bokor 2 right now, and I really wanna use Sadhu, but it seems Sadhu C1 jusn’t isn’t enough, so I might re roll

aa has no mana cost but is it good? priest is triple aa, but is it good?

Priest’s basic attack hits like a truck.

yeah and priests basic attack>oob

but do priests auto attack beat OoB + all the skills you can cast at the same time?

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no, but we’re talking about oob dmg. not oob utility. everyone always resorts to oobs utility, when oobs utility isnt what we r talking about, oobs dmg is what we r talking about

You’ve framing it as though OoB is the ONLY thing your character is doing. It isn’t, thats a lie.
OoB is a thing you do while you play the character you already have, whatever damage it may or may not have is additive to the damage you already deal.

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you can do that, but thats not what ur forced to do. its just a thing added with it. b4 the nerf nobody was using other skills while using oob. so y is it that now ur supposed to be using other skills? but like i said, we r talking about oob dps, and only oob dps. not its utility

OOB’s DPS can’t be held in a vaccuum because you can do other skills while under its state. If you could not I would agree with you.
However what’s important is how much damage a character puts out.
While doing OOB you can also be hitting a boss with Cure and Heal for instance, or Cure and Zaibas, etc.
This means in the time frame they’re taking multiple sources of damage from you which add up to your dps contribution.

If OOB was the only skill usable then OOB’s dps would be fine to isolate, but it fairly often is not unless you’re a C3 Cleric fighting a flying enemy. In addition on some bosses OOB allows you to attack from a safe zone outside of the bosses AoE range. This means higher uptime on some enemies which maintains dps where other characters damage may drop while they’re guarding or evading.

DPS isn’t really measured as how much does 1 skill do.

It’s about averaging out the overall damage you deal over the span of an encounter, since OOB can be used simultaneously with other skills as far as DPS goes you consider it and other skills.
Just like my Sorcerer’s dps isn’t just the Summon, its the summon + my pyro Dots, + Bats+ my AA’s ( all of which ends up as a high dps character if everything stays in pyro dots).

Sadhu could certainly use some QoL as some things feel rough like the post-cast delay of OOB, Vidhitti isn’t very appealing and C3 could use some more oomph.


Ok, changing the subject a little, why nobody is planning to play with kabbalist on rank7? Druid is actualy great, but i think kabbalist can be really good too, with Revenged Sevenfold in oob state (0 defense), and petrification + Merkabah…

you can do all this with other skills too,
example. bokor effigy
i can use effigy while in safety zone outside of aoe range, with sadhu, im forced to though. i can be hitting a boss with cure and zaibas but be casting effigy too. but effigy doesnt need a buff.
and i know somebody is gonna bring in the “no sp” thing. same goes with priest, take out effigy and put in priest auto attack.

the revened sevenhold thing u said is smart, but overall, plague doctor as a wholeis just better than kabbalist, if it doesnt get nerfed to the ground. (like sadhu Q_Q )

You do more with OOB than just spamming the AAs, the skill is not a universal OP skill, you have to work with explosion and safety zone and other cleric skills.

And btw here is a good example:
Stabbing - Good for Bosses, and that’s it.
If you use stabbing against a single target monster and it just walks one step to the site, you wasted sp and get 20sec cooldown.
Do you see Hoplites cry over stabbing? No. Because it is what it is, a boss
killer skill.

There is a reason why they nerfed OOB, it was just too good.
The damage is totally fine. Don’t forget your character is more than just a single class (Sadhu).
Bokor, Druid and Cleric C2 are all perfect combinations with Sadhu.

I love my Sadhu, I feel like they are well balanced right now. They are just underrated because of the OOB nerf, like Barbarian is underrated cause of the evasion change in late game.

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Thats right and you can be hitting a boss with Cure, Zaibas and OOB.
Thats how DPS works.
Its not about any single skill.
Its about everything you can put out within a timeframe.

Do I think OOB is strong by itself? Eh not really.
150% + 70 isn’t a lot. Its an energy bolt hitting as hard as a wizards level 1 skill but a tad faster and with no CD. Not terrible but its certainly not bursty and has the trouble of Sadhu’s “cant be hit” mechanic.

Still not that bad of a deal.

c thats oobs problem. to get oob’s full dps potential i HAVE to use other abilities at the same time. with effigy i can outdamage oob w/o using other skills. so to get oob’s full damage, i have to use other skills from a whole nother class. i shouldnt have to. oob needs a buff, sure its utility is fine, but utility wont help u too much against a boss.

With effigy you can use OoB at the same time, for more total damage. Clearly Effigy is useless without OoB, as you must use a skill from another class to get the best damage.

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To maximize Sorcerer’s damage potential you use abilities from other classes.
You’re making a weak argument. To maximize Ele 3, you’re using skills from Wizard 3 (quick cast).

ABE, Vidhiti, Transmit Prana, Possession? Im more concerned about these then an auto attack.
If a Sadhu wants they can go with level 1 OOB and nearly max everything else. Their damage output doesn’t change.

Kabbalist doesn’t scale very well with Int is the main issue. It has two magic attacks, one which scales about as well as Zaibas, the other which primarily scales with damage taken. You could do it, but compared to the DPS of Druid C2 or utility of Plague Doc, it’s kind of mediocre, and doesn’t have great synergy. It’d be more worth thinking about if/when Plague doc gets nerfed or we see what second circle Kabbalist looks like.